151 research outputs found

    As A Free Climber without the Rope: The Climb to the Permanent Work of the New Italian Workers

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    This paper evaluates the impact of the Italian labour market reforms that have substantially liberalized the fixed term contract and the external collaborators. The debated question is the trade‐off between employment opportunities offered by the deregulation and the employment stability and quality after entry, in particular for the new entrants. Building on previous research, we address the question of whether temporary contractual arrangements are a dead‐end that traps workers indefinitely or just a stepping stone toward more stable and definitive forms of employments. Using micro data of more than 600.000 workers entered the labour market in the years 2008 to 2015 and two different types of temporary contractual agreements (temporary agency and fixed‐term contracts) as treatment, we adopt propensity score techniques to assess which one is more likely to act as a stepping stone towards permanent jobs with respect to a control group. We find significant poor evidence for the stepping stone hypothesis in the short run, with agency workers, though, performing slightly better than fixed term workers in the medium run

    "The working life of dependent labor in Emilia Romagna: a dynamic analysis using the SILER database" paper accepted and presented at 3rd International ESS Conference "Understanding key challenges for European societies in the 21st century" 13-15th July 2016, Amphimax, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

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    Institutions play a fundamental role in shaping the working life pattern of dependent labour. In the years of the great recession started in 2008, firms struggled to adopt more flexible contracts, in Italy and elsewhere, to minimize the burden of labour costs and face the ups and downs of global and local market demand. Governments in Italy progressively adopted innovative types of contractual agreements to fight long-term unemployment and facilitate the matching between historically disadvantaged labour seekers (young and women) and firms. So short-term types of contracts, in addition with permanent employment contracts, became an important instrument on the labour market. The SILER database collects the obligatory communications that a labour supplier in Italy must make to a special office when starting a contract with a new employee. The communication contains information on the employee, on the type of job and sector. Another communication must be sent when the contract ends, as well when major changes in the contractual terms arise. By collecting all the information for each single worker through many years, it is possible to reconstruct workers’ career, with the length of contracts, types of contract, and so on. The data allow for testing the efficacy of the flexisecurity model in Italy, as it can be evaluated if people can find a job without facing long periods of unemployment even when the contracts offered are not permanent. Moreover, with some degree of approximation, it becomes possible to tell exactly the length of time existing between a contract and another, a very good proxy for the length of unemployment. The study is organized as follows. Section 1 contains the key elements in the institutional panorama featuring the labour market in Italy in recent years. Section 2 contains a description of the SILER database. Section 3 contains a quantitative analysis of people having a dependent labour contract in Emilia Romagna from at least 2008 onwards. This includes computing the distribution of the most commonly adopted contract by age, sex, industry and institutional type of contract, as well as the typical sequence of contractual forms for workers considered. A multinomial analysis allows for determining the factors that influence obtaining a certain type of contract. Section 4 concludes and illustrates the opportunities offered by further analyses, as for example exploring the need for implementing programs to develop skills and abilities in certain sectors, the behaviour of firms in the aftermath of the financial crisis, the introduction of instruments for limiting the abuse of flexible contractual forms by firms, the importance of foreign labour

    Labour contracts and stepping-stone effect in Emilia-Romagna: a multinomial analysis

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    Do short-term contracts facilitate the transition into permanent contracts? We use a rich administrative database for the Emilia-Romagna northern region in Italy from 2008 to 2012 to run a stepping-stone analysis and evaluate which contractual agreement is more likely to lead to a permanent working position. We find that individual specific characteristics make it more likely for a worker to be employed with a specific contractual agreement and that the contribution towards more working stability varies with the previous contract. We conclude that fixed-term positions act more as stumbling blocks than building blocks for open-ended contracts

