909 research outputs found

    Correlation Functions in ω\omega-Deformed N=6 Supergravity

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    Gauged N=8 supergravity in four dimensions is now known to admit a deformation characterized by a real parameter ω\omega lying in the interval 0≤ω≤π/80\le\omega\le \pi/8. We analyse the fluctuations about its anti-de Sitter vacuum, and show that the full N=8 supersymmetry can be maintained by the boundary conditions only for ω=0\omega=0. For non-vanishing ω\omega, and requiring that there be no propagating spin s>1 fields on the boundary, we show that N=3 is the maximum degree of supersymmetry that can be preserved by the boundary conditions. We then construct in detail the consistent truncation of the N=8 theory to give ω\omega-deformed SO(6) gauged N=6 supergravity, again with ω\omega in the range 0≤ω≤π/80\le\omega\le \pi/8. We show that this theory admits fully N=6 supersymmetry-preserving boundary conditions not only for ω=0\omega=0, but also for ω=π/8\omega=\pi/8. These two theories are related by a U(1) electric-magnetic duality. We observe that the only three-point functions that depend on ω\omega involve the coupling of an SO(6) gauge field with the U(1) gauge field and a scalar or pseudo-scalar field. We compute these correlation functions and compare them with those of the undeformed N=6 theory. We find that the correlation functions in the ω=π/8\omega=\pi/8 theory holographically correspond to amplitudes in the U(N)_k x U(N)_{-k} ABJM model in which the U(1) Noether current is replaced by a dynamical U(1) gauge field. We also show that the ω\omega-deformed N=6 gauged supergravities can be obtained via consistent reductions from the eleven-dimensional or ten-dimensional type IIA supergravities.Comment: 38 pages, one figur

    The first 7 months of the 2020 X-ray outburst of the magnetar SGR J1935+2154

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    The magnetar SGR J1935+2154 underwent a new active episode on 2020 April 27-28, when a forest of hundreds of X-ray bursts and a large enhancement of the persistent flux were detected. For the first time, a radio burst with properties similar to those of fast radio bursts and with a X-ray counterpart was observed from this source, showing that magnetars can power at least a group of fast radio bursts. In this paper, we report on the X-ray spectral and timing properties of SGR J1935+2154 based on a long-term monitoring campaign with Chandra, XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, Swift and NICER covering a time span of ~7 months since the outburst onset. The broadband spectrum exhibited a non-thermal power-law component (photon index~1.2) extending up to ~20-25 keV throughout the campaign and a blackbody component with temperature decreasing from ~1.5 keV at the outburst peak to ~0.45 keV in the following months. We found that the luminosity decay is well described by the sum of two exponential functions, reflecting the fast decay (~1 d) at the early stage of the outburst followed by a slower decrease (~30 d). The source reached quiescence about ~80 days after the outburst onset, releasing an energy of ~6e40 erg during the outburst. We detected X-ray pulsations in the XMM-Newton data sets and derived an average spin-down rate of ~3.5e-11 s/s using the spin period measurements derived in this work and three values reported previously during the same active period. Moreover, we report on simultaneous radio observations performed with the Sardinia Radio Telescope. No evidence for periodic or single-pulse radio emission was found

    Phase-dependent absorption features in X-ray spectra of X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars

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    A detailed phase-resolved spectroscopy of archival XMM-Newton observations of X-ray Dim Isolated Neutron Stars (XDINSs) led to the discovery of narrow and strongly phase-dependent absorption features in two of these sources. The first was discovered in the X-ray spectrum of RX J0720.4-3125, followed by a new possible candidate in RX J1308.6+2127. Both spectral lines have similar properties: they are detected for only ∼ 20% of the rotational cycle and appear to be stable over the timespan covered by the observations. We performed Monte Carlo simulations to test the significance of these phase-variable features and in both cases the outcome has confirmed the detection with a confidence level > 4.6σ. Because of the narrow width and the strong dependence on the pulsar rotational phase, the most likely interpretation for these spectral features is in terms of resonant proton cyclotron absorption scattering in a confined high-B structure close to the stellar surface. Within the framework of this interpretation, our results provide evidence for deviations from a pure dipole magnetic field on small scales for highly magnetized neutron stars and support the proposed scenario of XDINSs being aged magnetars, with a strong non-dipolar crustal B-field component

    Linear pose estimate from corresponding conics

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    We propose here a new method to recover the orientation and position of a plane by matching at least three projections of a conic lying on the plane itself. The procedure is based on rearranging the conic projection equations such that the non linear terms are eliminated. It works with any kind of conic and does not require that the shape of the conic is known a-priori. The method was extensively tested using ellipses, but it can also be used for hyperbolas and parabolas. It was further applied to pairs of lines, which can be viewed as a degenerate case of hyperbola, without requiring the correspondence problem to be solved first. Critical configurations and numerical stability have been analyzed through simulations. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm was compared to that of traditional algorithms and of a trinocular vision system using a set of landmarks

    Risultati del trattamento chirurgico del varicocele nella infertilità maschile

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    To evaluate the results of surgical treatment of varicocele on infertile men, especially regarding sperm count, 245 patients, surgically treated from 1993 to 2003, were evaluated. Patients underwent to ligature and section of the pampiniform plexus, throught the subinguinal approach and local anaesthesia. At the follow-up (3-6-12 months) an improvement of sperm count was relieved in 79.5% of patients and the incidence of complications and relapses was of 3.7% and 1.2%, respectively. The Authors stress the efficacy of surgical treatment of varicocele in male infertility and hold the subinguinal approach as an effective treatment, minimally invasive and low cost

    Hand Rehabilitation and Telemonitoring through Smart Toys

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    We describe here a platform for autonomous hand rehabilitation and telemonitoring of young patients. A toy embedding the electronics required to sense fingers pressure in different grasping modalities is the core element of this platform. The system has been realized following the user-centered design methodology taking into account stakeholder needs from start: clinicians require reliable measurements and the ability to get a picture remotely on rehabilitation progression; children have asked to interact with a pleasant and comfortable object that is easy to use, safe, and rewarding. These requirements are not antithetic, and considering both since the design phase has allowed the realization of a platform reliable to clinicians and keen to be used by young children
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