1,651 research outputs found

    The case of Heinrich Wilhelm Poll (1877-1939): A German-Jewish geneticist, eugenicist, twin researcher, and victim of the Nazis

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    This paper uses a reconstruction of the life and career of Heinrich Poll as a window into developments and professional relationships in the biological sciences in Germany in the period from the beginning of the twentieth century to the Nazi seizure of power in 1933. Poll's intellectual work involved an early transition from morphometric physical anthropology to comparative evolutionary studies, and also found expression in twin research - a field in which he was an acknowledged early pioneer. His advocacy of eugenics led to participation in state-sponsored committees convened to advise on social policy, one of which debated sterilisation and made recommendations that led eventually to the establishment of the notorious Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. However, his status as a prominent geneticist and, in particular, as a eugenicist had an ironic and ultimately tragic dimension. Heinrich Poll was of Jewish birth, and this resulted in his career being destroyed by an application of the population policies he had helped put in place

    Alaska Resources Library and Information Services: Building Community in the 49th State

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    The Institute of Museum and Library Services recognized the community-building achievements of an unusual library in Anchorage, Alaska when it bestowed one of three 2001 National Awards for Library Service on the Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS). This award, the highest in the nation, is given to libraries that “demonstrate a core commitment to public service through innovative programs and active partnerships that address the urgent and changing needs within the communities they serve.”Ye

    Alaska Resources Library and Information Services: Pioneering Partnerships on the Last Frontier

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Science and Technology Libraries on September 2008, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/ 10.1300/J122v24n01_08Five federal agencies, one state agency, one state-federal entity, and one university combined their library resources to create the Alaska Resources Library and Information Services (ARLIS), which opened in Anchorage in 1997. This new library focuses on Alaska’s natural and cultural resources, and serves agency personnel, university faculty and students, and local and international researchers from the public and private sectors. Funded by its parent agencies and collectively directed by a team of six librarians, ARLIS is recognized for its unique and innovative structure, one-of-a-kind collections, and quality in-depth service.Ye

    INFO 100-01 Business Computer Applications

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    Analogy, polarity and morality in Scythian Hippake: Reflections on Herodotus, Histories 4.2

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    This paper has two principal purposes. First, in section 1, I offer some very general points about how we may best understand Greek treatments of Scythian themes. It is argued that the tendency to stress the difference (even polarity) between Greeks and Scythians should be balanced and at least contextualised by consideration of similarities and analogies too. In the second part, it is argued in detail that the milking of horses was by no means strange to Greeks, even though Greeks made much less use of horse milk, and preferred to consume it in liquid form and not as cheese (hippake).Ця стаття переслідує дві основні мети. По-перше, в розділі 1, я пропоную кілька загальних зауважень про те, як найкраще зрозуміти античні джерела, що стосуються скіфських тем. Стверджується, що тенденція підкреслювати різницю (навіть полярність) між греками і скіфами повинна бути збалансованою і, на крайній випадок, контекстуалізована шляхом розгляду подібностей і аналогій. У другій частині детально розглядається той факт, що доїння коней аж ніяк не було дивним для греків, хоча греки набагато менше використовували кінське молоко і вважали за краще споживати його в рідкій формі, а не як сир (іппаку). З'ясовується, що дуже майстерний опис Геродота в його повідомленні про Скіфію (Herod., 4. 2) за допомогою виробництва іппаки був направлений на воскресіння традиційних грецьких знань (ніби непотрібних) скіфів і, більш конкретно, пов'язаний з моралізуванням і ідеалізуванням частин цього «знання». Порівняння трубочок, які використовуються скіфами (а не осліпленими рабами), щоб змусити коней давати молоко, з авлосами можна зрозуміти як ключ до цього моралізаторського підходу, в який сам Геродот заклав подвійність (особливо Herod., 4. 46)

    Nero’s Nubian Nile, India and the rubrum mare (Tacitus, Annals 2.61)

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    This paper considers ancient and some modern thought about the general characteristics of ‘client kings.’ Arguably exceptional cases (especially Parthians) and key issues (especially succession) are examined in the larger framework of Roman imperialist ideology as well as, where possible, from kings’ viewpoints. Differences and changes are seen as variations on an elastic, but integral theme. That elasticity, enhanced by the language of courtesy, obstructs narrow modern definition, but crucially explains the success of this Roman imperial strategy. Tacitus is central to all this. Finally, a new reading of Annals 2. 61 arises from this and closer consideration of Roman notions of the Red Sea region (“Ethiopia”, India etc.), so that the passage becomes inconclusive to discussions of the completion-date of the Annals, on which it has often been seen as important.Der Beitrag widmet sich antiken wie auch zeitgenössischen Überlegungen zu Besonderheiten des ‚Klientelkönigtums‘. Ausnahmefälle (insbesondere die Parther) und grundsätzliche Fragen (vor allem hinsichtlich der Erbfolge) werden im weiteren Kontext der römischen Herrschatsideologie und soweit möglich auch aus der Perspektive der Könige untersucht. Unterschiede und Veränderungen erweisen sich als Varianten eines facettenreichen, aber grundlegenden Themas. Dieser auch noch durch die höfische Sprache erweiterte Facettenreichtum widersetzt sich zwar einer enggefassten modernen Definition, erklärt aber gleichzeitig den Erfolg dieses römischen Herrschatsinstruments. Im Zentrum des Ganzen steht das Zeugnis des Tacitus. Daraus sowie aus einer näheren Untersuchung römischer Vorstellungen von den Gegenden um das Rote Meer („Ethiopia“, „India“) resultiert schließlich auch einen neue Lesart von Annales 2,61; daher wird diese Passage auch nicht länger als beweiskrätiges Argument in den Diskussionen über das Vollendungsdatum der Annales dienen können, innerhalb derer ihr so oft große Bedeutung zugemessen wurde

    INFO 495-01 System Development Project

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    The Indirect Perception of Distance: Interpretive Complexities in Berkeley's Theory of Vision

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    The problem of whether perception is direct or if it depends on additional, cognitive contributions made by the perceiving subject, is posed with particular force in an Essay towards a New Theory of Vision (NTV). It is evident from the recurrent treatment it receives therein that Berkeley considers it to be one of the central issues concerning perception. Fittingly, the NTV devotes the most attention to it. In this essay, I deal exclusively with Berkeley's treatment of the problem of indirect distance perception, as it is presented in the context of that work


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    In over 10 years of environmental and socioeconomic studies surrounding the controversial Pebble Limited Partnership mine project design and permitting, commercial salmon fishers’ voices in Bristol Bay, Alaska remain unheard. To meaningfully participate in cultural resource management decision-making that affects them, communities need to speak, yet fisher communities rarely have an established voice. This dissertation uses critical collaborative ethnography and Indigenist research paradigms to describe how the recognition of living heritage communities can be facilitated through the identification of ethnographic landscapes. Such landscapes reflect the meaningful relationship of culture and place, concepts that are currently under-represented in Alaska. Not only my Self as a fisher, but also Other as researcher are presented in a single narrative that weaves together fisher interviews and conversations. As part of a growing body of collaborative research, this dissertation aims to decolonize research by seeking out alternative histories and amplifying marginalized voices of fishers who perpetuate experiential knowledge, and transmit this heritage to future generations through the yearly harvesting of the renewable resource of wild salmon