490 research outputs found

    A Scattered Light Echo around SN 1993J in M81

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    A light echo around SN 1993J was observed 8.2 years after explosion by a HST WFPC2 observation, adding to the small family of supernovae with light echoes. The light echo was formed by supernova light scattered from a dust sheet, which lies 220 parsecs away from the supernova, 50 parsecs thick along the line of sight, as inferred from radius and width of the light echo. The dust inferred from the light echo surface brightness is 1000 times denser than the intercloud dust. The graphite to silicate fraction can not be determined by our BVI photometric measurements, however, a pure graphite model can be excluded based on comparison with the data. With future observations, it will be possible to measure the expansion rate of the light echo, from which an independent distance to M81 can be obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, in AASTeX format, submitted to ApJ Part

    Complex X-ray Absorption and the Fe Kalpha Profile in NGC 3516

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    We present data from simultaneous Chandra, XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516, taken during 2001 April and Nov. We have investigated the nature of the very flat observed X-ray spectrum. Chandra grating data show the presence of X-ray absorption lines, revealing two distinct components of the absorbing gas, one which is consistent with our previous model of the UV/X-ray absorber while the other, which is outflowing at a velocity of ~1100 km/s has a larger column density and is much more highly ionized. The broad-band spectral characteristics of the X-ray continuum observed with XMM during 2001 April, reveal the presence of a third layer of absorption consisting of a very large column (~2.5 x 10E23 cm^-2) of highly ionized gas with a covering fraction ~50%. This low covering fraction suggests that the absorber lies within a few lt-days of the X-ray source and/or is filamentary in structure. Interestingly, these absorbers are not in thermal equilibrium with one another. The two new components are too highly ionized to be radiatively accelerated, which we suggest is evidence for a hydromagnetic origin for the outflow. Applying our model to the Nov dataset, we can account for the spectral variability primarily by a drop in the ionization states of the absorbers, as expected by the change in the continuum flux. When this complex absorption is accounted for we find the underlying continuum to be typical of Seyfert 1 galaxies. The spectral curvature attributed to the high column absorber, in turn, reduces estimates of the flux and extent of any broad Fe emission line from the accretion disk.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Acceleration and Substructure Constraints in a Quasar Outflow

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    We present observations of probable line-of-sight acceleration of a broad absorption trough of C IV in the quasar SDSS J024221.87+004912.6. We also discuss how the velocity overlap of two other outflowing systems in the same object constrains the properties of the outflows. The Si IV doublet in each system has one unblended transition and one transition which overlaps with absorption from the other system. The residual flux in the overlapping trough is well fit by the product of the residual fluxes in the unblended troughs. For these optically thick systems to yield such a result, at least one of them must consist of individual subunits rather than being a single structure with velocity-dependent coverage of the source. If these subunits are identical, opaque, spherical clouds, we estimate the cloud radius to be r = 3.9 10^15 cm. If they are identical, opaque, linear filaments, we estimate their width to be w = 6.5 10^14 cm. These subunits are observed to cover the Mg II broad emission line region of the quasar, at which distance from the black hole the above filament width is equal to the predicted scale height of the outer atmosphere of a thin accretion disk. Insofar as that scale height is a natural size scale for structures originating in an accretion disk, these observations are evidence that the accretion disk can be a source of quasar absorption systems. Based on data from ESO program 075.B-0190(A).Comment: 14 emulateapj pages, 7 figures, ApJ in pres

