191 research outputs found

    Energy Expenditure at Rest and during Walking in Patients with Chronic Respiratory Failure: A Prospective Two-Phase Case-Control Study

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    Measurement of Energy Expenditure (EE) at rest (REE) and during physical activities are increasing in interest in chronic patients. In this study we aimed at evaluating the validity/reliability of the SenseWear\uaeArmband (SWA) device in terms of REE and EE during assisted walking in Chronic Respiratory Failure (CRF) patients receiving long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT).In a two-phase prospective protocol we studied 40 severe patients and 35 age-matched healthy controls. In phase-1 we determined the validity and repeatability of REE measured by SWA (REEa) in comparison with standard calorimetry (REEc). In phase-2 we then assessed EE and Metabolic Equivalents-METs by SWA during the 6-minute walking test while breathing oxygen in both assisted (Aid) or unassisted (No-Aid) modalities. When compared with REEc, REEa was slightly lower in patients (1351\ub1169 vs 1413\ub1194 kcal/day respectively, p<0.05), and less repeatable ithan in healthy controls (0.14 and 0.43 coefficient respectively). COPD patients with CRF patients reported a significant gain with Aid as compared with No-Aid modality in terms of meters walked, perceived symptoms and EE.SWA provides a feasible and valid method to assess the energy expenditure in CRF patients on LTOT, and it shows that aided walking results in a substantial energy saving in this population

    Non-hermiticity in spintronics: oscillation death in coupled spintronic nano-oscillators through emerging exceptional points

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    The emergence of exceptional points (EPs) in the parameter space of a non-hermitian (2D) eigenvalue problem is studied in a general sense in mathematical physics, and has in the last decade successively reached the scope of experiments. In coupled systems, it gives rise to unique physical phenomena, which enable novel approaches for the development of seminal types of highly sensitive sensors. Here, we demonstrate at room temperature the emergence of EPs in coupled spintronic nanoscale oscillators and hence exploit the system's non-hermiticity. We describe the observation of amplitude death of self-oscillations and other complex dynamics, and develop a linearized non-hermitian model of the coupled spintronic system, which properly describes the main experimental features. Interestingly, these spintronic nanoscale oscillators are deployment-ready in different applicational technologies, such as field, current or rotation sensors, radiofrequeny and wireless devices and, more recently, novel neuromorphic hardware solutions. Their unique and versatile properties, notably their large nonlinear behavior, open up unprecedented perspectives in experiments as well as in theory on the physics of exceptional points. Furthermore, the exploitation of EPs in spintronics devises a new paradigm for ultrasensitive nanoscale sensors and the implementation of complex dynamics in the framework of non-conventional computing

