985 research outputs found

    A Robust Semidefinite Programming Approach to the Separability Problem

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    We express the optimization of entanglement witnesses for arbitrary bipartite states in terms of a class of convex optimization problems known as Robust Semidefinite Programs (RSDP). We propose, using well known properties of RSDP, several new sufficient tests for the separability of mixed states. Our results are then generalized to multipartite density operators.Comment: Revised version (minor spell corrections) . 6 pages; submitted to Physical Review

    Faithful Squashed Entanglement

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    Squashed entanglement is a measure for the entanglement of bipartite quantum states. In this paper we present a lower bound for squashed entanglement in terms of a distance to the set of separable states. This implies that squashed entanglement is faithful, that is, strictly positive if and only if the state is entangled. We derive the bound on squashed entanglement from a bound on quantum conditional mutual information, which is used to define squashed entanglement and corresponds to the amount by which strong subadditivity of von Neumann entropy fails to be saturated. Our result therefore sheds light on the structure of states that almost satisfy strong subadditivity with equality. The proof is based on two recent results from quantum information theory: the operational interpretation of the quantum mutual information as the optimal rate for state redistribution and the interpretation of the regularised relative entropy of entanglement as an error exponent in hypothesis testing. The distance to the set of separable states is measured by the one-way LOCC norm, an operationally-motivated norm giving the optimal probability of distinguishing two bipartite quantum states, each shared by two parties, using any protocol formed by local quantum operations and one-directional classical communication between the parties. A similar result for the Frobenius or Euclidean norm follows immediately. The result has two applications in complexity theory. The first is a quasipolynomial-time algorithm solving the weak membership problem for the set of separable states in one-way LOCC or Euclidean norm. The second concerns quantum Merlin-Arthur games. Here we show that multiple provers are not more powerful than a single prover when the verifier is restricted to one-way LOCC operations thereby providing a new characterisation of the complexity class QMA.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Due to an error in the published version, claims have been weakened from the LOCC norm to the one-way LOCC nor

    Origem das paisagens.

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    Domínios geomorfológicos do Ceará. Planície costeira do Ceará. Tabuleiros costeiros. Chapada do Apodi. Chapada do Araripe. Chapada Ibiapaba. Depressão sertaneja. Depressões sedimentares em meio à superfície sertaneja. Maciços residuais cristalinos

    Desenvolvimento e produtividade de grãos de milho submetido a níveis de desfolha.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da desfolha do milho no desenvolvimento e na produtividade de grãos. Seis ensaios foram conduzidos em diferentes safras e locais e em dois níveis de produtividade. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com sete repetições. A desfolha foi realizada no estádio vegetativo V4 do milho (quatro folhas expandidas), e os tratamentos foram: remoção das duas folhas basais, remoção das quatro folhas expandidas, remoção total das folhas (secção da parte aérea) e testemunha (sem desfolha). Foram avaliados: duração do período vegetativo; e, em pré‑colheita, altura de planta, altura de espiga, percentagem de plantas acamadas, força de quebramento de colmo, força de arranquio da planta e produtividade. A remoção das quatro folhas e a remoção total aumentaram a duração do período vegetativo e reduziram a altura de planta, a altura de espiga e a resistência do colmo ao quebramento. Esses níveis de desfolha também reduziram a produtividade, principalmente com a remoção total das folhas. A força de arranquio da planta não foi influenciada pela desfolha. A retirada de quatro folhas e do total das folhas reduz a produtividade de grãos, respectivamente, em 6,25 a 14,05% nos híbridos avaliados.Título em inglês: Grain development and yield in maize subjected to defoliation levels

    Yield and quality of seeds of lettuce genotypes produced under organic management.

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    Lettuce is one of the main vegetable species used in organic production. However, studies and research in the organic area are scarce. This study aimed to evaluate the yield and quality of seeds of lettuce genotypes produced in two consecutive years under an organic management system. Two plantations were installed under open field conditions corresponding to autumn/winter in 2016 and 2017. Ten lettuce genotypes were evaluated in four replications using a biofertilizer made from swine manure in the management and manual harvesting of seeds. Evaluations consisted of seed yield (in kg.ha−1), physical test (1000-seed weight), and germination and vigor test (first germination count, germination rate index, and seedling dry matter). The genotype Cubana and two Grand Rapids had higher yields under the tested conditions. Higher seed weights were recorded in 2017. Both genotypes Grand Rapids reached the minimum germination standard established for commercialization (80%). Vanda and AC 5058 showed a better performance for germination rate index and first germination count, while Cinderela had a better seedling dry matter. These varieties were promising for organic cultivation

    Uso de mebendazol no controle de monogenóides durante o transporte de juvenis de tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum).

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    O mebendazol é um químico terapêutico utilizado na piscicultura para o controle de monogenóides. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia de diferentes concentrações de mebendazol durante 2 e 4 horas de transporte para controle de monogenóides em juvenis de tambaqui

    A pipeline to study structural interactions among Spodoptera frugiperda serine proteinases and plant proteinase inhibitors.

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    We propose here a computational biology pipeline to identify and analyze possible structural determinants that could explain some level of insensitivity by S. frugiperda serine proteinases (SPs) against plant PIs observed in a real time PCR experiment.GA 330

    A Generalization of Quantum Stein's Lemma

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    We present a generalization of quantum Stein's Lemma to the situation in which the alternative hypothesis is formed by a family of states, which can moreover be non-i.i.d.. We consider sets of states which satisfy a few natural properties, the most important being the closedness under permutations of the copies. We then determine the error rate function in a very similar fashion to quantum Stein's Lemma, in terms of the quantum relative entropy. Our result has two applications to entanglement theory. First it gives an operational meaning to an entanglement measure known as regularized relative entropy of entanglement. Second, it shows that this measure is faithful, being strictly positive on every entangled state. This implies, in particular, that whenever a multipartite state can be asymptotically converted into another entangled state by local operations and classical communication, the rate of conversion must be non-zero. Therefore, the operational definition of multipartite entanglement is equivalent to its mathematical definition.Comment: 30 pages. (see posting by M. Piani arXiv:0904.2705 for a different proof of the strict positiveness of the regularized relative entropy of entanglement on every entangled state). published version