86 research outputs found

    Double labelling immunohistochemical characterization of autonomic sympathetic neurons innervating the sow retractor clitoridis muscle

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    Retrograde neuronal tracing and immunohistochemical methods were used to define the neurochemical content of sympathetic neurons projecting to the sow retractor clitoridis muscle (RCM). Differently from the other smooth muscles of genital organs, the RCM is an isolated muscle that is tonically contracted in the rest phase and relaxed in the active phase. This peculiarity makes it an interesting experimental model. The fluorescent tracer fast blue was injected into the RCM of three 50 kg subjects. After a one-week survival period, the ipsilateral paravertebral ganglion S1, that in a preliminary study showed the greatest number of cells projecting to the muscle, was collected from each animal. The co-existence of tyrosine hydroxylase with choline acetyltransferase, neuronal nitric oxide synthase, calcitonin gene-related peptide, leuenkephalin, neuropeptide Y, substance P and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide was studied under a fluorescent microscope on cryostat sections. Tyrosine hydroxylase was present in about 58% of the neurons projecting to the muscle and was found to be co-localized with each of the other tested substances.Within fast blue-labelled cells negative to the adrenergic marker, small populations of neurons singularly containing each of the other enzymatic markers or peptides were also observed. The present study documents the complexity of the neurochemical interactions that regulate the activity of the smooth myocytes of the RCM and their vascular components

    The Autonomic and sensitive innervation of the ostrich copulatory organ

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    The autonomic and sensitive innervation of the ostrich copulatory organ was studied. The former consisted by isolated and grouped ganglion cells, located along the course of nerve bundles or in the convegence point of two or more of these fascicles. The latter is represented by free and encapsulated nerve terminations. These last one, morphologically classified as Pacini, Pacini-like and genital corpuscles,showed the typical structure and could be found isolated or assembled to organize flower-sprays, opposite-polar corpuscles or poikilomorphous nerve fibres. The Pacini corpuscles were numerically prevalent, while the Pacini-like terminations represented the less numerous receptorial type

    Influence of genetic selection on the myofibre type composition of porcine biceps femoris muscle: a comparative study of a purebred (Nero di Parma) and commercial hybrid pigs (Large White × Landrace × Duroc)

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    This study is aimed to evaluate histological features related to the different quality of meat cuts obtained from different pig breeds. We compared animals genetically selected to restore the original local purebred “Nero di Parma” pig, and highly selected fast-growing commercial hybrids. As weight is the main factor determining the time of slaughter, we compared equally weighing animals, sampled from slaughter for edible use, regardless of their age and sex, and immunohistochemically demonstrated the myofibre type composition of their biceps femoris muscle. In both groups we observed type I myofibres, situated as central islets, encircled by type IIA, IIX and IIB myofibres ordered in concentric rings according to the dynamic of their differentiation/maturation. However, the purebred pig muscles contained a smaller quantity of myofibres expressing the MyHC-IIb isoform, related to rapid postmortem glycolytic rate, meat toughness and poorer quality, in comparison to commercial hybrids. This proves that the latter are subjected to a more rapid transition in the expression of the different MyHC, probably as a consequence of genetic selection and breeding conditions, such as different feeding and housing reducing the possibility of continuous physical exercise. Further studies on the postnatal transitions timing of myosin heavy chain isoforms in functionally different muscles of various breeds are necessary to verify if they might be “artificially modulated”, with the aim to design breeding programs allowing a good balance between growth performance, muscularity and meat quality

    On the autonomic and sensitive nervous components of digital, metacarpal and metatarsal pads of the coypu (<i>Myocastor coypus</i>)

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    The innervation of the coypu foot pads (digital, metacarpal and metatarsal) is represented by an autonomic and a sensitive components. The former is constituted by isolated or grouped ganglion cells located along the course of nerve bundles, while the latter is composed by free and encapsulated nerve endings morphologically classified as Pacini, Pacini-like and Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles. The above named corpuscles show the typical structure and can be found isolated or grouped to organize simple and complex flower-sprays, opposite-polar corpuscles and poikilomorphous fibres. The AA. notice the morphological variability of the encapsulated receptors found in this and previous similar investigations but point out also that they are functionally mechanoreceptors and so compatible with the role of the considered anatomical district

