54 research outputs found


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    BANCO BPI, S.A. Public Company: Announcement

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    Banco BPI 2008 Annual Report 2008

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    Éducation aux médias et à l’information : en bibliothèque de lecture publique

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    La Bpi développe depuis plusieurs années des actions d\u27Éducation aux médias et à l\u27information (EMI). Afin de partager ces expériences, elle propose également des instances de réflexion et de coopération avec les bibliothèques de lecture publique. Avec la participation du ministère de la Culture, la Bpi met à votre disposition ce guide pratique, outil simple et concret à destination des bibliothèques qui envisagent de mettre en place des projets d\u27EMI : informations utiles sur les dispositifs, les partenaires ou les types d\u27actions à développer selon les publics cibles mais aussi retours d\u27expériences des actions menées par des bibliothèques sur l\u27ensemble du territoire

    What is the psychological impact of self-weighing? A meta-analysis

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. ABSTRACT: Many people self-weigh and many interventions addressing weight-related problems such as obesity promote self-weighing. However, while self-weighing has been associated with weight loss, there is mixed evidence regarding the psychological impact of this behaviour. The present review aimed to quantify the relationship between self-weighing and: (i) affect (e.g., anxiety, depression); (ii) psychological functioning (e.g., self-esteem); (iii) body-related attitudes and (iv) disordered eating. A computerized search of scientific databases in September 2014 and subsequent ancestry and citation searches identified 29 independent tests of the relationship between self-weighing on psychological outcomes. Meta-analysis was used to quantify the size of the association across the tests. Results indicated that there was no association between self-weighing and affect, body-related attitudes or disordered eating. There was, however, a small-sized negative association between self-weighing and psychological functioning. The age of participants, obesity status, the extent of weight loss, duration of self-weighing and study design (RCT versus correlational) were found to influence at least some of the psychological outcomes of self-weighing. The findings suggest that, for the most part, self-weighing is not associated with adverse psychological outcomes. However, in some cases the association between self-weighing and psychological outcomes may be more negative than in others

    Discourse, justification and critique: towards a legitimate digital copyright regime?

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    Digitization and the internet have posed an acute economic challenge to rights holders in the cultural industries. Faced with a threat to their form of capital accumulation from copyright infringement, rights holders have used discourse strategically in order to try and legitimate and strengthen their position in the digital copyright debate with governments and media users. In so doing, they have appealed to general justificatory principles – about what is good, right, and just – that provide some scope for opposition and critique, as other groups contest their interpretation of these principles and the evidence used to support them. In this article, we address the relative lack of academic attention paid to the role of discourse in copyright debates by analysing user-directed marketing campaigns and submissions to UK government policy consultations. We show how legitimacy claims are justified and critiqued, and conclude that amid these debates rests some hope of achieving a more legitimate policy resolution to the copyright wars – or at least the possibility of beginning a more constructive dialogue

    A Cross-Generational Study of Contraception and Reproductive Health Among Sudanese and Eritrean Women in Brisbane, Australia

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    This study conducted in Brisbane, Australia, was undertaken with a cross-section of Sudanese and Eritrean mothers and daughters. We explored and documented the women’s intergenerational experiences and knowledge of reproductive health and contraception. Underpinned by a qualitative approach, focus group discussions were undertaken along with key informant interviews with health and multicultural sector professionals. Through examination of knowledge shared, the analysis distilled key aspects of intergenerational fears, cultural safety, and health. Participants proposed recommendations on how refugee and migrant women in Australia and resettled countries globally can more effectively and holistically exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights

    Grey Literature, E-Repositories and Evaluation of Academic and Research Institutes. The case study of BPI e-repository

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    E-repositories are internet databases, in which the whole intellectual property produced by an Educational Foundation or a Research Institute can be gathered, classified, reserved and, of course, disseminated. It is known that e-repositories are based on Open Access and Knowledge Dissemination concept, providing access-without restriction- to scientific information. But, it is not known that e-repositories can be proved useful and usable "tools" for the evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes. In this study, we present the case of the BPI e-repository. The Library of the Benaki Phytopathological Institute (BPI) realizing the importance of the evaluation - necessary for funded projects- developed the BPI e-repository. BPI e-repository has been planned and structured so in order to achieve the aims of the evaluation simultaneously in an "institution level", in "scientific department level" (common intellectual responsibility) and in "researcher level" (individual intellectual responsibility). The scientific material contained in it has been categorized so in order to responds to the organizational structure and function of BPI and, also, to highlights in the best way the research activities of the BPI scientific community members. Its implementation based on DSpace 1.7.0, open source software suitable for digital archives management, that uses OAI-PHM (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) and Dublin Core Standard, that is suitable for the documents description. The flexibility of DSpace software allowed us to implement changes into the repository system, like fields addition. So, these changes made the description of all documents in different types (books or book chapters, papers, dissertations, BPI publications, patents, conferences, technical reports etc) more efficient and complete. Navigation and search function in an user-friendly interface using five diverse ways, i.e. type of material, title, author, year and subject. We note that we implement a simple bilingual subject standardization system. The keywords used by the authors themselves in their papers or conferences proceedings make the subject standardization procedure and indexing difficult. Nevertheless, we are aiming at the implementation of an optimized bilingual subject index adopting and implementing standards such as NLGSH or/and LC. The appropriate use and exploitation of the search results via e-repository - according to the experience having been acquired by this e-repository development process and function- can lead certainly to faithful conclusions concerning the evaluation of an Educational Foundation or a Research Institute.Includes: Conference preprint, Powerpoint presentation, Abstract and Biographical notesXAInternationa

    Administrasi Penyuluhan 5 Kementerian (Kemenag, Kemensos, Kementan, KKP, KLHK) Hasil Survey Perkuliahan Administrasi Penyuluhan

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    Strategi perkuliahan Administrasi Penyuluhan saat ini tidak hanya ber-orientasi pada proses, tetapi juga (berupaya) pada hasil (cipta) dalamwujud sebuah karya buku sebagai salah satu bukti bahwa mahasiswamampu menerapkan praktik dari kegiatan pengadministrasian. Strategitersebut mengajarkan mahasiswa untuk tidak lagi berbicara tentangnilai atau sebatas selesai mengerjakan tugas, tetapi jauh lebih dalam lagibahwa mahasiswa sedang belajar berproses karena disanalah pembelajaran sesungguhnya didapatkan.Penerbitan buku ini sebagai salah satu bentuk tugas mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam (BPI) UIN Jakarta yang mengambil matakuliah pilihan Administrasi Penyuluhan- dalam menerapkan (praktik)prinsip-prinsip administrasi secara langsung dan menyeluruh dari mulaiperencanaan, pelaksanaan sampai pada tahap pelaporan dan evaluasi(akhir). Adapun isi dari buku ini merupakan hasil dari tugas kegiatankunjungan (survey) lapangan mahasiswa ke 5 kementerian negara yangmewadahi profesi kepenyuluhan seperti Kementerian Agama(Kemenag), Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos), Kementerian Pertanian(Kementan), Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP), dan Kemente-rian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK).Buku ini cukup penting sebagai referensi tambahan terkait administrasipenyuluhan dan cukup menarik untuk dimiliki, dibaca dan ditelaah olehpemangku kebijakan, praktisi maupun akademisi itu sendiri di bidangilmu penyuluhan pembangungan, baik pada aspek (objek kajian) agama,sosial, pertanian dan lain sebagainya.ix, 115 hlm,; 20 c
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