504 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Computing Two Nonlinearity Measures

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    We study the computational complexity of two Boolean nonlinearity measures: the nonlinearity and the multiplicative complexity. We show that if one-way functions exist, no algorithm can compute the multiplicative complexity in time 2O(n)2^{O(n)} given the truth table of length 2n2^n, in fact under the same assumption it is impossible to approximate the multiplicative complexity within a factor of (2−ϔ)n/2(2-\epsilon)^{n/2}. When given a circuit, the problem of determining the multiplicative complexity is in the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. For nonlinearity, we show that it is #P hard to compute given a function represented by a circuit

    The Advice Complexity of a Class of Hard Online Problems

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    The advice complexity of an online problem is a measure of how much knowledge of the future an online algorithm needs in order to achieve a certain competitive ratio. Using advice complexity, we define the first online complexity class, AOC. The class includes independent set, vertex cover, dominating set, and several others as complete problems. AOC-complete problems are hard, since a single wrong answer by the online algorithm can have devastating consequences. For each of these problems, we show that log⁥(1+(c−1)c−1/cc)n=Θ(n/c)\log\left(1+(c-1)^{c-1}/c^{c}\right)n=\Theta (n/c) bits of advice are necessary and sufficient (up to an additive term of O(log⁥n)O(\log n)) to achieve a competitive ratio of cc. The results are obtained by introducing a new string guessing problem related to those of Emek et al. (TCS 2011) and B\"ockenhauer et al. (TCS 2014). It turns out that this gives a powerful but easy-to-use method for providing both upper and lower bounds on the advice complexity of an entire class of online problems, the AOC-complete problems. Previous results of Halld\'orsson et al. (TCS 2002) on online independent set, in a related model, imply that the advice complexity of the problem is Θ(n/c)\Theta (n/c). Our results improve on this by providing an exact formula for the higher-order term. For online disjoint path allocation, B\"ockenhauer et al. (ISAAC 2009) gave a lower bound of Ω(n/c)\Omega (n/c) and an upper bound of O((nlog⁥c)/c)O((n\log c)/c) on the advice complexity. We improve on the upper bound by a factor of log⁥c\log c. For the remaining problems, no bounds on their advice complexity were previously known.Comment: Full paper to appear in Theory of Computing Systems. A preliminary version appeared in STACS 201

    Online Multi-Coloring with Advice

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    We consider the problem of online graph multi-coloring with advice. Multi-coloring is often used to model frequency allocation in cellular networks. We give several nearly tight upper and lower bounds for the most standard topologies of cellular networks, paths and hexagonal graphs. For the path, negative results trivially carry over to bipartite graphs, and our positive results are also valid for bipartite graphs. The advice given represents information that is likely to be available, studying for instance the data from earlier similar periods of time.Comment: IMADA-preprint-c

    Advice Complexity for a Class of Online Problems

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    Online Dominating Set

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    This paper is devoted to the online dominating set problem and its variants on trees, bipartite, bounded-degree, planar, and general graphs, distinguishing between connected and not necessarily connected graphs. We believe this paper represents the first systematic study of the effect of two limitations of online algorithms: making irrevocable decisions while not knowing the future, and being incremental, i.e., having to maintain solutions to all prefixes of the input. This is quantified through competitive analyses of online algorithms against two optimal algorithms, both knowing the entire input, but only one having to be incremental. We also consider the competitive ratio of the weaker of the two optimal algorithms against the other. In most cases, we obtain tight bounds on the competitive ratios. Our results show that requiring the graphs to be presented in a connected fashion allows the online algorithms to obtain provably better solutions. Furthermore, we get detailed information regarding the significance of the necessary requirement that online algorithms be incremental. In some cases, having to be incremental fully accounts for the online algorithm\u27s disadvantage

    Implementing Grover Oracles for Quantum Key Search on AES and LowMC

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    Grover's search algorithm gives a quantum attack against block ciphers by searching for a key that matches a small number of plaintext-ciphertext pairs. This attack uses O(N)O(\sqrt{N}) calls to the cipher to search a key space of size NN. Previous work in the specific case of AES derived the full gate cost by analyzing quantum circuits for the cipher, but focused on minimizing the number of qubits. In contrast, we study the cost of quantum key search attacks under a depth restriction and introduce techniques that reduce the oracle depth, even if it requires more qubits. As cases in point, we design quantum circuits for the block ciphers AES and LowMC. Our circuits give a lower overall attack cost in both the gate count and depth-times-width cost models. In NIST's post-quantum cryptography standardization process, security categories are defined based on the concrete cost of quantum key search against AES. We present new, lower cost estimates for each category, so our work has immediate implications for the security assessment of post-quantum cryptography. As part of this work, we release Q# implementations of the full Grover oracle for AES-128, -192, -256 and for the three LowMC instantiations used in Picnic, including unit tests and code to reproduce our quantum resource estimates. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first two such full implementations and automatic resource estimations.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, 14 table