    BeeNet and BEST: the Italian 'beekeeping and environment' projects

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia Civil, no ramo de Geotecnia, apresentada ao Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Faculdade de CiĆŖncias e Tecnologia da Universidade de CoimbraO estudo e a caracterizacĢ§aĢƒo de solos incoerentes, nomeadamente areias saturadas, foram impulsionados pela ocorreĢ‚ncia de diversos incidentes, entre os quais se destacam os sismos de 1964 no Alasca (Estados Unidos da AmeĢrica) e em Niigata (JapaĢƒo). Os severos danos registados durante estes sismos alertaram a comunidade cientiĢfica para os efeitos associados aos fenoĢmenos de liquefacĢ§aĢƒo, impulsionando o desenvolvimento da disciplina de engenharia siĢsmica geoteĢcnica. No final do seĢculo XX, o iniĢcio do estudo sistemaĢtico do comportamento de solos no domiĢnio das pequenas deformacĢ§oĢƒes vem complementar o conhecimento da resposta naĢƒo drenada de areias, fornecendo ferramentas adequadas para o dimensionamento tanto aos estados limites de utilizacĢ§aĢƒo como aos estados limites uĢltimos. Apesar dos avancĢ§os cientiĢficos no estudo do comportamento de areias saturadas, abalos siĢsmicos mais recentes, como os sismos de Kobe (1995, JapaĢƒo) e Kocaeli (1999, Turquia), demonstraram que a previsaĢƒo de fenoĢmenos de liquefacĢ§aĢƒo e seus efeitos naĢƒo estaĢƒo totalmente compreendidos. Atendendo aĢ€ histoĢria siĢsmica de Portugal bem como ao facto de as principais cidades portuguesas se situarem no litoral ou nas margens de rios, o Departamento de Engenharia Civil da Universidade de Coimbra, com a colaboracĢ§aĢƒo de outras duas instituicĢ§oĢƒes de ensino superior nacionais, encetou, em 2008, um vasto programa de investigacĢ§aĢƒo sobre ferramentas para o dimensionamento baseado no desempenho em macicĢ§os suscetiĢveis aĢ€ liquefacĢ§aĢƒo. Para esta investigacĢ§aĢƒo, foi escolhida uma areia local recolhida nas margens do Rio Mondego que, apoĢs o seu tratamento, origina uma fracĢ§aĢƒo uniforme designada de areia de Coimbra, material que se propoĢƒe caracterizar, dando seguimento a vaĢrios estudos jaĢ elaborados. Os dados da extensa investigacĢ§aĢƒo laboratorial concretizada resultam de ensaios realizados sobre amostras ciliĢndricas de seccĢ§aĢƒo cheia mas, essencialmente, de ensaios executados num HCA Mark II sobre provetes ciliĢndricos ocos cujas dimensoĢƒes saĢƒo 60Di:100Do:200H (mm). A conclusaĢƒo da instalacĢ§aĢƒo deste equipamento, o desenvolvimento de procedimentos de calibracĢ§aĢƒo dos seus instrumentos de medicĢ§aĢƒo bem como o estabelecimento de teĢcnicas de preparacĢ§aĢƒo de provetes e de execucĢ§aĢƒo de ensaios constituem a primeira parte desta dissertacĢ§aĢƒo. Estas informacĢ§oĢƒes teĢcnicas, que incluem a descricĢ§aĢƒo detalhada de todos os componentes do HCA da Universidade de Coimbra, eĢ complementada com uma exposicĢ§aĢƒo dos pressupostos e conceitos teoĢricos que permitem a definicĢ§aĢƒo dos estados de tensaĢƒo e deformacĢ§aĢƒo em amostras ciliĢndricas ocas. A caracterizacĢ§aĢƒo avancĢ§ada do comportamento mecaĢ‚nico da areia de Coimbra, que sucede estudos microscoĢpicos e de identificacĢ§aĢƒo que complementam informacĢ§oĢƒes anteriormente publicadas, perfaz a segunda parte desta dissertacĢ§aĢƒo. Os ensaios laboratoriais incidem sobre amostras de areia reconstituiĢdas e saturadas, incluindo ensaios monotoĢnicos e ciĢclicos em condicĢ§oĢƒes naĢƒo drenadas para diferentes modos de carregamento e estados iniciais. A versatilidade do HCA, aleĢm da caracterizacĢ§aĢƒo no domiĢnio das pequenas deformacĢ§oĢƒes do solo analisado, permite a imposicĢ§aĢƒo de condicĢ§oĢƒes de restricĢ§aĢƒo de deformacĢ§aĢƒo pouco convencionais no estudo de liquefacĢ§aĢƒo de areias. Por fim, descreve-se o comportamento poĢs-liquefacĢ§aĢƒo da areia de Coimbra, com especial enfoque nas deformacĢ§oĢƒes volumeĢtricas e na variacĢ§aĢƒo do estado de tensaĢƒo.The characterisation of cohesionless soils, namely saturated sands, was encouraged by several seismic events such as the 1964 earthquakes in Alaska (USA) and Niigata (Japan). The severe damages observed during and after these earthquakes drew the attention of the scientific community to liquefaction-related phenomena. It is also accepted that these two earthquakes are at the origin of the geotechnical earthquake engineering. By the end of the 20th century, extensive research programmes on the small strain behaviour of soils improved considerably the knowledge of the stress- strain response of sands, providing the appropriate tools for the design of both serviceability and ultimate limit states. Despite all the scientific advances in the study of the behaviour of saturated sand, recent earthquakes, such as Kobeā€™s earthquake in 1995 (Japan) and the Kocaeliā€™s earthquake in 1999 (Turkey), sowed that the prediction of liquefaction-related phenomena and their effects were not fully understood. Given Portugalā€™s seismic history, as well as the fact that its major cities are located on the coast or in proximity to rivers, the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, began in 2008, in collaboration with two other Portuguese Universities, a comprehensive research programme with the objective of developing performance- based design tools for liquefiable deposits. A local sand, named Coimbra sand, obtained from sand collected on the banks of the Mondego River, has been used for this investigation. The present investigation aims at characterising the