    Hipomineralização Molar Incisivo: uma revisão da literatura

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Odontologia.A Hipomineralização Molar Incisivo (HMI) é um defeito qualitativo de desenvolvimento do esmalte dentário, que afeta de um até todos os primeiros molares permanentes, podendo ou não estar associado aos incisivos. Essas alterações ocorrem em diferentes graus, e desta forma, a maneira como o manejo é feito varia a depender do caso, sendo por muitas vezes bastante desafiador para o profissional que irá atuar. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão da literatura à respeito de HMI com a finalidade de proporcionar informações ao Cirurgião-Dentista que realiza o atendimento infantil sobre o tema, em especial sobre a prevalência, etiologia e as modalidades de tratamento para os dentes afetados por essa condição. Para isso, foram utilizadas as bases de dados PubMed, Embase, Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source, Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs, BBO e SciELO, aplicando estratégias de busca relacionadas aos seguintes termos: “Hipomineralização Molar Incisivo”, “Terapêutica”, “Criança” e “Etiologia”. A pesquisa foi limitada aos artigos publicados em inglês e português, entre os anos de 2018 e 2023. A busca inicial resultou em 233 artigos, e restaram 79 artigos após a remoção das duplicatas. Foram aplicados os critérios de inclusão e exclusão e por fim, 17 artigos se adequaram ao objetivo do trabalho. Observou-se que apesar do aumento no número de estudos abordando prevalência, etiologia e o tratamento de molares e incisivos afetados por HMI, a evidência ainda é limitada. A prevalência encontrada variou entre 2,4% a 40,2% e a etiologia está relacionada a complicações durante o período de mineralização desses dentes, mas ainda não está completamente compreendida. As condutas clínicas identificadas têm foco nas medidas de dessensibilização e remineralização, tratamento restaurador direto e indireto, exodontia com ou sem posterior alinhamento ortodôntico para molares e o tratamento minimamente invasivo para as opacidades nos incisivos. Nesse sentido, torna-se essencial o conhecimento acerca da HMI e suas condutas a fim de proporcionar bons resultados de tratamento.Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) is a qualitative defect in the development of tooth enamel, which affects one to all first permanent molars, whether or not associated with the incisors. These alterations occur in different degrees, and therefore, the way in which the management is carried out varies depending on the case, often being quite challenging for the professional who will act. In this context, the objective of this study was to produce a literature review on MIH in order to provide information to the dental surgeon who performs child care on the subject, focusing on the prevalence, etiology and treatment modalities for teeth affected by this condition. For this research, the PubMed, Embase, Dentistry and Oral Sciences Source, Scopus, Web of Science, Lilacs, BBO and SciELO databases were used, applying search strategies related to the following terms: “Molar Incisor Hypomineralization”, “Therapeutics”, “Child” and “Etiology”. The search was limited to articles published in English and Portuguese, between the years 2018 and 2023. The initial search resulted in 233 articles, and 79 articles remained after removing duplicates. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied and finally, 17 articles suited the objective of the study. It was observed that despite the increase in the number of studies addressing prevalence, etiology and treatment of molars and incisors affected by MIH, the evidence is still limited. The prevalence found ranged from 2.4% to 40.2% and the etiology is related to complications during the period of mineralization of those teeth, but is not yet completely understood. The clinical approaches identified focus on desensitization and remineralization measures, direct and indirect restorative treatment, extraction with or without subsequent orthodontic alignment for molars and minimally invasive treatment for incisor opacities. In that regard, knowledge about MIH and its conduct becomes essential to provide good treatment results

    Effect of turmeric powder (Curcuma longa L.) and ascorbic acid on physical characteristics and oxidative status of fresh and stored rabbit burgers

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Curcuma longa powder and ascorbic acid on some quality traits of rabbit burgers. The burgers (burgers control with no additives; burgerswith 3.5 g of turmeric powder/100 g meat; burgers with 0.1 g of ascorbic acid/100 g meat) were analyzed at Days 0 and 7 for pH, color, drip loss, cooking loss, fatty acid profile, TBARS, antioxidant capacity (ABTS, DPPH and FRAP) and microbial growth. The addition of turmeric powder modified the meat color, produced an antioxidant capacity similar to ascorbic acid and determined a lower cooking loss than other formulations. Turmeric powder might be considered as a useful natural antioxidant, increasing the quality and extending the shelf life of rabbit burgers