    How Dual-Energy Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography Can Provide Useful Clinical Information About Prognostic Factors in Breast Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review of Literature

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    Introduction: In the past decade, a new technique derived from full-field digital mammography has been developed, named contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM). The aim of this study was to define the association between CESM findings and usual prognostic factors, such as estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, HER2, and Ki67, in order to offer an updated overview of the state of the art for the early differential diagnosis of breast cancer and following personalized treatments. Materials and methods: According to the PRISMA guidelines, two electronic databases (PubMed and Scopus) were investigated, using the following keywords: breast cancer AND (CESM OR contrast enhanced spectral mammography OR contrast enhanced dual energy mammography) AND (receptors OR prognostic factors OR HER2 OR progesterone OR estrogen OR Ki67). The search was concluded in August 2021. No restriction was applied to publication dates. Results: We obtained 28 articles from the research in PubMed and 114 articles from Scopus. After the removal of six replicas that were counted only once, out of 136 articles, 37 articles were reviews. Eight articles alone have tackled the relation between CESM imaging and ER, PR, HER2, and Ki67. When comparing radiological characterization of the lesions obtained by either CESM or contrast-enhanced MRI, they have a similar association with the proliferation of tumoral cells, as expressed by Ki-67. In CESM-enhanced lesions, the expression was found to be 100% for ER and 77.4% for PR, while moderate or high HER2 positivity was found in lesions with non-mass enhancement and with mass closely associated with a non-mass enhancement component. Conversely, the non-enhancing breast cancer lesions were not associated with any prognostic factor, such as ER, PR, HER2, and Ki67, which may be associated with the probability of showing enhancement. Radiomics on CESM images has the potential for non-invasive characterization of potentially heterogeneous tumors with different hormone receptor status. Conclusions: CESM enhancement is associated with the proliferation of tumoral cells, as well as to the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors. As CESM is a relatively young imaging technique, a few related works were found; this may be due to the "off-label" modality. In the next few years, the role of CESM in breast cancer diagnostics will be more thoroughly investigated

    Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) genotypes distribution among hepatocellular carcinoma patients in Southern Italy: a three year retrospective study

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    Abstract Background Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the major cause for cancer in the world. Aim of this case-control study was to investigate the distribution pattern of HCV genotypes among HCC patients and suggest whether infection with specific subtypes may be associated with an increased risk of progression to cancer. Methods 152 HCC anti-HCV positive patients, fulfilling the criteria from the Barcelona 2000 EASL conference, and 568 patients HCV chronically infected but without HCC as control group were included in the study. Serum of each patient was evaluated for viral load estimation and genotyping. Results Males with HCC significantly showed to have quite 2 times higher risk of exposure to HCV infection (OR = 1.72; 95% CI = 1.15–2.58). Moreover, HCC was significantly associated with older age. In fact, > 50 years older patients showed to have a higher risk of developing HCC (OR = 17.4; 95% CI = 4.24 to 71.36) compared to younger patients. HCV RNA rate was significantly higher (83.7%) among HCC patients than in the control group (61.4%, p < 0.001) and the most prevalent genotype was 1b (68.0% in HCC vs 54.4% in the control group, p < 0.005). HCC patients significantly have a risk of exposure to HCV 1b infection almost 2 times greater than the control group (OR = 1.8; 95% CI = 1.11–2.82). The multivariate-adjusted OR (95% CI) of developing HCC for HCV 1b comparing to non-1b was 1.65 (1.16–2.33). Conclusions Our study detected a significantly higher rate of HCV RNA positivity and a higher rate of HCV 1b infection in HCC patients, suggesting the strict association between subtype 1b infection and HCC. A prospective study with larger number of samples would be needed to confirm our results

    Immunohistochemical characteristics of the nerve fibres of sow retractor clitoridis muscle

