4,819 research outputs found

    Linear Pinch Equilibrium of Non-Neutral Plasma Revisited: Phenomenological Consequences of a Numerical Accuracy Problem

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    Weibel in 1959 under considerations of a collisionless non-neutral cylindrical plasma column studied a linear pinch confinement equilibrium. As reported here, due to non-linearity of the ordinary differential equations obtained for the electrostatic and magnetostatic fields is possible to demonstrate that the confining features previously obtained are extremely dependent on the initial conditions, and the arrangement of two parameters (β - the ratio between ion and electron mass; M/KT - ratio between relativistic rest energy associated with the pair electron-ion and thermal energy kT ) related to the plasma column characteristics. We investigated in this paper the plasma column behavior (confining or non-confining) under modifications of that set of parameters. We detected a set of parameters values that imposes a confining configuration with an electronic skin effect on the plasma column, not yet reported or discussed in the literature

    Optimization of multi-domain queries on the Web

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    Where can I attend an interesting database workshop close to a sunny beach? Who are the strongest experts on service computing based upon their recent publication record and accepted European projects? Can I spend an April week- end in a city served by a low-cost direct flight from Milano offering a Mahler's symphony? We regard the above queries as multi-domain queries, i.e., queries that can be answered by combining knowledge from two or more domains (such as: seaside locations, flights, publications, accepted projects, conference offerings, and so on). This information is avail- able on the Web, but no general-purpose software system can accept the above queries nor compute the answer. At the most, dedicated systems support specific multi-domain compositions (e.g., Google-local locates information such as restaurants and hotels upon geographic maps). This paper presents an overall framework for multi-domain queries on the Web. We address the following problems: (a) expressing multi-domain queries with an abstract formalism, (b) separating the treatment of "search" services within the model, by highlighting their dierences from "exact" Web services, (c) explaining how the same query can be mapped to multiple "query plans", i.e., a well-dened scheduling of service invocations, possibly in parallel, which complies with their access limitations and preserves the ranking order in which search services return results; (d) introducing cross- domain joins as first-class operation within plans; (e) eval- uating the query plans against several cost metrics so as to choose the most promising one for execution. This frame- work adapts to a variety of application contexts, ranging from end-user-oriented mash-up scenarios up to complex ap- plication integration scenarios

    New type II Cepheids from VVV data towards the Galactic center

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    The Galactic center (GC) is the densest region of the Milky Way. Variability surveys towards the GC potentially provide the largest number of variable stars per square degree within the Galaxy. However, high stellar density is also a drawback due to blending. Moreover, the GC is affected by extreme reddening, therefore near infrared observations are needed. We plan to detect new variable stars towards the GC, focusing on type II Cepheids (T2Cs) which have the advantage of being brighter than RR Lyrae stars. We perform parallel Lomb-Scargle and Generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram analysis of the KsK_s-band time series of the VISTA variables in the Via Lactea survey, to detect periodicities. We employ statistical parameters to clean our sample. We take account of periods, light amplitudes, distances, and proper motions to provide a classification of the candidate variables. We detected 1,019 periodic variable stars, of which 164 are T2Cs, 210 are Miras and 3 are classical Cepheids. We also found the first anomalous Cepheid in this region. We compare their photometric properties with overlapping catalogs and discuss their properties on the color-magnitude and Bailey diagrams. We present the most extensive catalog of T2Cs in the GC region to date. Offsets in E(JKsJ-K_s) and in the reddening law cause very large (\sim1-2 kpc) uncertainties on distances in this region. We provide a catalog which will be the starting point for future spectroscopic surveys in the innermost regions of the Galaxy.Comment: A&A, accepte

    Solvent Effect on the Preparation of Ionic Cocrystals of dl -Amino Acids with Lithium Chloride: Conglomerate versus Racemate Formation

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    The hydrophobic dl-amino acids alanine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine have been cocrystallized with LiCl via solid-state and solution methods, and the effect of preparation conditions and solvent choice on the racemic versus conglomerate formation has been investigated. For the sake of comparison, enantiopure l-amino acids have also been reacted with LiCl in the same experimental conditions. With dl-alanine only, a racemic ionic cocrystal of formula dl-alanine·LiCl·H2O is obtained, irrespective of the preparation conditions, while the amino acids dl-valine and dl-leucine undergo spontaneous chiral resolution when MeOH is used in ball milling conditions, yielding monohydrated conglomerates, which at ambient conditions convert over time into the racemic ionic cocrystals dl-Val·LiCl·H2O and dl-Leu·LiCl·1.5H2O; these racemic ionic cocrystals (ICCs) are otherwise obtained in a single step if water is employed instead of MeOH, both in ball milling and solution conditions. dl-Isoleucine behaves differently, and product characterization is complicated by the presence of dl-alloisoleucine (dl-aIle) in the commercial starting material; solution crystallization in the presence of excess LiCl, however, unexpectedly results in the formation of the alloisoleucine conglomerate d-aIle·LiCl·H2O and l-aIle·LiCl·H2O, together with unreacted dl-isoleucine. Solid-state syntheses of the ionic cocrystals proceed in most cases via formation of intermediate metastable polymorphs; phase identification and structural characterization for all ICCs have been conducted via single crystal and/or powder X-ray diffraction

