
On the autonomic and sensitive nervous components of digital, metacarpal and metatarsal pads of the coypu (<i>Myocastor coypus</i>)


The innervation of the coypu foot pads (digital, metacarpal and metatarsal) is represented by an autonomic and a sensitive components. The former is constituted by isolated or grouped ganglion cells located along the course of nerve bundles, while the latter is composed by free and encapsulated nerve endings morphologically classified as Pacini, Pacini-like and Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles. The above named corpuscles show the typical structure and can be found isolated or grouped to organize simple and complex flower-sprays, opposite-polar corpuscles and poikilomorphous fibres. The AA. notice the morphological variability of the encapsulated receptors found in this and previous similar investigations but point out also that they are functionally mechanoreceptors and so compatible with the role of the considered anatomical district

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