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    The occurrence of several biologically active neuropeptides (calcitonine gene-related peptide, leu-enkephaline, neuropeptide Y, substance P, and vasoactive intestinal peptide) or nitric oxide-synthesizing enzymes (neuronal nitric oxide synthase), tyrosine hydroxylase, vesicular acetylcholine transporter, and their co-localization with tyrosine hydroxylase were investigated by immunohistochemistry in the retractor clitoridis muscle of slaughtered sows. Single immunolabelling revealed that tyrosine hydroxylase and neuropeptide Y immunoreactive nerve fibres were the most numerous, followed by the neuronal nitric oxide synthase and calcitonine gene-related peptide immunoreactive ones, the vasoactive intestinal peptide, substance P and leu-enkephaline immunoreactive nerve fibres were few and vesicular acetylcholine transporter immunoreactivity were observed only in single fibres. Double immunolabelling revealed the only co-localization of tyrosyne hydroxylase with neuropeptide Y. The most reliable labelling of nerve fibres of the retractor clitoridis muscle was observed around blood vessels, followed by non-vascular smooth muscles. The present data indicate that the sow retractor clitoridis muscle receives nerve fibres that exhibit different chemical codes and, likely, differences in their chemical coding depend on the target-structure

    Double labelling immunohistochemistry on the sympathetic trunk ganglia neurons projecting to the extrinsic penile smooth musculature of the pig: an experimental study on the retractor penis muscle

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    Retrograde neuronal tracing and double labelling immunofluorescence methods were used to define the neurochemical content of sympathetic trunk ganglia neurons projecting to the pig retractor penis muscle, which was taken as an experimental model of the male genital smooth musculature. After the injection of Fast Blue into the bulbo-penile portion of the retractor penis muscle, the eventual co-existence of the catecholaminergic marker tyrosine hydroxylase with calcitonine gene related peptide, leu-enkephalin, neuropeptide Y, neuronal nitric oxide synthase, substance P, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide or vesicular acetylcholine transporter was studied in the ipsilateral S1 sympathetic trunk ganglia, which resulted to contain the greatest number of autonomic retractor penis muscle projecting cells. The observation of Fast Blue positive neurons under the fluorescent microscope allowed the identification of different subpopulations of catecholaminergic and non-catecholaminergic retractor penis muscle-projecting neurons. The majority of catecholaminergic cells contained tyrosine hydroxylase alone, while the remaining part showed co-localization of tyrosine hydroxylase with all the other tested markers. These last neurons were immunoreactive, in decreasing percentages, for neuropeptide Y, leu-enkephalin, neuronal nitric oxide synthase, substance P, calcitonine gene related peptide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and vesicular acetylcholine transporter. The majority of non-catecholaminergic neurons were immunonegative for all the tested markers. The remaining non-catecholaminergic cells contained, in decreasing percentages, neuropeptide Y, neuronal nitric oxide synthase, leu-enkephalin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, vesicular acetylcholine transporter, substance P and calcitonine gene related peptide. Our findings documented the complexity of the neurochemical interactions that regulate both the motor functions of RPM and the blood flow through the muscle

    Association between mode of breast cancer detection and diagnosis delay

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    abstract We investigated the association between mode of breast cancer (Bca) detection and diagnosis delay in a case-series of primary, histologically confirmed Bca patients from Southern Italy. Nine hundred and fifty nine women diagnosed with incident, primary Bca were recruited in two southern Italian regions. We grouped the mode of detection into two categories: Self-Detection (S-D) and Mammography (MG). Diagnosis delay was defined as the time between detection and a histologically confirmed diagnosis of invasive Bca. 20.9% detected Bca with MG while 79.1% had S-D Bca. Women who detected Bca themselves (S-D) were more likely to delay breast cancer diagnosis than women who were diagnosed by a mammography (MG) (OR: 2.0; 95% CI: 1.39–2.87); when considering the model adjusted for health system-related characteristics, the risk increased (OR: 2.13; 95% CI: 1.47–3.09). Our study indicates a disadvantage in terms of diagnostic delay for women who were admitted and treated in community hospitals compared to women admitted and treated in breast health services

    Molecular profiles of screen detected vs. symptomatic breast cancer and their impact on survival: results from a clinical series

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    Stage shift is widely considered a major determinant of the survival benefit conferred by breast cancer screening. However, factors and mechanisms underlying such a prognostic advantage need further clarification. We sought to compare the molecular characteristics of screen detected vs. symptomatic breast cancers and assess whether differences in tumour biology might translate into survival benefit
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