10,086 research outputs found

    Strong ground motion in southern Portugal due to the 1755 Lisbon earthquake

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    The strong earthquake (M=8.8) that struck a large part of the Iberian Peninsula and Northern Morocco on November 1, 1755, was caused by the motion along a fault which localisation and spatial extent are still uncertain. According to recent numerical modelling of tsunami wave travel times, it seems that the tsunamigenic fault may be lo- cated off the southwestern coast of Portugal. Multi-channel seismic profiles in the area showed the existence of large submarine hills of tectonic origin, 100 km offshore Cabo de São Vincente, and led to the identification of active faults that may be responsible for the earthquake. E3D, a finite-difference seismic wave propagation code, is used to implement various source rupture scenarios. Based on available geophysical data and geological evidences, we propose a 3D velocity model of the upper mantle, crust, and sedimentary cover, for south Portugal and the adjacent Atlantic area. The model is constrained thanks to data available from recent instrumental earthquakes. We are able to test several possibilities, and to compare synthetic ground motion obtained onshore with historical evaluations of seismic intensity. Directivity of the source, as well as site effects, may explain the particular distribution of strong ground motion observations

    The recent 2007 Portugal earthquake (Mw=6.1) in the seismotectonic context of the SW Atlantic area

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    An event of magnitude Mw 6.1(EMSC) occurred on 12/02/2007 at 10:35 UTC off coast of South-Western Portugal. The earthquake had its epicentre in the eastern Horseshoe Abyssal Plain, at 175 km South-West of San Vicente Cape (Figure 1). This earthquake is the largest earthquake since the great instrumental earthquake, Ms=8.0 (USGS), occurred on February 28th, 1969 in the same epicentral area. This earthquake was followed by four small aftershocks with magnitude less or equal to 3.5. There has been no reported damage associated to the event since habitated regions are too far away from the epicentre. This event has been widely felt in Portugal, particularly in the Algarve Region (I=IV – IM information), Southern Spain and Western Morocco and up to 700 km away of the epicentre (Salamanca, Madrid) (EMSC report in http://www.emsc-csem.org)

    A fine grained heuristic to capture web navigation patterns

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    In previous work we have proposed a statistical model to capture the user behaviour when browsing the web. The user navigation information obtained from web logs is modelled as a hypertext probabilistic grammar (HPG) which is within the class of regular probabilistic grammars. The set of highest probability strings generated by the grammar corresponds to the user preferred navigation trails. We have previously conducted experiments with a Breadth-First Search algorithm (BFS) to perform the exhaustive computation of all the strings with probability above a specified cut-point, which we call the rules. Although the algorithm’s running time varies linearly with the number of grammar states, it has the drawbacks of returning a large number of rules when the cut-point is small and a small set of very short rules when the cut-point is high. In this work, we present a new heuristic that implements an iterative deepening search wherein the set of rules is incrementally augmented by first exploring trails with high probability. A stopping parameter is provided which measures the distance between the current rule-set and its corresponding maximal set obtained by the BFS algorithm. When the stopping parameter takes the value zero the heuristic corresponds to the BFS algorithm and as the parameter takes values closer to one the number of rules obtained decreases accordingly. Experiments were conducted with both real and synthetic data and the results show that for a given cut-point the number of rules induced increases smoothly with the decrease of the stopping criterion. Therefore, by setting the value of the stopping criterion the analyst can determine the number and quality of rules to be induced; the quality of a rule is measured by both its length and probability

    Alterations in brain connectivity due to plasticity and synaptic delay

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    Brain plasticity refers to brain's ability to change neuronal connections, as a result of environmental stimuli, new experiences, or damage. In this work, we study the effects of the synaptic delay on both the coupling strengths and synchronisation in a neuronal network with synaptic plasticity. We build a network of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons, where the plasticity is given by the Hebbian rules. We verify that without time delay the excitatory synapses became stronger from the high frequency to low frequency neurons and the inhibitory synapses increases in the opposite way, when the delay is increased the network presents a non-trivial topology. Regarding the synchronisation, only for small values of the synaptic delay this phenomenon is observed

    Study of the fracture process of Al Hoceima earthquake (24/02/2004, Mw=6.2) from regional and teleseismic data.