    Remote ischaemic conditioning reduces infarct size in animal in vivo models of ischaemia-reperfusion injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    AIMS: The potential of remote ischaemic conditioning (RIC) to ameliorate myocardial ischaemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) remains controversial. We aimed to analyse the pre-clinical evidence base to ascertain the overall effect and variability of RIC in animal in vivo models of myocardial IRI. Furthermore, we aimed to investigate the impact of different study protocols on the protective utility of RIC in animal models and identify gaps in our understanding of this promising therapeutic strategy. METHODS AND RESULTS: Our primary outcome measure was the difference in mean infarct size between RIC and control groups in in vivo models of myocardial IRI. A systematic review returned 31 reports, from which we made 22 controlled comparisons of remote ischaemic preconditioning (RIPreC) and 21 of remote ischaemic perconditioning and postconditioning (RIPerC/RIPostC) in a pooled random-effects meta-analysis. In total, our analysis includes data from 280 control animals and 373 animals subject to RIC. Overall, RIPreC reduced infarct size as a percentage of area at risk by 22.8% (95% CI 18.8-26.9%), when compared with untreated controls (P < 0.001). Similarly, RIPerC/RIPostC reduced infarct size by 22.2% (95% CI 17.1-25.3%; P < 0.001). Interestingly, we observed significant heterogeneity in effect size (T2 = 92.9% and I2 = 99.4%; P < 0.001) that could not be explained by any of the experimental variables analysed by meta-regression. However, few reports have systematically characterized RIC protocols, and few of the included in vivo studies satisfactorily met study quality requirements, particularly with respect to blinding and randomization. CONCLUSIONS: RIC significantly reduces infarct size in in vivo models of myocardial IRI. Heterogeneity between studies could not be explained by the experimental variables tested, but studies are limited in number and lack consistency in quality and study design. There is therefore a clear need for more well-performed in vivo studies with particular emphasis on detailed characterization of RIC protocols and investigating the potential impact of gender. Finally, more studies investigating the potential benefit of RIC in larger species are required before translation to humans

    Comparative Fatty Acid Composition of Eggs from White Bass Fed Live Food or Commercial Feed

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    We evaluated the influence of two broodstock feeding practices on fatty acid composition and viability of eggs in white bass Morone chrysops. The two dietary groups tested were (1) white bass females fed a commercially formulated feed (crude protein, 45%; crude fat, 16%) and (2) white bass females maintained on live food (fathead minnow Pimephales promelas and golden shiners Notemigonus crysoleucas). Significant differences existed between the dietary treatments in egg fatty acid levels. Eggs of white bass fed live food contained more 11-octadecenoic acid (18:1[n-7]), α-linolenic acid (18:3[n-3]), arachidonic acid (20:4[n-6]), docosahexaenoic acid (22:6[n-3]), and total n-3 fatty acids than eggs of fish fed formulated feed. Conversely, eggs of fish fed the formulated feed contained more oleic acid (18:1[n-9]), linoleic acid (18:2[n-6]), and total monoeic acids. Female white bass fed live food produced significantly more viable eggs (68.0 ± 2.0%) at 48 ± 2 h posthatch than did females fed the commercial feed (57.0 ± 2.0% [mean ± SD]). We found that the egg fatty acids of white bass are significantly affected by the diet of the female and suggest that the fatty acid composition of eggs contribute to overall reproductive success and viability of progeny. More information on the nutrient requirements of piscivorous broodstock is needed to allow feeds to be formulated to enhance the viability of eggs and fry

    Variable UV Absorption in the Seyfert 1.5 Galaxy NGC 3516: The Case for Associated UV and X-ray Absorption

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    We present observations of the UV absorption lines in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3516, obtained at a resolution of λ\lambda/Δλ\Delta\lambda \approx 40,000 with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) on 2000 October 1. The UV continuum was \sim4 times lower than that observed during 1995 with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS), and the X-ray flux from a contemporaneous {\it Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO)} observation was a factor of \sim8 below that observed with {\it ASCA}. The STIS spectra show kinematic components of absorption in Lyα\alpha, C IV, and N V at radial velocities of -376, -183, and -36 km s1^{-1} (components 1, 2, and 3+4, respectively), which were detected in the earlier GHRS spectra; the last of these is a blend of two GHRS components that have increased greatly in column density. Four additional absorption components have appeared in the STIS spectra at radial velocities of -692, -837, -994, and -1372 km s1^{-1} (components 5 through 8); these may also have been present in earlier low-flux states observed by the {\it International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE)}. Based on photoionization models, we suggest that the components are arranged in increasing radial distance in the order, 3+4, 2, 1, followed by components 5 -- 8. We have achieved an acceptable fit to the X-ray data using the combined X-ray opacity of the UV components 1, 2 and 3+4. By increasing the UV and X-ray fluxes of these models to match the previous high states, we are able to match the GHRS C IV column densities, absence of detectable C IV absorption in components 5 through 8, and the 1994 {\it ASCA} spectrum. We conclude that variability of the UV and X-ray absorption in NGC 3516 is primarily due to changes in the ionizing flux.Comment: 7 figures (note that Fig6 is not referenced in the .Tex file and must be printed separately). There are 6 tables in the .tex file and an additional 8 tables included as separate .ps files. Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Quantum phase retrieval of a Rydberg wave packet using a half-cycle pulse

