11,417 research outputs found

    Holographic tracking and sizing of optically trapped microprobes in diamond anvil cells

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    We demonstrate that Digital Holographic Microscopy can be used for accurate 3D tracking and sizing of a colloidal probe trapped in a diamond anvil cell (DAC). Polystyrene beads were optically trapped in water up to Gigapascal pressures while simultaneously recording in-line holograms at 1 KHz frame rate. Using Lorenz-Mie scattering theory to fit interference patterns, we detected a 10% shrinking in the bead’s radius due to the high applied pressure. Accurate bead sizing is crucial for obtaining reliable viscosity measurements and provides a convenient optical tool for the determination of the bulk modulus of probe material. Our technique may provide a new method for pressure measurements inside a DAC

    A real-time PCR method for quantification of the total and major variant strains of the Deformed wing virus

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    Funding: ELB was supported by a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) EASTBIO Doctoral Training Partnership (http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk) [grant number BB/J01446X/1] and an Eastern Association Regional Studentship (EARS) and The Morley Agricultural Foundation awarded to ASB. CRC was supported by a KTN BBSRC CASE studentship (BB/M503526/1) (http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk), part-funded by the Scottish Beekeeping Association (https://www.scottishbeekeepers.org.uk/) and the Animal Health - Disease Prevention, Scottish Government awarded to ASB CRC. This project received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613960 (SMARTBEES) (http://www.smartbees-fp7.eu/) awarded to ASB. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Mr W. Thrale, Mr Z. Blackmore, Mr J. Quinlan, and Mr J. Palombo for sample collection from the South East of England and Margie Ramsey for Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve sample collection.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Increasing trap stiffness with position clamping in holographic optical tweezers

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    We present a holographic optical tweezers system capable of position clamping multiple particles. Moving an optical trap in response to the trapped object's motion is a powerful technique for optical control and force measurement. We have now realised this experimentally using a Boulder Nonlinear Systems Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) with a refresh rate of 203Hz. We obtain a reduction of 44% in the variance of the bead's position, corresponding to an increase in effective trap stiffness of 77%. This reduction relies on the generation of holograms at high speed. We present software capable of calculating holograms in under 1ms using a graphics processor unit. © 2009 Optical Society of America

    A unifying explanation of complex frequency spectra of gamma Dor, SPB and Be stars: combination frequencies and highly non-sinusoidal light curves

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    There are many Slowly Pulsating B (SPB) stars and γ Dor stars in the Kepler mission data set. The light curves of these pulsating stars have been classified phenomenologically into stars with symmetric light curves and with asymmetric light curves. In the same effective temperature ranges as the γ Dor and SPB stars, there are variable stars with downward light curves that have been conjectured to be caused by spots. Among these phenomenological classes of stars, some show ‘frequency groups’ in their amplitude spectra that have not previously been understood. While it has been recognized that non-linear pulsation gives rise to combination frequencies in a Fourier description of the light curves of these stars, such combination frequencies have been considered to be a only a minor constituent of the amplitude spectra. In this paper, we unify the Fourier description of the light curves of these groups of stars, showing that many of them can be understood in terms of only a few base frequencies, which we attribute to g-mode pulsations, and combination frequencies, where sometimes a very large number of combination frequencies dominate the amplitude spectra. The frequency groups seen in these stars are thus tremendously simplified. We show observationally that the combination frequencies can have amplitudes greater than the base frequency amplitudes, and we show theoretically how this arises. Thus for some γ Dor and SPB stars, combination frequencies can have the highest observed amplitudes. Among the B stars are pulsating Be stars that show emission lines in their spectra from occasional ejection of material into a circumstellar disc. Our analysis gives strong support to the understanding of these pulsating Be stars as rapidly rotating SPB stars, explained entirely by g-mode pulsations

    The effects of space radiation on thin films of YBa2Cu3O(7-x)

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    This investigation had two objectives: (1) to determine the effects of space radiation on superconductor parameters that are most important in space applications; and (2) to determine whether this effect can be simulated with Co-60 gamma rays, the standard test method for space materials. Thin films of yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) were formed by coevaporation of Y, BaF2, and Cu and post-annealing in wet oxygen at 850 C for 3.5 h. The substrate used was (100) silicon with an evaporated zirconia buffer layer. The samples were characterized by four point probe electrical measurements as a function of temperature. The parameters measured were the zero resistance transition temperature T(sub c) and the room temperature resistance. The samples were then exposed to Co-60 gamma-rays in air and in pure nitrogen, and to 780 keV electrons, in air. The parameters were then remeasured. The results are summarized. The results indicate little or no degradation in the parameters measured for samples exposed up to 10 Mrads of gamma-rays in nitrogen. However, complete degradation is preliminarily attributed to the high level of ozone generated in the chamber by the gamma-ray interaction with air. It can be concluded that: (1) the electron component of space radiation does not degrade the critical temperature of the YBCO films described, at least for energies around 800 keV and doses similar to those received by surface materials on spacecraft in typical remote sensing missions; and (2) for qualifying this and other superconducting materials against the space-radiation threat the standard test method used in the aerospace industry, namely, exposure to Co-60 gamma-rays in air, may require some further investigation. As a minimum, the sample must be either in vacuum or in positive nitrogen pressure

    The effects of space radiation on thin films of YBa2Cu3O(sub 7-x)

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    This investigation had two objectives: (1) to determine the effects of space radiation on superconductor parameters that are most important in space applications; and (2) to determine whether this effect can be simulated with Co-60 gamma rays, the standard test method for space materials. Thin films of yttrium barium copper oxide (YBCO) were formed by coevaporation of Y, BaF2, and Cu and post-annealing in wet oxygen at 850 C for 3.5 h. The substrate used was (100) silicon with an evaporated zirconia buffer layer. The samples were characterized by four point probe electrical measurements as a function of temperature. The parameters measured were the zero resistance transition temperature (T sub c) and the room temperature resistance. The samples were then exposed to Co-60 gamma-rays in air and in pure nitrogen, and to 780 keV electrons, in air. The parameters were then remeasured. The results are summarized. The results indicate little or no degradation in the parameters measured for samples exposed up to 10 Mrads of gamma-rays in nitrogen. However, complete degradation of samples exposed to 10-Mrad in air was observed. This degradation is preliminarily attributed to the high level of ozone generated in the chamber by the gamma-ray interaction with air. It can be concluded that: (1) the electron component of space radiation does not degrade the critical temperature of the YBCO films described, at least for energies around 800 keV and doses similar to those received by surface materials on spacecraft in typical remote sensing missions; and (2) for qualifying this and other superconducting materials against the space-radiation threat the standard test method in the aerospace industry, namely, exposure to Co-60 gamma-rays in air, may require some further investigation. As a minimum, the sample must be either in vacuum or in positive nitrogen pressure

    Aspects of quark mass generation on a torus

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    In this talk we report on recent results for the quark propagator on a compact manifold. The corresponding Dyson-Schwinger equations on a torus are solved on volumes similar to the ones used in lattice calculations. The quark-gluon interaction is fixed such that the lattice results are reproduced. We discuss both the effects in the infinite volume/continuum limit as well as effects when the volume is small.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; talk given by CF at QNP06, Madrid, June 200