1,046 research outputs found

    The mixing regime of Lake Ammersee

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    Climate change affects the circulation of lakes and has already induced mixing regime shifts for 9 several sites. The pre-alpine Lake Ammersee, Germany, is usually dimictic, but exhibits rarely a 10 complete ice cover. Furthermore, it has potentially shown some monomictic years in the past. Based 11 on vertical profile data of water temperatures (WT) and dissolved oxygen (DO) the mixing behavior 12 of the lake is visualized and analyzed for the period of 1986 – 2014. The classification of mixing 13 depicts 22 dimictic years and eight monomictic years, which approves the assumption of of 14 occasional monomixis in the lake. No significance of a trend of shift in mixing pattern can be found. 15 By also deriving also the mixing depths from the vertical DO distribution, one year without complete 16 overturn (meromictic) is detected. The results show that no regime shift has set in for Lake 17 Ammersee until 2014. Considering the high percentage of monomictic years and the potential 18 occurrence of meromixis, it can be assumed that the lake’s mixing pattern will alter due to predicted 19 climate change in the future

    Collaboration et partenariat avec les parents: conception et dĂ©marche d’une institution en particulier : les moyens envisagĂ©s et utilisĂ©s par les professionnel.le.s pour construire un travail spĂ©cifique avec les familles d’enfants en situation de handicaps

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    Mon Travail de recherche traite de la collaboration et du partenariat initiĂ©s et dĂ©veloppĂ©s entre une institution et certains des professionnel∙le∙s qui y travaillent et des parents d’enfants en situation de handicap. L’intĂ©rĂȘt et les questionnements concernant ce sujet sont apparus lors de mes expĂ©riences pratiques dans des structures spĂ©cialisĂ©es. En effet, Ă  travers ce travail, je souhaitais comprendre comment les professionnel∙le∙s se reprĂ©sentent la relation de collaboration voire de partenariat avec les familles et ce qu’ils rĂ©alisent concrĂštement pour y parvenir

    How can the road construction domain contribute to the CE concept

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    Over the last century, our society has been set up on a linear economic system that, based on the concept «make, take and dispose», has promoted an unsustainable development and use of natural resources. In recent years, this has led to a change of paradigm by targeting a more circular approach to meet the increasing environmental requirements dictated by the net-zero emissions goal of 2050. Thus, under the pressing needs for a transition to a more sustainable socio-technical system, the circular economy (CE) concept has gained in popularity

    Adult Offender Recidivism Rates: How Effective is Pre-Release and Vocational Education Programing and What Demographic Factors Contribute to an Offenders Return to Prison

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    The primary purpose of this study was to determine if the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections’ 100 hour pre-release program and vocational education had a significant impact on offender recidivism. Additionally, a model of predicating offender recidivism using demographic data was another aspect of the study. Offenders in the study were 404 offenders who completed the pre-release program, 404 offenders who completed vocational education and 808 offenders who composed the control group. All offenders were released from prison in the year of 2010, and if they returned to prison between their release and December 31, 2013, they were considered to have been a recidivist for the purpose of the study. The effectiveness of the 100 hour pre-release and vocational education was conducted using SPSS with the chi-square test for program significance. Based on the test, neither program was found to have a significant impact on recidivism. However, when examining percentages of return to prison between the three groups, vocational education offenders performed the best and offenders who completed the 100 hour pre-release program had the highest percentage of offenders returning to prison. The ability to develop a predictive model for recidivism utilizing select demographic factors was attempted using SPSS with the Binary Logistical Regression analysis. The demographic factors used were age, sex, race, marital status and education. A predictive model was unable to be established with this population. However, when looking at the population, being a male or a young offender was found to be predictors that were significantly tied with offender recidivism as individual characteristics. Based on the body of research and the findings of the study, recommendations concerning the 100 hour pre-release program and vocational education suggest these programs need additional components of cognitive development training and community supports to show a greater impact on recidivism. Also, the creation of a reliable and valid risk model based on the total offender population is necessary. By implementing effective programs and having the correct offenders entering these programs, a reduction in recidivism may be more significant

    Performances des enrobés à module élevé comportant du recyclé

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    La prĂ©sente Ă©tude s'inscrit au coeur d'un large programme europĂ©en de recherche intitulĂ© "NR2C - New Road Construction Concept" qui a pour objectif de s'interroger quant aux innovations nĂ©cessaires afin de subvenir aux besoins du futur, le tout en consultant les professionnels de la route ainsi que les usagers. Le but de cette Ă©tude spĂ©cifique est le dĂ©veloppement de sous- couches Ă  hautes performances comprenant un fort taux de recyclage, ceci dans une optique de diminution des coĂ»ts de construction et de maintenance. Ainsi, suite Ă  une Ă©tude de formulation, diffĂ©rentes planches d'essai comprenant jusqu'Ă  40 % de matĂ©riaux recyclĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© construites au LAVOC. Sur ces planches, des essais en vraie grandeur sont ensuite menĂ©s Ă  l'aide d'un simulateur de trafic permettant de reproduire le passage d'un essieu de camion Ă  la charge souhaitĂ©e. Une premiĂšre phase d'essais de fatigue est actuellement entrain d'ĂȘtre menĂ©e, ceci avec pour objectif d'atteindre les premiers signes d'endommagement de la chaussĂ©e. A ces essais de fatigue va succĂ©der une seconde phase de sollicitation de la chaussĂ©e sous cycles sĂ©vĂšres Ă  basses tempĂ©ratures pouvant aller jusqu'Ă  -10°C. Le projet Ă©tant actuellement en cours, nous prĂ©sentons ici la dĂ©marche et le concept gĂ©nĂ©ral de la recherche, mais Ă©galement les premiers rĂ©sultats obtenus en laboratoire ainsi que ceux issus des essais en vraie grandeur sur une section Ă  fort taux de recyclage pour laquelle l'endommagement a Ă©tĂ© atteint lors des essais de fatigue
