187 research outputs found

    The Lending Limits as a Tool to Curb the Credit Cycle: the Case of Vietnam

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    This article discusses the management of cycli- cal dynamics of the credit sphere. Considering the fact that conventional methods of monetary policy proved to be vulnerable to the process of accumula- tion and realization of risk in the credit sector, we aim to study heterodox methods of credit market regula- tion – administrative (direct) methods of control over fluctuations on the credit market. In particular, based on the analysis of credit limits used in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, we come to conclusion about comparative effectiveness of this method in curbing excessive amplitude of the credit cycle. However, the price of using this method may be connected with re- duction in the rate of economic growth and a shift in the accumulation of risk to other areas of the credit market

    Plasma assisted fabrication of zinc oxide based nanostructures

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    ZnO/Ag nanocomposite structures were prepared by using a discharge with an atmospheric-pressure mi-croplasma cathode and a solid metal anode immersed in an electrolyte solution and their properties were studied. The effect of Ag on the microstructure and optical properties of ZnO has been discussed

    Coherent lidars based on intracavity heterodyning of echo signals

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    The development and technical realization of the method of laser sounding of the atmosphere based on the effects of mixing of reference and external fields of scattering inside a laser cavity are presented. An approximate theory of the method was developed on the basis of the investigations using the model of a three-mirror laser. The nonlinear effect of a wideband laser on frequency-dependent external influences of the atmosphere was investigated. The field measurements of gaseous composition of the atmosphere were performed on the basis of a given method of coherent reception using a tunable CO2 laser

    Island model with genetic algorithm for solution of crystal structure from X-ray powder diffraction data

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of the study of polycrystalline substances: restoration of a substance atomic structure by full-profile analysis of powder diffraction data. This task is specific since it is not necessary to find very good solutions on average, but it is necessary to find the best one at least sometimes. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use an evolutionary algorithm based on the cooperative island model. The article describes the main stages and features of the algorithm and notes the qualitative advantages of this model in comparison with other methods (including evolutionary). The description of innovations proposed and the results of computational experiments are given. Conclusions from the experimental results are given, and further prospects for improving the efficiency of this method were noted


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    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy has been applied for a rapid determination of the main components in flooding cement. Spectra of the erosion plume formed under the action of dual laser pulses were recorded. We used the calibration-free approach based on the detailed diagnostic of the laser ablation plasma, without using standard samples of known composition. The accuracy of determining the basic elements for such an analytical approach was ~4 %.Лазерный атомно-эмиссионный спектральный анализ применен для экспрессного определения основных компонент заводненного цемента. Регистрировались спектры эрозионного факела, образованного под воздействием сдвоенных лазерных импульсов. В работе использовался безэталонный подход, основанный на детальной диагностике лазерной плазмы, исключающий калибровку по образцам с известным составом. Точность определения основных элементов для такого варианта анализа составила ~4 %


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    The features of plasma formation in double-pulse laser ablation in liquid have been studied to optimize the process of nanoparticles synthesis. On the basis of spectroscopic plasma diagnostics the spatial structure and the time range of laserinduced plasma emission have been revealed and the composition of its component has been determined. Исследуются особенности плазмообразования при двухимпульсной лазерной абляции в жидкости с целью оптимизации процесса синтеза наночастиц. На основе спектроскопической диагностики выяснена пространственная структура и временной диапазон излучения лазерно-индуцированной плазмы, создаваемой под действием сдвоенных лазерных импульсов в жидкости, и определен ее компонентный состав.

    Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy in Diffuse Thickened Esophageal Wall in an Adolescent

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    Achalasia is an extremely rare pathology in children. Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) is the gold standard for the surgical treatment of achalasia in adults, but only a limited number of cases of achalasia treatment using POEM in children have been published in the literature. Sometimes, high-resolution manometry signs of achalasia can mimic diffuse esophageal leiomyoma. This case report represents the first known successful performance of POEM on a 15-year-old female with diffuse thickening of the esophagus with signs and symptoms of achalasia and suspicion for Alport syndrome associated with diffuse esophageal leiomyoma

    Взаимосвязь цен на нефть и макроэкономических показателей в России

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    One of the most important external factors affecting the exchange rate of the US dollar to the Russian rouble has been the global oil price. Russia, whose economy is mainly associated with oil production, is one of the world’s largest oil suppliers. Therefore, the slightest fluctuations in oil prices can have a significant effect on its economy. The aim of the article is to study the relationship between macroeconomic parameters and oil prices. The objectives of the study are to identify factors having a long-term positive relationship with oil prices based on a mathematical approach, as well as to propose improvements for Russian macroeconomic indicators. The authors use modern mathematical methods of vector autoregression (VAR-model), the Granger method and the Dickey-Fuller test to study the long-term and shortterm relationships between the relevant time series for the period from 2014 to 2016. On this basis, it was calculated that a 1% increase in GDP leads to a strengthening of the national currency by 1.47%. This fact can be explained by the overall growth of the national economy. The Granger test results for the model show that global oil price (and Russian GDP) has the greatest impact on the exchange rate in the short term. The following actions are proposed for improving macroeconomic indicators: stabilisation of foreign economic policy; diversification of exports (although oil revenues can serve as a tool for improving the quality of Russian economic development and public life in general); development of the Russian ‘Urals’ benchmark and increasing its trading volumes on the world market; transition to rubles for settlements of Russian oil and gas; use of a ruble indicator (ruble barrel) of the ‘Urals’ oil price to support the development of Russia’s financial and economic policy.Одним из важнейших внешних факторов, влияющих на курс доллара к рублю, продолжает оставаться мировая цена на нефть. Россия — один из крупнейших в мире поставщиков «черного золота», ее экономика в основном связана с нефтедобычей. Поэтому малейшие колебания цен на нефть оказывают на нее сильнейшее влияние. Цель работы — изучение взаимосвязи между макроэкономическими параметрами и ценами на нефть. Задачи исследования: выявление факторов, имеющих долгосрочную положительную связь с ценами на нефть на основе математического подхода и подготовка предложений по улучшению макроэкомических индикаторов России. Авторы используют современные математические методы векторной авторегрессии (VAR-модель), метод Грэнджера, тест Дики-Фуллера для исследования долгосрочных и краткосрочных отношений между временными рядами за период c 2014 по 2016 г. Рассчитано, что рост ВВП на 1% приводит к укреплению национальной валюты на 1,47%. Этот факт можно объяснить ростом экономики страны в целом. Результаты теста Грейнджера для модели показывают, что цена на нефть (как и ВВП) оказывает наибольшее влияние на валютный курс в краткосрочной перспективе. Предложены следующие действия по улучшению макроэкономических показателей: стабилизация внешнеэкономической политики; диверсификация экспорта: нефтяные доходы могут превратиться в инструмент повышения качества развития российской экономики и жизни общества в целом; формирование российского бэнчмарка Urals и повышение объемов торгов по нему до мирового уровня; перевод расчетов за российскую нефть и газ в рубли; использование рублевого индикатора (рублевый баррель) цены на нефть марки Urals при формировании финансово-экономической политики России

    Direct Numerical Simulation Of Turbulent Multispecies Channel Flow With Wall Ablation

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    The design of solid rocket motors requires the prediction of changes induced by the ablation process occurring at the nozzle throat. The present study aims at understand-ing the effects of ablation on the turbulent boundary layer performing direct numerical simulations in a channel flow configuration. An ablation boundary condition for arbitrary chemical composition and pyrolysis scheme is developed and presented in this paper. Then, two DNS of a seven species reacting flow are performed: a) with inert walls; b) with ablated walls. Generated data are compared and analyzed looking at first order statistics. It is shown that the classical law of the wall for velocity and temperature are not appropriate to represent the numerical result. The chemical equilibrium assumption is shown to be valid in the inert case and a wall function consistent with this assumption is in fair agreement with the results. Nomenclature m ̇ wall mass flux, kg · m−2 · s−1 ṙc carbon surface recession rate, m/s ṡk surface production rate of k, kg · m−2 · s−