1,148 research outputs found

    Estudo da dinâmica da floresta manejada no projeto de manejo florestal comunitário do PC Pedro Peixoto na Amazônia Ocidental.

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    Neste trabalho são apresentados resultados do estudo da dinâmica da floresta em um sistema de manejo florestal voltado para a pequena propriedade. O sistema prescreve ciclo de corte de 10 anos e taxa de corte de 10 m3.ha-1 e tração animal para o arraste. O crescimento da floresta de 1 m3.ha-1.ano-1 foi compatível com o ciclo e taxa de corte adotados. Os danos causados pela exploração representaram 5 % da área basal total, e a taxa de mortalidade quatro anos após a exploração foi 3,2 %

    Semiclassical back reaction around a cosmic dislocation

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    The energy-momentum vacuum average of a conformally coupled massless scalar field vibrating around a cosmic dislocation (a cosmic string with a dislocation along its axis) is taken as source of the linearized semiclassical Einstein equations. The solution up to first order in the Planck constant is derived. Motion of a test particle is then discussed, showing that under certain circumstances a helical-like dragging effect, with no classical analogue around the cosmic dislocation, is induced by back reaction.Comment: Published version, 4 pages, no figures, REVTeX4 fil

    Planning to reduce damage.

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    This ITTO project plans to use low impact logging practices as part of a strategy to integrate logging and traditional activities in the Brazilian Amazon

    Reduction of damage to tropical moist forest through planned harvesting.

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    The damage occasioned by harvesting in a planned manner is assessed. The main features of the approach to damage reduction were: previous surveying and careful construction of roads and skidding trails, climber cutting and directional felling. Harvested volume was 20m3 ha-1. The number of damaged trees over 10cm diameter was 5.3 pper tree logged and the volume of damage was 0.27m3 per cubic meter extracted. Damage caused to the canopy by road and trail cutting, provision of landings and felling damage amounted to a maximum canopy opening of 15%

    Procedimento prático para elaboração de uma tabela de produção.

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    Distal Forearm Replantation Rehabilitation - Case Review

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    Actualmente, o desafio da reimplantação do membro superior pós-amputação tornou-se uma realidade alcançável e minuciosamente aperfeiçoada nas últimas décadas, e em permanente evolução. A opção cirúrgica de reimplantação deve ter em conta não apenas a análise exclusiva da viabilidade do reimplante, mas, fundamentalmente o seu potencial de recuperação funcional a longo prazo. Apresenta-se o caso clínico de um jovem de 18 anos, fumador, transferido do Hospital do Barreiro, vítima de acidente de trabalho, com traumatismo por corte, do qual resultou amputação distal do antebraço direito. O tempo de isquemia quente foi de 4horas, tendo sido submetido a cirurgia de reimplantação conjunta por Ortopedia e Cirurgia Plástica e Reconstrutiva (CPR) para reimplantação. Na sequência da cirurgia, foi precocemente referenciado a Medicina Física e de Reabilitação (MFR), realizando um programa de reabilitação funcional sequencial. Este trabalho visa enfatizar a importância do papel da MFR num precoce, criterioso e extenso programa de reabilitação, factor fundamental na recuperação funcional e prognóstico a longo prazo destas lesões e prevenção de complicações

    Crescimento em diâmetro de três espécies da floresta tropical seca no nordeste do Brasil.

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    Editores técnicos: Marcílio José Thomazini, Elenice Fritzsons, Patrícia Raquel Silva, Guilherme Schnell e Schuhli, Denise Jeton Cardoso, Luziane Franciscon. EVINCI. Resumos

    Amplification and adaptation of centromeric repeats in polyploid switchgrass species.

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    Centromeres in most higher eukaryotes are composed of long arrays of satellite repeats from a single satellite repeat family. Why centromeres are dominated by a single satellite repeat and how the satellite repeats originate and evolve are among the most intriguing and long-standing questions in centromere biology. We identified eight satellite repeats in the centromeres of tetraploid switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). Seven repeats showed characteristics associated with classical centromeric repeats with monomeric lengths ranging from 166 to 187 bp. Interestingly, these repeats share an 80-bp DNA motif. We demonstrate that this 80-bp motif may dictate translational and rotational phasing of the centromeric repeats with the cenH3 nucleosomes. The sequence of the last centromeric repeat, Pv156, is identical to the 5S ribosomal RNA genes. We demonstrate that a 5S ribosomal RNA gene array was recruited to be the functional centromere for one of the switchgrass chromosomes. Our findings reveal that certain types of satellite repeats, which are associated with unique sequence features and are composed of monomers in mono-nucleosomal length, are favorable for centromeres. Centromeric repeats may undergo dynamic amplification and adaptation before the centromeres in the same species become dominated by the best adapted satellite repeat

    Expression profile of SARS‐CoV‐2 cellular entry proteins in normal oral mucosa and oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    Objective Besides angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), an active involvement of proteases (FURIN and/or TMPRSS2) is important for cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, a simultaneous expression profiling of entry proteins in a tissue might provide a better risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 infection as compared to individual proteins. In an attempt to understand the relative susceptibility of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) lesions as compared to the normal oral mucosa (NOM) for SARS-CoV-2 attachment/entry, this study examined the mRNA and protein expression profiles of ACE2, FURIN, and TMPRSS2 in the corresponding tissues using public transcriptomic and proteomics datasets. Methods and methods Public transcriptomic and proteomics datasets (the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)/the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx), the Human Protein Atlas (HPA), and two independent microarray datasets) were used to examine the expression profiles of ACE2, TMPRSS2 and FURIN in NOM and OSCC. Results ACE2, TMPRSS2, and FURIN mRNAs were detected in NOM, however, at lower levels as compared to other body tissues. Except for moderate up-regulation of FURIN, expression levels of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 mRNA were unchanged/down-regulated in OSCC as compared to the NOM. Conclusions These results indicate that NOM may serve as a possible site for SARS-CoV-2 attachment, however, to a lesser extent as compared to organs with higher expression levels of the SARS-CoV-2 entry proteins. However, the evidence is lacking to suggest that expression status of entry proteins predisposes OSCC lesions to additional risk for SARS-CoV-2 attachment/entry as compared to NOM