mechanical response of this sand, highlighting some features of its behaviour that have not been studied yet. The comprehensive experimental research carried out comprises data from tests performed on both conventional cylindrical samples and hollow cylindrical samples with dimensions 60Di:100Do:200H (mm) tested in a Hollow Cylinder Apparatus Mark II. The set up of this apparatus, the development of the calibration procedures for the measurement instruments, as well as the proposal of sample preparation techniques, compose the first part of this thesis. This technical information, which comprises a fully detailed description of all of the University of Coimbraā€™s HCA components, is accompanied by a discussion of all the assumptions and theoretical principles needed for the definition of the stress and strain states in a hollow cylindrical sample. Microscopic and fundamentals studies, which complete the data published in previous works, precede the advanced characterisation of the mechanical behaviour of Coimbra sand, constituting the second part of this thesis. All the laboratory tests are carried on remoulded and saturated sand samples, and comprise monotonic and cyclic undrained shear tests for both different loading modes and initial states. The versatility of the HCA enables not only the characterization of the small strain stiffness behaviour of Coimbra sand but also the use of unconventional deformation-restricted conditions in the study of sand liquefaction. Lastly, the post-liquefaction behaviour of Coimbra sand is described, with particular emphasis on the development of volumetric strains and evolution of stress state.Lā€™eĢtude et la caracteĢrisation des sols incoheĢrents, notamment des sables satureĢs, ont eĢteĢ encoutageĢes par de tragiques eĢveĢ€nements sismiques, parmi lesquels se trouvent les tremblements de terre de 1964 en Alaska (Etats-Unis dā€™AmeĢrique) et aĢ€ Niigata (Japon). Les importants deĢgaĢ‚ts enregistreĢs au cours de ces violents tremblements de terre ont alerteĢ la communauteĢ scientifique et face aux effets de ces pheĢnomeĢ€nes lieĢs aĢ€ la liqueĢfaction des sables, une discipline du domaine du GeĢnie Civil a eĢteĢ creĢeĢe: Parasismique et GeĢotechnique. Vers la fin du XXe sieĢ€cle, le deĢbut des eĢtudes du comportement des sols sous lā€™hypotheĢ€se des petites perturbations vient compleĢter la connaissance du comportement non draineĢ des sables et fournir les outils neĢcessaires pour le dimensionnement aux eĢtats limites ultimes et en service. MalgreĢ tous les progreĢ€s scientifiques, des tremblements de terre reĢcents, comme ceux que ont eut lieu aĢ€ Kobe en 1995 (Japon) et aĢ€ Kocaeli en 1999 (Turquie), ont deĢmontreĢ que la preĢdiction bien comme les effets des pheĢnomeĢ€nes lieĢs aĢ€ la liqueĢfaction nā€™eĢtaient pas inteĢgralement assimileĢs. EĢtant donneĢ lā€™histoire sismologique du Portugal aussi bien comme le fait que les villes portugaises les plus importantes sont eĢtablies sur la coĢ‚te ou sur les berges de fleuves, le DeĢpartement de GeĢnie Civil de lā€™UniversiteĢ de Coimbra au Portugal, en collaboration avec deux autres eĢtablissements de geĢnie civil nationaux, a entameĢ, en 2008, un ample programme de recherche sur les outils pour le dimensionnement baseĢ sur la performance des sols susceptibles aĢ€ la liqueĢfaction. Les recherches sont meneĢes sur le sable de Coimbra, qui est le reĢsultat du traitement dā€™un sable locale recueilli sur les rives du fleuve Mondego. La preĢsente eĢtude vise caracteĢriser ce sol en apportant des renseignements encore jamais eĢtudieĢs auparavant. Les reĢsultats de cette ample recherche reĢaliseĢe en laboratoire proviennent dā€™essais triaxiaux sur des eĢchantillons conventionnels de sable et sur des eĢchantillons cylindriques creux. Ces derniers ont eĢteĢ effectueĢs avec une cellule triaxiale aĢ€ cylindre creux du type HCA Mark II, qui permet, entre autres, dā€™essayer des eĢprouvettes cylindriques creuses dont les dimensions sont de 60Di:100De:200H (mm). Lā€™acheĢ€vement de lā€™installation de cet eĢquipement, le deĢveloppement de proceĢdures dā€™eĢtalonnage de ses instruments de mesure bien comme de techniques de preĢparation dā€™eĢprouvettes creuses composent la premieĢ€re partie de cette theĢ€se. Cet exposeĢ inclut une description treĢ€s deĢtailleĢe du HCA de lā€™UniversiteĢ de Coimbra ainsi que lā€™exposition des hypotheĢ€ses et des notions theĢoriques qui permettent de deĢfinir les eĢtats de contrainte et de deĢformation dans des essaies de cylindres creux. La deuxieĢ€me partie de cette theĢ€se rassemble les reĢsultats de la caracteĢrisation du comportement meĢcanique du sable de Coimbra, qui succeĢ€de aĢ€ des eĢtudes microscopiques et dā€™identification. Les eĢtudes en laboratoire comprennent uniquement des eĢchantillons de sable remanieĢs et satureĢs, lesquels sont soumis aĢ€ des essais de cisaillement non draineĢs sous diffeĢrents modes de chargements monotones et cycliques pour diffeĢrentes conditions initiales. La polyvalence de la cellule triaxiale aĢ€ cylindre creux permet aussi dā€™imposer des restrictions de deĢformations non conventionnelles dans lā€™eĢtude de la liqueĢfaction des sables e ains que leur caracteĢrisation sous lā€™hypotheĢ€se des petites perturbations. En dernier lieu, ce travail preĢsente des donneĢes sur le comportement post liqueĢfaction du sable de Coimbra, en mettant lā€™accent sur les deĢformations volumeĢtriques et la variation de lā€™eĢtat de contrainte

