16 research outputs found

    Neuroconductor: an R platform for medical imaging analysis

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    Neuroconductor (https://neuroconductor.org) is an open-source platform for rapid testing and dissemination of reproducible computational imaging software. The goals of the project are to: (i) provide a centralized repository of R software dedicated to image analysis, (ii) disseminate software updates quickly, (iii) train a large, diverse community of scientists using detailed tutorials and short courses, (iv) increase software quality via automatic and manual quality controls, and (v) promote reproducibility of image data analysis. Based on the programming language R (https://www.r-project.org/), Neuroconductor starts with 51 inter-operable packages that cover multiple areas of imaging including visualization, data processing and storage, and statistical inference. Neuroconductor accepts new R package submissions, which are subject to a formal review and continuous automated testing. We provide a description of the purpose of Neuroconductor and the user and developer experience

    Adaptive independent sticky MCMC algorithms

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    Monte Carlo methods have become essential tools to solve complex Bayesian inference problems in different fields, such as computational statistics, machine learning, and statistical signal processing. In this work, we introduce a novel class of adaptive Monte Carlo methods, called adaptive independent sticky Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, to sample efficiently from any bounded target probability density function (pdf). The new class of algorithms employs adaptive non-parametric proposal densities, which become closer and closer to the target as the number of iterations increases. The proposal pdf is built using interpolation procedures based on a set of support points which is constructed iteratively from previously drawn samples. The algorithm’s efficiency is ensured by a test that supervises the evolution of the set of support points. This extra stage controls the computational cost and the convergence of the proposal density to the target. Each part of the novel family of algorithms is discussed and several examples of specific methods are provided. Although the novel algorithms are presented for univariate target densities, we show how they can be easily extended to the multivariate context by embedding them within a Gibbs-type sampler or the hit and run algorithm. The ergodicity is ensured and discussed. An overview of the related works in the literature is also provided, emphasizing that several well-known existing methods (like the adaptive rejection Metropolis sampling (ARMS) scheme) are encompassed by the new class of algorithms proposed here. Eight numerical examples (including the inference of the hyper-parameters of Gaussian processes, widely used in machine learning for signal processing applications) illustrate the efficiency of sticky schemes, both as stand-alone methods to sample from complicated one-dimensional pdfs and within Gibbs samplers in order to draw from multi-dimensional target distributions

    Accelerated maximum likelihood parameter estimation for stochastic biochemical systems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A prerequisite for the mechanistic simulation of a biochemical system is detailed knowledge of its kinetic parameters. Despite recent experimental advances, the estimation of unknown parameter values from observed data is still a bottleneck for obtaining accurate simulation results. Many methods exist for parameter estimation in deterministic biochemical systems; methods for discrete stochastic systems are less well developed. Given the probabilistic nature of stochastic biochemical models, a natural approach is to choose parameter values that maximize the probability of the observed data with respect to the unknown parameters, a.k.a. the maximum likelihood parameter estimates (MLEs). MLE computation for all but the simplest models requires the simulation of many system trajectories that are consistent with experimental data. For models with unknown parameters, this presents a computational challenge, as the generation of consistent trajectories can be an extremely rare occurrence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed Monte Carlo Expectation-Maximization with Modified Cross-Entropy Method (MCEM<sup>2</sup>): an accelerated method for calculating MLEs that combines advances in rare event simulation with a computationally efficient version of the Monte Carlo expectation-maximization (MCEM) algorithm. Our method requires no prior knowledge regarding parameter values, and it automatically provides a multivariate parameter uncertainty estimate. We applied the method to five stochastic systems of increasing complexity, progressing from an analytically tractable pure-birth model to a computationally demanding model of yeast-polarization. Our results demonstrate that MCEM<sup>2</sup> substantially accelerates MLE computation on all tested models when compared to a stand-alone version of MCEM. Additionally, we show how our method identifies parameter values for certain classes of models more accurately than two recently proposed computationally efficient methods.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work provides a novel, accelerated version of a likelihood-based parameter estimation method that can be readily applied to stochastic biochemical systems. In addition, our results suggest opportunities for added efficiency improvements that will further enhance our ability to mechanistically simulate biological processes.</p