    In ictu oculi #Palermo

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    In ictu oculi es una instalación intermedia que supone una reflexión sobre el paso del tiempo. La propuesta toma como punto de partida la obra del pintor barroco Juan de Valdés Leal (Sevilla, 1622-1690). Este artista es conocido fundamentalmente por los llamados “jeroglíficos de las postrimerías”, dos cuadros pintados hacia 1672 para la iglesia del Hospital de la Caridad de Sevilla. Basándose en el “jeroglífico” de Valdés Leal, la artista trata de recuperar la filosofía barroca de la “vanitas”, reutilizando los símbolos de la vela y el abrir y cerrar de ojos (parpadeo)

    Treatment of Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Neurocognitive Approach

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    The objective of the study was to treat fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) by a neurocognitive rehabilitation program aimed at improving motor planning by using motor imagery (MI). Twenty patients with clinically definite MS complaining of fatigue were treated for five weeks with exercises of neurocognitive rehabilitation twice a week. Patients were evaluated by Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), MSQoL54, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), and MS Functional Composite (MSFC). After treatment, a decrease in fatigue was detected with both FSS (P = 0.0001) and MFIS (P = 0.0001). MSFC (P = 0.035) and MSQoL54 (P = 0.002) scores improved compared to baseline. At six-month followup, the improvement was confirmed for fatigue (FSS, P = 0.0001; MFIS P = 0.01) and for the physical subscale of MSQoL54 (P = 0.049). No differences in disability scales were found. These results show that neurocognitive rehabilitation, based on MI, could be a strategy to treat fatigue in MS patients

    Sporadic MM-1 Type Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease With Hemiballic Presentation and No Cognitive Impairment Until Death: How New NCJDRSU Diagnostic Criteria May Allow Early Diagnosis

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    Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is the most common human prion disorder. Although associated with heterogeneous clinical phenotypes, its distinctive feature is the presence of a rapidly progressive multidomain cognitive impairment. We describe the atypical case of a patient affected by sporadic Methionine/Methionine type 1 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (typically associated with early cognitive decline) who presented with an isolated hemiballic syndrome and no signs of cognitive involvement until death. We review sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease diagnostic criteria and their updates since their first formulation, highlighting their limitations in clinical diagnostic work-up. Finally, we discuss the recently introduced National Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Research and Surveillance Unit diagnostic criteria, suggesting how their application could support an early clinical diagnosis, even in atypical cases, such as the one presented

    Simulação realística como uma ferramenta extensionista para graduação em enfermagem: um relato de experiência

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    The aim was to report the experiences of the project and its positive effects on the development of the clinical reasoning of the undergraduates, as a result of the experience with realistic simulation in the faculty of nursing. It is a descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional report, based on the experience of the project team. In addition to planning meetings for activities carried out by the project, 74 posts were made on social media and 3 meetings were held at virtual events. There was a good response from all event participants, and numerous positive feedbacks on the published content. Realistic simulation promotes the development of clinical reasoning, greater autonomy and improved communication between patient and nurse. In addition, it prepares students for the numerous challenges of the clinical-hospital environment, promoting greater safety and, consequently, better performance in nursing care.Objetivou-se relatar as experiências do projeto e seus efeitos positivos no desenvolvimento do raciocínio clínico dos graduandos, em decorrência da vivência com simulação realística na faculdade de enfermagem. Trata-se de um relato descritivo, retrospectivo e transversal, realizado mediante a experiência vivenciada pela equipe do projeto. Além de reuniões de planejamento das atividades realizadas pelo projeto, foram feitas 74 postagens nas mídias sociais e 3 encontros em eventos virtuais. Houve um bom retorno de todos os participantes dos eventos, e inúmeros feedbacks positivos acerca dos conteúdos publicados. A simulação realística promove o desenvolvimento do raciocínio clínico, maior autonomia e a melhoria na comunicação entre o paciente e o enfermeiro. Além disso, prepara os estudantes para os inúmeros desafios do ambiente clínico-hospitalar, promovendo maior segurança e, consequentemente, melhor desempenho nos cuidados de enfermagem