    Investigation of model capability in capturing vertical hydrodynamic coastal processes: a case study in the north Adriatic Sea

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    Abstract. In this work we consider a numerical study of hydrodynamics in the coastal zone using two different models, SHYFEM (shallow water hydrodynamic finite element model) and MITgcm (Massachusetts Institute of Technology general circulation model), to assess their capability to capture the main processes. We focus on the north Adriatic Sea during a strong dense water event that occurred at the beginning of 2012. This serves as an interesting test case to examine both the models strengths and weaknesses, while giving an opportunity to understand how these events affect coastal processes, like upwelling and downwelling, and how they interact with estuarine dynamics. Using the models we examine the impact of setup, surface and lateral boundary treatment, resolution and mixing schemes, as well as assessing the importance of nonhydrostatic dynamics in coastal processes. Both models are able to capture the dense water event, though each displays biases in different regions. The models show large differences in the reproduction of surface patterns, identifying the choice of suitable bulk formulas as a central point for the correct simulation of the thermohaline structure of the coastal zone. Moreover, the different approaches in treating lateral freshwater sources affect the vertical coastal stratification. The results indicate the importance of having high horizontal resolution in the coastal zone, specifically in close proximity to river inputs, in order to reproduce the effect of the complex coastal morphology on the hydrodynamics. A lower resolution offshore is acceptable for the reproduction of the dense water event, even if specific vortical structures are missed. Finally, it is found that nonhydrostatic processes are of little importance for the reproduction of dense water formation in the shelf of the north Adriatic Sea

    Massive stellar systems: observational challenges and perspectives in the E-ELT era

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    We introduce the empirical framework concerning optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry of crowded stellar fields. In particular, we address the impact that linear detectors and analytical PSF played in improving the accuracy and the precision of multi-band color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs). We focus our attention on recent findings based on deep NIR images collected with Adaptive Optics (AO) systems at the 8-10m class telescopes and discuss pros and cons of the different approaches. We also discuss the estimate of the absolute age of globular clusters using a well defined knee along the lower main sequence. We mention the role which the current AO-assisted instruments will have in addressing longstanding astrophysical problems of the Galactic center. Finally, we outline the role of first generation of E-ELT instruments upon photometry and spectroscopy of crowded stellar fields

    A municipality-level analysis of excess mortality in Italy in the period January-April 2020

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    BACKGROUND: the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 in WHO European Region was reported at the end of January 2020 and, from that moment, the epidemic has been speeding up and rapidly spreading across Europe. The health, social, and economic consequences of the pandemic are difficult to evaluate, since there are many scientific uncertainties and unknowns. OBJECTIVES: the main focus of this paper is on statistical methods for profiling municipalities by excess mortality, directly or indirectly caused by COVID-19. METHODS: the use of excess mortality for all causes has been advocated as a measure of impact less vulnerable to biases. In this paper, observed mortality for all causes at municipality level in Italy in the period January-April 2020 was compared to the mortality observed in the corresponding period in the previous 5 years (2015-2019). Mortality data were made available by the Ministry of Internal Affairs Italian National Resident Population Demographic Archive and the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat). For each municipality, the posterior predictive distribution under a hierarchical null model was obtained. From the posterior predictive distribution, we obtained excess death counts, attributable community rates and q-values. Full Bayesian models implemented via MCMC simulations were used. RESULTS: absolute number of excess deaths highlights the burden paid by major cities to the pandemic. The Attributable Community Rate provides a detailed picture of the spread of the pandemic among the municipalities of Lombardy, Piedmont, and Emilia-Romagna Regions. Using Q-values, it is clearly recognizable evidence of an excess of mortality from late February to April 2020 in a very geographically scattered number of municipalities. A trade-off between false discoveries and false non-discoveries shows the different values of public health actions. CONCLUSIONS: despite the variety of approaches to calculate excess mortality, this study provides an original methodological approach to profile municipalities with excess deaths accounting for spatial and temporal uncertainty