132 research outputs found

    Teachers predicting self-regulation skills of children:The relationships among teacher beliefs, teaching intentions and preschoolers’ self-regulation skills

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    We designed this study to find out if teachers' beliefs and intentions would have an impact on children's self-regulation skills and to see if teachers would estimate self-regulation skills of children properly. There were 43 teachers and 190 preschool children as participants. We asked teachers to report their beliefs about teaching and we also observed their teaching intentions during classroom activities. For measuring self-regulation skills of children, we created story stems which were presented to participant children individually and scored with a four-point coding system. We presented the same stories for teachers. Findings showed that there was a positive correlation between the reports of children and teachers on two dimensions: waiting for own turn and having control on negative behaviour. Teacher beliefs and self-regulation skills of children were also found to be significantly correlated with each other

    Preparation of diethyl malonate adducts from chalcone analogs containing a thienyl ring

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    Nine chalcone-diethyl malonate derivatives (4a-i) were prepared by the reaction of chalcone derivatives (3a-i) with diethyl malonate in the presence of a catalytic amount of KOt-Bu in CH2CI2 in good to excellent yields. The products were characterized by FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR and elemental analyses. KEY WORDS: Michael addition, Chalcone, KOt-Bu, Diethyl malonate  Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2010, 24(1), 85-91. 

    İşsizlik ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinde Asimetri

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    Most of the empirical papers researching the validity of Okun’s law have been assumed a symmetric relationship between change of unemployment and real output growth. However, the effect of real output growth on unemployment may be different in growth cycles expansion and contraction periods. This assumption which assumes a asymmetry in Okun’s law has been verified in the recent studies. In the study, whether Okun’s relationship is symmetric or not has been investigated for Turkish economy in the period 1950-2007 using annual time series data. Co-integration analyses including TAR and M-TAR models have been used to test the asymmetric relationship. The findings of the study have shown that Okun’s law is valid in the long run and this relationship is asymmetric for the Turkish economy.Okun kanununun geçerliliğini araştıran ampirik çalışmaların çoğu işsizlikteki değişim ile reel çıktı büyümesi arasında simetrik bir ilişkinin olduğunu varsaymaktadır. Oysa reel çıktı büyümesinin işsizlik üzerindeki etkisi büyümenin daralma ve genişleme dönemlerinde farklı olabilir. Okun kanununda asimetriyi ifade eden bu önerme son dönem çalışmalarda doğrulanmaktadır. Çalışmada, Türkiye ekonomisi için Okun ilişkisinin simetrik olup olmadığı 1950-2007 dönemi yıllık zaman serisi verileri kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Asimetrik ilişkiyi test etmek amacıyla, TAR ve M-TAR modellerini içeren ko-entegresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, Türkiye ekonomisinde Okun kanunun uzun dönemde geçerli ve ilişkinin asimetrik olduğunu göstermiştir

    İşsizlik ve Ekonomik Büyüme İlişkisinde Asimetri

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    Most of the empirical papers researching the validity of Okun’s law have been assumed a symmetric relationship between change of unemployment and real output growth. However, the effect of real output growth on unemployment may be different in growth cycles expansion and contraction periods. This assumption which assumes a asymmetry in Okun’s law has been verified in the recent studies. In the study, whether Okun’s relationship is symmetric or not has been investigated for Turkish economy in the period 1950-2007 using annual time series data. Co-integration analyses including TAR and M-TAR models have been used to test the asymmetric relationship. The findings of the study have shown that Okun’s law is valid in the long run and this relationship is asymmetric for the Turkish economy.Okun kanununun geçerliliğini araştıran ampirik çalışmaların çoğu işsizlikteki değişim ile reel çıktı büyümesi arasında simetrik bir ilişkinin olduğunu varsaymaktadır. Oysa reel çıktı büyümesinin işsizlik üzerindeki etkisi büyümenin daralma ve genişleme dönemlerinde farklı olabilir. Okun kanununda asimetriyi ifade eden bu önerme son dönem çalışmalarda doğrulanmaktadır. Çalışmada, Türkiye ekonomisi için Okun ilişkisinin simetrik olup olmadığı 1950-2007 dönemi yıllık zaman serisi verileri kullanılarak araştırılmıştır. Asimetrik ilişkiyi test etmek amacıyla, TAR ve M-TAR modellerini içeren ko-entegresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, Türkiye ekonomisinde Okun kanunun uzun dönemde geçerli ve ilişkinin asimetrik olduğunu göstermiştir