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    We studied the source time function (STF) and rupture process of the 2004 Alhoceima, Morocco earthquake of Mw = 6.2 using teleseismic and regional broad-band data. From regional broad-band data, STF function was determined using three large after- shocks as empirical Green functions. We inverted of body wave forms at teleseismic distances using an extended source model with rupture velocity between 2.5-3.0 km and using as preliminary orientation the fault plane solution derived from 126 P-wave polarities. Results show a complex bilateral rupture formed by four shallow subevents (2-8 km) with a maximum seismic moment release during the first seconds (more than 80% of a total of 1.8x1018 Nm) and time duration of 8-10 s. The focal mechanism shows a strike slip motion with a normal component. Nodal planes strike on NNE- SSW and WNW-ESE direction with horizontal pressure axes in NNW-SSE direction. The rupture propagated mainly towards the North. This propagation is in agreement with the damages caused in the epicentral region. The larger aftershocks have been relocated using a master event method. Comparisson of these results with those ob- tained for the 1994 earthquake shown similar behaviour: complex rupture process and, apparently, no relation of the 1994 nor the 2004 shocks with the Nekor fault, the most important geological feature in the area. The stress pattern derived from focal mech- anisms of 1994 and 2004 are in agreement with the regional stress pattern, horizontal compression in NNW-SSE and horizontal extension in E-W direction in the Alboran Sea

    Coaches’ migration: decisions and perceived importance of international experience

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    The migration of coaches is a topic that has seen increasing research interest in recent years. Discussions are evolving around the factors driving coaches' migration, their experiences, and perceptions held by other sports stakeholders. This study aimed to explore the decision-making processes of coaches regarding migration and their views on the phenomenon. A total of 68 coaches, both with and without international experience, participated in the study. Data collection involved an online survey comprisingclosed-ended questions. For data analysis, we employed a One-Way ANOVA to draw comparisons across independent variables. Interestingly, coaches with international experience have been more frequently approached with offers than their counterparts without such experience. Nevertheless, the majority of the coaches did not perceive foreign coaches as essential to sports development. Coaches with international backgrounds expressed a belief that native coaches should exclusively coach their national teams. Overall, coaches did not highly value international placements or experience. These unexpected findings have significant implications for coach training programs globally. The results are further explored in the context of the expertise required to work in a globalised sports setting and interact with stakeholders from diverse cultural backgrounds

    Reunion overseas: introduced wild boars and cultivated orange trees interact in the Brazilian Atlantic forest

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    Little is known concerning novel interactions between species that typically interact in their native range but, as a consequence of human activity, are also interacting out of their original distribution under new ecological conditions. Objective: We investigate the interaction between the orange tree and wild boar, both of which share Asian origins and have been introduced to the Americas (i.e. the overseas). Methods: Specifically, we assessed whether i) wild boars consume orange (Citrus sinensis) fruits and seeds in orchards adjacent to a remnant of the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, ii) the orange seeds are viable after passing through boar’s digestive tract and iii) whether the orange tree may naturalise in the forest remnant assisted by wild boars. Results: Our camera surveys indicated that wild boar was by far the most frequent consumer of orange fruits (40.5 % of camera trap-days). A considerable proportion of sown orange seeds extracted from fresh boar feces emerged seedlings (27.8 %, N = 386) under controlled greenhouse conditions. Further, 37.6 % of sown seeds (N = 500) in the forest remnant emerged seedlings in July 2015; however, after ~4 years (March 2019) only 9 seedlings survived (i.e. 4.8 %, N = 188). Finally, 52 sweet orange seedlings were found during surveys within the forest remnant which is intensively used by wild boars. This study indicates a high potential of boars to act as effective seed dispersers of the sweet orange. However, harsh competition with native vegetation and the incidence of lethal diseases, which quickly kill sweet orange trees under non-agricultural conditions, could seriously limit orange tree establishment in the forest. Conclusions: Our results have important implications not only because the wild boar could be a vector of potential invasive species, but also because they disperse seeds of some native species (e.g. the queen palm, Syagrus romanzofiana) in defaunated forests, where large native seed dispersers are missing; thus, wild boars could exert critical ecological functions lost due to human activityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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