    Project of a multibeam UHF receiver to improve survey capabilities

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    The Institute of Radioastronomy (IRA-Bologna) of the National Institute for Astrophysics of Italy (INAF ā€“ Rome) joined the European group for the Square Kilometer Array Design Study (SKA-DS) in the frame of the FP6 program. One of the goals of the Design Study was the construction and test of a state of the art very small SKA prototype. A segment (1/8) of the N/S arm of the large Northern Cross array (408 MHz+/āˆ’8 MHz) was exploited to obtain a prototype array, made up by 8 cylindrical concentrators (23.5 mtƗ7.5 mt) equipped with 4 receivers each. In this way a 32 receivers array with a total collecting area of about 1400 m2 was obtained. Signals are directly carried from the receivers, located on the focal lines, down to the back end, located in the processing room, via a very cost effective analog optical links. Here a fast back end, presently based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Berkeley-Roach boards, takes care of running the required complex algorithms to perform (non-adaptive) multi-beamforming with a 2D FFT. The main advantage of such an already working array is to produce 21 independent 31ā€™Ć—104ā€™ beams located inside a 38 deg2 Field Of View (FoV). Our plan is to search for funds to refit the remaining 56 cylinders of the N/S arm, to dramatically increase both the sensitivity and number of beams (pixels) placed in the same FoV. In this way, it could be possible to perform a deep SETI survey in the UHF band by an about 11.200 m2 antenna (equivalent to a 119 m dish), a 37.6 deg2 FOV and 189 independent beams. The system could be further expanded by installing more receivers on each N/S focal line, increasing the FOV and the number of pixels with the same sensitivity. Assuming that adequate funds could be found for refitting the giant E/W arm as well, an equivalent 180 m dish could be obtained to perform a very deep SETI sky survey with a 120 deg2 FOV at high sensitivity. This would allow a very fast and deep sky survey in the UHF band