    Mediator Roles of Perfectionism and Self-Critical Rumination in the Relationship Between Perceived Maternal Rejection and Orthorexia: A Model Testing in a Female Sample

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    Orthorexia nervosa (ON) refers to a pathological obsession with healthy eating characterized by a restrictive diet, ritualized eating patterns, and strict avoidance of foods believed to be unhealthy or unclean. On the other hand, healthy orthorexia (HO) is defined as an interest in healthy eating and a tendency to eat healthy foods. This study aimed to investigate the relationships between the ON, HO, maternal rejection, perfectionism, self-critical rumination, and body attitude in the women sample. 445 female students from diverse universities in Turkey was attended to our study. Participants completed questionnaires regarding ON and HO, body attitude, maternal rejection, perfectionism, and self-critical rumination. The results showed that negative body attitudes could not predict both HO (B=-.008, SE=.039, p=.791) and ON (B=.008, SE=.032, p=.835). However, perfectionism and self-critical rumination had mediator roles in the relationship between ON and HO with maternal rejection, despite this relationship was positive for ON (B = .014, Boot SE = .007, 95% Boot CI [.003, .029]), but negative for HO (B = -.023, Boot SE = .010, 95% Boot CI [-.042, -.008]). Not a negative body attitude, but maternal rejection, perfectionism, and self-critical rumination played roles in developing orthorexic tendencies

    Narsist Personal Effect on Machiavelistic Behavior: Kocaeli University of Private Security Student Case

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    Each individual's personality traits are different. Individual characters are made up of different factors. Some of these factors can cause personality disorders. The narcissist personality sees itself in the center of everything. Individuals with this personality structure are also predisposed to machiavelistic behavior in business life. The aim of study; the influence of the narcissistic person on the machiavelistic behavior is researched. Students studying in the Kocaeli University Private Security and Guard program constitute the research universe. Quantitative research method was used in the study. Face to face survey method was applied to 198 participants in the survey.. Scales were tested for validity and reliability. The reliability of the scales was found to be cronbach alpha fold 0.84. Relationships between variables were examined by performing correlation, regression, Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney U test. The admiration and competition dimensions of the narcissistic personality, the moral deprivation of machiavelistic behavior, the distrust of others, the desire for status and the desire for control were analyzed. There is a relationship between narcissistic personality and machiavelistic behavior. As a result of this relationship, narcissistic personality appears to influence machiavelistic behavior.Her insanın kişilik özellikleri farklıdır. Bireylerin karakterleri değişik faktörlere göre oluşmaktadır. Bu faktörlerden bazıları kişilik bozukluklarına neden olabilmektedir. Narsist kişilik her şeyin odağında kendisini görür. Bu kişilik yapısına sahip bireyler, iş yaşamında makyavelist davranışlara yatkınlık göstermektedirler. Bu çalışmanın amacı; narsist kişiliğin makyavelist davranışlara etkisini incelemektir. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Özel Güvenlik ve Koruma programında öğrenim gören öğrenciler araştırma evrenini oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada nicel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada 198 katılımcıya yüz yüze anket yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Ölçeklere geçerlilik ve güvenirlik testi yapılmıştır. Ölçeklerin güvenirlik cronbach alfa kat sayısı 0,84 olarak bulunmuştur. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler, kolerasyon, regresyon, Kruskal Wallis ve Mann Whitney U testi yapılarak incelenmiştir. Narsistik kişiliğin hayranlık ve rekabet boyutları, makyavelist davranışın ahlaki yoksunluk, diğerlerine güvensizlik, statü arzusu ve kontrol arzusu alt boyutları ile ilişkisi analiz edilmiştir. Narsistik kişilik ile makyavelist davranışlar arasında ilişki vardır. Bu ilişki sonucunda narsistik kişiliğin makyavelist davranışları etkilediği görülmektedir