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    A terahertz half-cycle pulse was used to retrieve information stored as quantum phase in an NN-state Rydberg atom data register. The register was prepared as a wave packet with one state phase-reversed from the others (the "marked bit"). A half-cycle pulse then drove a significant portion of the electron probability into the flipped state via multimode interference.Comment: accepted by PR

    The Ionized Gas and Nuclear Environment in NGC 3783 V. Variability and Modeling of the Intrinsic Ultraviolet Absorption

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    We present results on the location, physical conditions, and geometry of the outflow in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 3783 from a study of the variable intrinsic UV absorption. Based on 18 observations with HST/STIS and 6 observations with FUSE, we find: 1) The absorption from the lowest-ionization species in each of the three strong kinematic components varied inversely with the continuum flux, indicating the ionization structure responded to changes in the photoionizing flux over the weekly timescales sampled by our observations. 2) A multi- component model with an unocculted NLR and separate BLR and continuum line-of-sight covering factors predicts saturation in several lines, consistent with the lack of observed variability. 3) Column densities for the individual metastable levels are measured from the resolved C III *1175 absorption complex observed in one component. Based on our computed metastable level populations, the electron density of this absorber is ~3x10^4 cm^-3. Photoionization modeling results place it at ~25 pc from the central source. 4) Using time-dependent calculations, we are able to reproduce the detailed variability observed in this absorber, and derive upper limits on the distances for the other components of 25-50 pc. 5) The ionization parameters derived for the higher ionization UV absorbers are consistent with the modeling results for the lowest-ionization X-ray component, but with smaller total column density. They have similar pressures as the three X-ray ionization components. These results are consistent with an inhomogeneous wind model for the outflow in NGC 3783. 6) Based on the predicted emission-line luminosities, global covering factor constraints, and distances derived for the UV absorbers, they may be identified with emission- line gas observed in the inner NLR of AGNs. (abridged)Comment: 30 pages, 18 figures (7 color), emulateapj, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    An Empirical Ultraviolet Template for Iron Emission in Quasars as Derived from I Zw 1

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    We present an empirical template spectrum suitable for fitting/subtracting and studying the FeII and FeIII line emission in the restframe UV spectra of active galatic nuclei (AGNs), the first empirical UV iron template to cover the full 1250 - 3090 A range. Iron emission is often a severe contaminant in optical--UV spectra of AGNs. Its presence complicates and limits the accuracy of measurements of both strong and weak emission lines and the continuum emission, affecting studies of line and continuum interrelations, the ionization structure, and elemental abundances in AGNs. Despite the wealth of work on modeling the AGN FeII emission and the need to account for it in observed AGN spectra, there is no UV template electronically available to aid this process. The iron template we present is based on HST spectra of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1, IZw1. Its intrinsic narrow lines (~900 km/s) and rich iron spectrum make the template particularly suitable for use with most AGN spectra. The iron emission spectrum and the line identifications and measurements are presented and compared with the work of Laor et al. We illustrate the application of the derived FeII and FeIII templates by fitting and subtracting the iron emission from UV spectra of four high-z quasars and of the nearby quasar, 3C273. We briefly discuss the small discrepancies between this observed iron emission and the UV template, and compare the template with previously published ones. We discuss the advantages and limitations of the templates and of the template fitting method. We conclude that the templates work sufficiently well to be a valuable and important tool for eliminating and studying the iron emission in AGNs, at least until accurate theoretical iron emission models are developed. (Abridged)Comment: 73 pages including 7 figures, 6 tables. To appear in ApJS. Preprint is also available at http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~vester/IronEmission