20 research outputs found

    Molecular dynamics simulations of oxide memristors: thermal effects

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    We have extended our recent molecular-dynamic simulations of memristors to include the effect of thermal inhomogeneities on mobile ionic species appearing during operation of the device. Simulations show a competition between an attractive short-ranged interaction between oxygen vacancies and an enhanced local temperature in creating/destroying the conducting oxygen channels. Such a competition would strongly affect the performance of the memristive devices.Comment: submit/0169777; 6 pages, 4 figure

    Níveis de proteína bruta para juvenis de pirarucu

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    The objective of this work was to verify the effect of four protein levels on pirarucu, Arapaima gigas, growth performance. One hundred and twenty pirarucu juveniles, with an average weight of 120.6±3.5 g, were stocked into 12 floating cages with 1 m3 (ten fish per cage), in a complete randomized design with four treatments (32.7%, 39.3%, 43.4% and 48.6% crude protein), in three replicates each. After 45 days, results showed that diet with highest protein level (48.6%) produced a better weight gain, specific growth rate, and differentiated body composition. Feed conversion and protein efficiency ratios did not show any differences among treatments. The dietary protein level required to produce maximum growth is 48.6%

    Cartesian genetic programming for memristive logic circuits

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    In this paper memristive logic circuits are evolved using Cartesian Genetic Programming. Graphs comprised of implication logic (IMP) nodes are compared to more ubiquitous NAND circuitry on a number of logic circuit problems and a robotic control task. Self-adaptive search parameters are used to provide each graph with autonomy with respect to its relative mutation rates. Results demonstrate that, although NAND-logic graphs are easier to evolve, IMP graphs carry benefits in terms of (i) numbers of memristors required (ii) the time required to process the graphs. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Efeito alelopático de folhas de Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil. (Solanaceae) na germinação e crescimento de Sesamum indicum L. (Pedaliaceae) sob diferentes temperaturas Allelopathic effect of Solanum lycocarpum A. St.-Hil. leaves on the germination and growth of Sesamum indicum L.(Pedaliaceae) under different temperatures

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    Alelopatia pode ser definida como o efeito maléfico ou benéfico que uma planta exerce sobre a outra por meio de compostos químicos liberados no ambiente. Diversas espécies do gênero Solanum apresentam evidências de propriedades alelopáticas. S. lycocarpum A. St.-Hil (lobeira) é espécie de ampla distribuição em ambientes perturbados do Cerrado. No presente trabalho foram investigados efeitos alelopáticos de extratos de folhas de lobeira na germinação e no crescimento do gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.). Extratos aquosos das folhas foram preparados nas concentrações de 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% e 5% (p/v). A osmolaridade dos extratos foi medida e soluções de polietileno glicol (PEG 6000), de osmolaridade similar, foram preparadas para avaliar possíveis efeitos osmóticos dos extratos aquosos. Nos testes de germinação, as sementes de gergelim foram colocadas em placas de Petri forradas com papel de filtro com a solução a ser testada e observadas a cada 8h. Para os experimemtos de crescimento, sementes de gergelim foram germinadas em água e posteriormente dispostas para crescimento nos extratos. Após 5 dias, foram medidos os comprimentos da parte aérea e radicular das plântulas. Todos os experimentos foram conduzidos a 22 ºC, 30 ºC e 38 ºC. Observou-se que os extratos de folhas não afetaram a germinabilidade, mas aumentaram o tempo médio de germinação em uma relação próxima à dose-dependente, nas três temperaturas. Quanto ao crescimento, a parte radicular foi a mais afetada pelos extratos aquosos, apresentando redução no tamanho, necroses, ausência de pêlos absorventes e formação de raízes laterais. Os efeitos dos extratos no crescimento das plântulas foram mais evidentes a 38 ºC. Os experimentos conduzidos com soluções de PEG 6000 mostraram que os efeitos observados na presença dos extratos não são de natureza osmótica.<br>Allelopathy should be defined as any stimulatory or inhibitory effect by one plant on another through production of chemical compounds released into the environment. Several Solanum species have shown some allelopathic property. S. lycocarpum islargely distributed on disturbed areas of the Brazilian Cerrado. In the present study the effects of aqueous extracts of S. lycocarpum leaves on the germination and growth of Sesanum indicum L. (sesame) were investigated. Aqueous leaf extracts at concentrations of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% (w/v) were prepared. The osmolarity of the extracts were measured and solutions of polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) of similar osmolarity were prepared to evaluate osmotic effects of the extracts on sesame germination and growth. The experiments were carried out on petri dishes lined by two layers of filter paper plus the solutions to be tested. For the germination experiments the number of germinated seeds was checked every 8h. For the growth experiments sesame seeds were previously germinated in water and disposed to grow in the extracts. After five days of incubation the root and shoot length of the seedlings was measured. All the experiments were performed at 22 ºC, 30 ºC and 38 ºC. The extracts did not affect the germinability but increased the average germination time in a dose-dependent manner at the three temperatures. The root growth was more affected by the extracts, showing tip-necrosis, absence of root hairs, and formation of secondary roots. These effects were more evident at 38 ºC. Using PEG 6000 it was shown that the observed effects were not due to osmotic properties of the leaf extracts

    Avaliação de níveis protéicos para a nutrição de juvenis de matrinxã (Brycon cephalus) Evaluation of dietary protein contents for juvenile matrinxã (Brycon cephalus)

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    O matrinxã (Brycon cephalus - Gunther, 1869), é uma espécie de peixe nativa da bacia Amazônica que tem despertado grande interesse entre pesquisadores e piscicultores de todo o Brasil. A crescente demanda pelo cultivo desta espécie em ambiente controlado se deve, principalmente, à sua pronta adaptação ao cativeiro e à aceitação de alimentos artificiais, tanto de origem vegetal quanto animal, ao lado do seu elevado valor comercial. Contudo, para ser um empreendimento comercial bem sucedido, o alimento a ser fornecido a esta espécie deve atender a suas necessidades em proteína e permitir elevados ganhos de peso em períodos curtos. O experimento foi conduzido na estação de aqüicultura da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental. Foram testados cinco níveis de proteína bruta (16, 19, 22, 25 e 28%) em dietas isocalóricas (EB = 390 kcal/100g) em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com três repetições para cada tratamento. Os resultados obtidos após 210 dias de estudo mostraram que a dieta contendo 28 % de proteína bruta promoveu o maior ganho de peso, melhor conversão alimentar e mais alto crescimento corporal entre os níveis testados, indicando que este nível protéico atendeu satisfatoriamente às necessidades de proteína para esta espécie, nas condições deste experimento.<br>Matrinxã (Brycon cephalus - Gunther, 1869) a native fish species from the Amazon basin, has been causing a great deal of interest among researchers and fish culturists all over Brazil. The rising demand for the culture of this species in controlled environment is mainly due, to its ready adaptation to captivity, the acceptance of manufactured feed made with either animal or plant ingredients, along with its high commercial value. However, for a successful commercial enterprise, feed must meet protein requirements of the fish to allow high weight gain in a short period. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental aquaculture station. Five crude protein concentration (16, 19, 22, 25 and 28 %) in isocaloric (EB = 390 kcal/100g) diets were tested in a fully randomized experimental design with three replicas. Results obtained at the end of 210 days of study showed that diets containing 28 % crude protein promoted the highest weight gain, growth and best feed conversion among tested diets, indicating that the protein requirements for this species can be satisfactorily achieved under experimental conditions