    Vacutainer ve Enjektör ile Kan Alma Tekniğinin Hemoliz Oranına Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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    Objective: This study was conducted to determine hemolysis rates for venous blood samples drawn by injector and vacutainer holder and to assess the effect of the venipuncture technique on the process of hemolysis. Material and Method: This cross-sectional and analytical study was conducted with 128 patients who were admitted to the Cardiology and Angio clinics of a university hospital and met the inclusion criteria. One group of patients who were to have routine biochemical tests underwent venipuncture with an injector, and another group with a vacutainer. Results: The serum hemolysis level is not significantly different by gender. No significant correlation was found between blood serum hemolysis levels and age or Body Mass Index with blood drawn with an injector or with a vacutainer. While the serum hemolysis level was on average 0.11 g/dl in blood drawn with an injector, the level in blood drawn with a vacutainer was 0.06 g/dl; the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion: This study revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between hemolysis rates in blood drawn with an injector or with a vacutainer. However, the hemolysis rates in blood drawn with an injector were almost twice the rates noted in blood drawn with a vacutainer, and this difference may be clinically significant. Amaç: Bu araştırma enjektör ve vacutainer kullanılarak alınan venöz kanlarda hemoliz oranını belirlemek ve kan alma tekniğinin hemoliz gelişimi üzerindeki etkisini değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kesitsel ve analitik tipte olan bu araştırma, bir üniversite hastanesinin Kardiyoloji ve Anjiyo kliniklerine yatışı yapılan ve araştırmaya dahil edilme kriterlerine uyan 128 hasta ile yürütülmüştür. Rutin biyokimyasal tetkikleri istenilen bir grup hastadan enjektörle, diğer gruptaki hastalardan vacutainer ile kan alınmıştır. Bulgular: Serum hemoliz düzeyi cinsiyetler arasında anlamlı olarak farklı değildir. Enjektör ve vacutainer ile alınan kan örneklerindeki serum hemoliz düzeyleri ile yaş ve Beden Kütle İndeksi arasında anlamlı korelasyon saptanmamıştır. Serum hemoliz düzeyi enjektör ile alınan kanlarda ortalama 0.11 g/dl iken vacutainer ile alınan kanlarda ortalama 0.06 g/dl olup bu fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmamıştır. Sonuç: Bu araştırmada enjektör ve vacutainer ile alınan kan örneklerindeki hemoliz oranları istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık göstermemiştir. Ancak enjektörle alınan kanlarda ortalama hemoliz oranı vacutainer ile alınan kanlardan neredeyse iki kat fazladır, bu fark klinik açıdan anlamlı olabilmektedir

    Care Priorities and Critical Nursing Interventions in Patients with COVID-19: Four Different Case Reports

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    2019 koronavirüs hastalığı (COVID-19) yeni bir solunum yolu hastalığıdır ve salgın süreci dünyada yüz binlerce insanı etkilemiştir. Pandemik hale gelen bu süreçte tüm dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de hemşireler topluma nitelikli ve güvenli sağlık hizmeti sunmak için ön saflarda görev almaktadır. Bu olağanüstü koşullarda büyük çaba ile COVID-19 tanılı hastalara bakım veren hemşirelerin, hastayı bütüncül olarak değerlendirebilmeleri gerekmektedir. Ayrıca hemşirelik girişimlerini planlayabilmeleri için de etkili hemşirelik bakımına yönelik yol haritaları sunmanın önemli olduğu bir gerçektir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada COVID-19 tanısı almış dört ayrı olgu, her bir vakaya özgü hemşirelik tanıları doğrultusunda bakım öncelikleri ve kritik hemşirelik girişimleri ile sunulmuşturThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new respiratory disease, and as a pandemic has affected hundreds of thousands of people all around the world. In Turkey, as well as all over the world, nurses are on the front lines to provide qualified and safe healthcare services to the society. In these extraordinary conditions, nurses who care for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 should be able to evaluate the patient as a whole. It is also a fact that it is important to provide road maps for effective nursing care so that they can plan nursing interventions. In this context, four different cases diagnosed with COVID-19, their care priorities, and critical nursing interventions are presented in line with the nursing diagnoses specific to each case

    Market resilience in the times of crisis: The case of Darfur

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    This article focuses on market behavior during crises. It provides an analysis of market functioning in North Darfur, Sudan, over a decade when both natural and manmade disasters were experienced. Results obtained using two rigorous methodological approaches highlight how markets not only remained functional during crises, but even operated more efficiently after a shock than in normal conditions. While our analysis focuses on specific events, we argue that our findings have general validity and application

    A systemic approach to tackling ocean plastic debris

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    Growing evidence of the prevalence of plastics in the oceanic environment is causing increasing concern. In this study we consider the possible impact of major changes to the supply and consumption of plastics. While we recognize that tackling the problem of plastic debris in the ocean calls for integrated solutions, our analysis contributes to filling the gap in knowledge about the effectiveness of intervention strategies. Our results find that strategies addressing plastics demand have a greater impact than those focussing on plastics supply. However, only measures aimed at plastics supply are effective in the short run. These considerations can help to inspire the prioritization of intervention strategies and to contribute to the design of integrated interventions aimed at tackling the problem of marine plastic debris through a systemic approach