4 research outputs found

    Urbs e civitas: a formação dos espaços e territórios urbanos nas minas setecentistas

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    O presente artigo procura situar a evolução das abordagens acerca da cidade colonial mineira dentro da perspectiva mais ampla dos estudos sobre o urbanismo colonial português. A análise privilegia os trabalhos que, em vez de se aterem aos aspectos ligados à estética urbana, procuraram relacioná-los às questões fundiárias e à constituição das redes e hierarquias urbanas.This article seeks to situate the evolution of approaches to the study of the colonial towns of Minas Gerais placing them in the broader perspective of studies on the Portuguese colonial urbanism. Instead of restricting our approach to questions of urban aesthetics, the analysis focuses on the works that tried to relate these questions to aspects of land ownership and to the establishment of networks and urban hierarchies

    Dalla storia dell’arte genovese alla storia urbana carioca. Vicende del progetto 'Uma cidade em questão' (e del suo Autore)

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    The opportunity to rethink a personal experience of "round trip", which dates back several decades, was too tempting to avoid being caught. The author tells how, having arrived at the Museu de belas artes of Rio de Janeiro, she started interdisciplinary research on European urban models in Latin America and designed the inaugural exhibition of the Solar Grandjean de Montigny, the home of the architect member of the French artistic mission in 1816, thus becoming the Cultural center of the Pontifical universidade católica do Rio de Janeiro.La oportunidad de repensar una experiencia personal de "ida y vuelta", que data de varias décadas, era demasiado tentador para evitar ser atrapado. La autora cuenta que, al llegar al Museu de Belas Artes de Río de Janeiro, inició una investigación interdisciplinaria sobre modelos urbanos europeos en América Latina y diseñó la exposición inaugural del Solar Grandjean de Montigny, hogar del arquitecto miembro de la Misión artística francesa en 1816, convirtiéndose así en el Centro cultural de la Pontificia universidad católica de Río de Janeiro.L’occasione di ripensare un’esperienza personale di “andata e ritorno”, che data di alcuni decenni, era troppo allettante per non essere colta. L’Autrice racconta come, approdata al Museu de belas artes di Rio de Janeiro, abbia avviato ricerche interdisciplinari sui modelli urbani europei in America Latina e progettato la mostra inaugurale del Solar Grandjean de Montigny, l’abitazione dell’architetto membro della Missione artistica francese del 1816, divenuta così il Centro culturale della Pontificia universidade católica do Rio de Janeiro

    Chalés paulistanos

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    This article studies the origins, flourishment and decadence of a certain style of\ud building, known as swiss cottages or chalets, in the urban environment of Sao Paulo. Its source\ud is found in 19th century romanticism and in the last quarter of the eighteen hundreds this kind\ud of construction was very popular. At this time it had taken on a high symbolic value although\ud of an ambiguous nature - for it was both intimately associated to an idealization of country\ud life and to technological modernity, which was then being ushered in the city of Sao Paulo. It\ud became very popular on account of the availability of industrialized construction material for\ud importation and it expanded during a construction boom that attained the city of Sao Paulo,\ud after 1875. On the downfall of Brazilian monarchy, it gradually disappeared, as it became\ud the object of restrictive measures from the local county, which considered its proliferation unruly.\ud From the beginning of the XXth century, there was a change in public taste and urban reforms\ud were implemented in downtown Sao Paulo (1902 to 1914), which was followed by a desire\ud for a new urban scene, more in touch with the system of values and interests of hegemonic\ud sectors of the local political elite

    The Manguinhos Alhambra: islamophilia and ornamental function in the “Castelo Mourisco” in Rio de Janeiro

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    El llamado Castelo Mourisco constituye un modelo exacto de la función elevada que corresponde a la arquitectura. Más interesante todavía cuando se trata de la sede de un instituto de ciencias biomédicas de prestigio mundial, cuyo cuidado diseño evidencia el compromiso humanista de Oswaldo Cruz, su impulsor. Solo gracias a la impecable alianza entre promotor y proyectista pueden lograrse realizaciones arquitectónicas como ésta, donde se traspasan los límites constructivos hasta simbolizar la fusión de ciencia, historia y arte. El análisis de los variados recursos estilísticos utilizados en el edificio justifica su elección y vigencia, pues desde hace un siglo no solo ocupa el corazón del campus de Manguinhos, sino que también actualiza el espíritu de la institución que alberga.The so-called Castelo Mourisco provides an accurate model of the elevated function of architecture. It is all the more interesting because it is the headquarters of an internationally-renowned institute of biomedical sciences, and its meticulous design reveals the humanist ideals of Oswaldo Cruz, its founder. Only through a faultless alliance between founder and designer can architectural creations like this one arise; it transcends the limits of construction to symbolize the fusion of science, history and art. Analysis of the various stylistic resources used in the building justifies their selection and continued relevance, since for a century it has not only occupied the heart of the Manguinhos campus, but also continued to express the modern spirit of the institution it harbors