    Spring honey bee losses in Italy

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    Honey bee poisoning incidents and monitoring schemes Background: During last years several cases of bee losses have been reported during the period of corn sowing in different European countries. In Italy an institutional system for bee losses survey does not exist and therefore some Italian regions decided to organise an official network to collect data and analyse dead bee samples. Results: Collected data indicate that the higher number of bee losses events occurred in intensively cultivated flat areas, located in the North of Italy, mainly during or after corn sowing. The chemical analyses of dead bees revealed the presence of three neonicotinoid residues: imidacloprid was found in 25.7% of the sample, thiamethoxam in 2.8%, clothianidin in 25.7%, both imidacloprid and thiamethoxam in 4.7%. The visual examination and the virological analyses excluded pathological causes. Conclusion: The spatial and temporal correlation between hive damages and corn sowing and the presence of residues of active ingredients used for seed dressing (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin) in almost half of the samples confirms the connection between spring mortality and the sowing of corn seed dressed with neonicotinoids. Keywords: honeybee mortality, neonicotinoids, seed dressing, corn sowing, dust dispersion.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

    The Northern Cross Fast Radio Burst project -- III. The FRB-magnetar connection in a sample of nearby galaxies

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    Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond radio transients observed at cosmological distances. The nature of their progenitors is still a matter of debate, although magnetars are invoked by most models. The proposed FRB-magnetar connection was strengthened by the discovery of an FRB-like event from the Galactic magnetar SGR J1935+2154. In this work, we aim to investigate how prevalent magnetars such as SGR J1935+2154 are within FRB progenitors. We carried out an FRB search in a sample of seven nearby (< 12 Mpc) galaxies with the Northern Cross radio telescope for a total of 692 h. We detected one 1.8 ms burst in the direction of M101 with a fluence of 58Ā±558 \pm 5 Jy ms. Its dispersion measure of 303 pc cmāˆ’3^{-3} places it most-likely beyond M101. Considering that no significant detection comes indisputably from the selected galaxies, we place a 38 yrāˆ’1^{-1} upper limit on the total burst rate (i.e. including the whole sample) at the 95\% confidence level. This upper limit constrains the event rate per magnetar Ī»mag<0.42\lambda_{\rm mag} < 0.42 magnetarāˆ’1^{-1} yrāˆ’1^{-1} or, if combined with literature observations of a similar sample of nearby galaxies, it yields a joint constraint of Ī»mag<0.25\lambda_{\rm mag} < 0.25 magnetarāˆ’1^{-1} yrāˆ’1^{-1}. We also provide the first constraints on the expected rate of FRBs hypothetically originating from ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) sources, since some of the galaxies observed during our observational campaign host confirmed ULXs. We obtain <13< 13 yrāˆ’1^{-1} per ULX for the total sample of galaxies observed. Our results indicate that bursts with energies E>1034E>10^{34} erg from magnetars like SGR J1935+2154 appear more rarely compared to previous observations and further disfavour them as unique progenitors for the cosmological FRB population, leaving more space open to the contribution from a population of more exotic magnetars, not born via core-collapsed supernovae.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, published in A&

    Degenerate and non-degenerate parametric excitation in YIG nanostructures

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    We study experimentally the processes of parametric excitation in microscopic magnetically saturated disks of nanometer-thick Yttrium Iron Garnet. We show that, depending on the relative orientation between the parametric pumping field and the static magnetization, excitation of either degenerate or non-degenerate magnon pairs is possible. In the latter case, which is particularly important for applications associated with the realization of computation in the reciprocal space, a single-frequency pumping can generate pairs of magnons whose frequencies correspond to different eigenmodes of the disk. We show that, depending on the size of the disk and the modes involved, the frequency difference in a pair can vary in the range 0.1-0.8 GHz. We demonstrate that in this system, one can easily realize a practically important situation where several magnon pairs share the same mode. We also observe the simultaneous generation of up to six different modes using a fixed-frequency monochromatic pumping. Our experimental findings are supported by numerical calculations that allow us to unambiguously identify the excited modes. Our results open new possibilities for the implementation of reciprocal-space computing making use of low damping magnetic insulators.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure
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