1,114 research outputs found

    Two-Player Reachability-Price Games on Single-Clock Timed Automata

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    We study two player reachability-price games on single-clock timed automata. The problem is as follows: given a state of the automaton, determine whether the first player can guarantee reaching one of the designated goal locations. If a goal location can be reached then we also want to compute the optimum price of doing so. Our contribution is twofold. First, we develop a theory of cost functions, which provide a comprehensive methodology for the analysis of this problem. This theory allows us to establish our second contribution, an EXPTIME algorithm for computing the optimum reachability price, which improves the existing 3EXPTIME upper bound.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2011, arXiv:1107.074

    Fast algorithms for handling diagonal constraints in timed automata

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    A popular method for solving reachability in timed automata proceeds by enumerating reachable sets of valuations represented as zones. A na\"ive enumeration of zones does not terminate. Various termination mechanisms have been studied over the years. Coming up with efficient termination mechanisms has been remarkably more challenging when the automaton has diagonal constraints in guards. In this paper, we propose a new termination mechanism for timed automata with diagonal constraints based on a new simulation relation between zones. Experiments with an implementation of this simulation show significant gains over existing methods.Comment: Shorter version of this article to appear in CAV 201

    Optimal Reachability in Divergent Weighted Timed Games

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    Weighted timed games are played by two players on a timed automaton equipped with weights: one player wants to minimise the accumulated weight while reaching a target, while the other has an opposite objective. Used in a reactive synthesis perspective, this quantitative extension of timed games allows one to measure the quality of controllers. Weighted timed games are notoriously difficult and quickly undecidable, even when restricted to non-negative weights. Decidability results exist for subclasses of one-clock games, and for a subclass with non-negative weights defined by a semantical restriction on the weights of cycles. In this work, we introduce the class of divergent weighted timed games as a generalisation of this semantical restriction to arbitrary weights. We show how to compute their optimal value, yielding the first decidable class of weighted timed games with negative weights and an arbitrary number of clocks. In addition, we prove that divergence can be decided in polynomial space. Last, we prove that for untimed games, this restriction yields a class of games for which the value can be computed in polynomial time

    Probing States in the Mott Insulator Regime

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    We propose a method to probe states in the Mott insulator regime produced from a condensate in an optical lattice. We consider a system in which we create time-dependent number fluctuations in a given site by turning off the atomic interactions and lowering the potential barriers on a nearly pure Mott state to allow the atoms to tunnel between sites. We calculate the expected interference pattern and number fluctuations from such a system and show that one can potentially observe a deviation from a pure Mott state. We also discuss a method in which to detect these number fluctuations using time-of-flight imaging.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Send correspondence to [email protected]

    Density modulations in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate released from a disordered potential

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    We observe large density modulations in time-of-flight images of elongated Bose-Einstein condensates, initially confined in a harmonic trap and in the presence of weak disorder. The development of these modulations during the time-of-flight and their dependence with the disorder are investigated. We render an account of this effect using numerical and analytical calculations. We conclude that the observed large density modulations originate from the weak initial density modulations induced by the disorder, and not from initial phase fluctuations (thermal or quantum).Comment: Published version; 4+ pages; 4 figure

    Phase locking a clock oscillator to a coherent atomic ensemble

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    The sensitivity of an atomic interferometer increases when the phase evolution of its quantum superposition state is measured over a longer interrogation interval. In practice, a limit is set by the measurement process, which returns not the phase, but its projection in terms of population difference on two energetic levels. The phase interval over which the relation can be inverted is thus limited to the interval [π/2,π/2][-\pi/2,\pi/2]; going beyond it introduces an ambiguity in the read out, hence a sensitivity loss. Here, we extend the unambiguous interval to probe the phase evolution of an atomic ensemble using coherence preserving measurements and phase corrections, and demonstrate the phase lock of the clock oscillator to an atomic superposition state. We propose a protocol based on the phase lock to improve atomic clocks under local oscillator noise, and foresee the application to other atomic interferometers such as inertial sensors.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    One-dimensional description of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a rotating closed-loop waveguide

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    We propose a general procedure for reducing the three-dimensional Schrodinger equation for atoms moving along a strongly confining atomic waveguide to an effective one-dimensional equation. This procedure is applied to the case of a rotating closed-loop waveguide. The possibility of including mean-field atomic interactions is presented. Application of the general theory to characterize a new concept of atomic waveguide based on optical tweezers is finally discussed

    The Complexity of Codiagnosability for Discrete Event and Timed Systems

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    In this paper we study the fault codiagnosis problem for discrete event systems given by finite automata (FA) and timed systems given by timed automata (TA). We provide a uniform characterization of codiagnosability for FA and TA which extends the necessary and sufficient condition that characterizes diagnosability. We also settle the complexity of the codiagnosability problems both for FA and TA and show that codiagnosability is PSPACE-complete in both cases. For FA this improves on the previously known bound (EXPTIME) and for TA it is a new result. Finally we address the codiagnosis problem for TA under bounded resources and show it is 2EXPTIME-complete.Comment: 24 pages