612 research outputs found

    Violations of the Weak Energy Condition in Inflating Spacetimes

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    We argue that many future-eternal inflating spacetimes are likely to violate the weak energy condition. It is possible that such spacetimes may not enforce any of the known averaged conditions either. If this is indeed the case, it may open the door to constructing non-singular, past-eternal inflating cosmologies. Simple non-singular models are, however, unsatisfactory, and it is not clear if satisfactory models can be built that solve the problem of the initial singularity.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure (which emerges automatically if you use dvips

    Neutrino oscillations in a stochastic model for space-time foam

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    We study decoherence models for flavour oscillations in four-dimensional stochastically fluctuating space times and discuss briefly the sensitivity of current neutrino experiments to such models. We pay emphasis on demonstrating the model dependence of the associated decoherence-induced damping coefficients in front of the oscillatory terms in the respective transition probabilities between flavours. Within the context of specific models of foam, involving point-like D-branes and leading to decoherence-induced damping which is inversely proportional to the neutrino energies, we also argue that future limits on the relevant decoherence parameters coming from TeV astrophysical neutrinos, to be observed in ICE-CUBE, are not far from theoretically expected values with Planck mass suppression. Ultra high energy neutrinos from Gamma Ray Bursts at cosmological distances can also exhibit in principle sensitivity to such effects.Comment: 12 pages RevTex4, no figure

    Open and Closed Universes, Initial Singularities and Inflation

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    The existence of initial singularities in expanding universes is proved without assuming the timelike convergence condition. The assumptions made in the proof are ones likely to hold both in open universes and in many closed ones. (It is further argued that at least some of the expanding closed universes that do not obey a key assumption of the theorem will have initial singularities on other grounds.) The result is significant for two reasons: (a)~previous closed-universe singularity theorems have assumed the timelike convergence condition, and (b)~the timelike convergence condition is known to be violated in inflationary spacetimes. An immediate consequence of this theorem is that a recent result on initial singularities in open, future-eternal, inflating spacetimes may now be extended to include many closed universes. Also, as a fringe benefit, the time-reverse of the theorem may be applied to gravitational collapse.Comment: 27 pages, Plain TeX (figures are embedded in the file itself and they will emerge if it is processed according to the instructions at the top of the file

    Mapping Meiotic Single-Strand DNA Reveals a New Landscape of DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), which are formed by the Spo11 protein, initiate meiotic recombination. Previous DSB-mapping studies have used rad50S or sae2Δ mutants, which are defective in break processing, to accumulate Spo11-linked DSBs, and report large (≄ 50 kb) “DSB-hot” regions that are separated by “DSB-cold” domains of similar size. Substantial recombination occurs in some DSB-cold regions, suggesting that DSB patterns are not normal in rad50S or sae2Δ mutants. We therefore developed a novel method to map genome-wide, single-strand DNA (ssDNA)–associated DSBs that accumulate in processing-capable, repair-defective dmc1Δ and dmc1Δ rad51Δ mutants. DSBs were observed at known hot spots, but also in most previously identified “DSB-cold” regions, including near centromeres and telomeres. Although approximately 40% of the genome is DSB-cold in rad50S mutants, analysis of meiotic ssDNA from dmc1Δ shows that most of these regions have substantial DSB activity. Southern blot assays of DSBs in selected regions in dmc1Δ, rad50S, and wild-type cells confirm these findings. Thus, DSBs are distributed much more uniformly than was previously believed. Comparisons of DSB signals in dmc1, dmc1 rad51, and dmc1 spo11 mutant strains identify Dmc1 as a critical strand-exchange activity genome-wide, and confirm previous conclusions that Spo11-induced lesions initiate all meiotic recombination

    VINCI / VLTI observations of Main Sequence stars

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    Main Sequence (MS) stars are by far the most numerous class in the Universe. They are often somewhat neglected as they are relatively quiet objects (but exceptions exist), though they bear testimony of the past and future of our Sun. An important characteristic of the MS stars, particularly the solar-type ones, is that they host the large majority of the known extrasolar planets. Moreover, at the bottom of the MS, the red M dwarfs pave the way to understanding the physics of brown dwarfs and giant planets. We have measured very precise angular diameters from recent VINCI/VLTI interferometric observations of a number of MS stars in the K band, with spectral types between A1V and M5.5V. They already cover a wide range of effective temperatures and radii. Combined with precise Hipparcos parallaxes, photometry, spectroscopy as well as the asteroseismic information available for some of these stars, the angular diameters put strong constraints on the detailed models of these stars, and therefore on the physical processes at play.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 219, "Stars as Suns", Editors A. Benz & A. Dupree, Astronomical Society of the Pacifi

    Imaging faint brown dwarf companions close to bright stars with a small, well-corrected telescope aperture

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    We have used our 1.6 m diameter off-axis well-corrected sub-aperture (WCS) on the Palomar Hale telescope in concert with a small inner-working-angle (IWA) phase-mask coronagraph to image the immediate environs of a small number of nearby stars. Test cases included three stars (HD 130948, HD 49197 and HR7672) with known brown dwarf companions at small separations, all of which were detected. We also present the initial detection of a new object close to the nearby young G0V star HD171488. Follow up observations are needed to determine if this object is a bona fide companion, but its flux is consistent with the flux of a young brown dwarf or low mass M star at the same distance as the primary. Interestingly, at small angles our WCS coronagraph demonstrates a limiting detectable contrast comparable to that of extant Lyot coronagraphs on much larger telescopes corrected with current-generation AO systems. This suggests that small apertures corrected to extreme adaptive optics (ExAO) levels can be used to carry out initial surveys for close brown dwarf and stellar companions, leaving followup observations for larger telescopes.Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    ℏ\hbar as parameter of Minkowski metric in effective theory

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    With the proper choice of the dimensionality of the metric components, the action for all fields becomes dimensionless. Such quantities as the vacuum speed of light c, the Planck constant \hbar, the electric charge e, the particle mass m, the Newton constant G never enter equations written in the covariant form, i.e., via the metric g^{\mu\nu}. The speed of light c and the Planck constant are parameters of a particular two-parametric family of solutions of general relativity equations describing the flat isotropic Minkowski vacuum in effective theory emerging at low energy: g^{\mu\nu}=diag(-\hbar^2, (\hbar c)^2, (\hbar c)^2, (\hbar c)^2). They parametrize the equilibrium quantum vacuum state. The physical quantities which enter the covariant equations are dimensionless quantities and dimensionful quantities of dimension of rest energy M or its power. Dimensionless quantities include the running coupling `constants' \alpha_i; topological and geometric quantum numbers (angular momentum quantum number j, weak charge, electric charge q, hypercharge, baryonic and leptonic charges, number of atoms N, etc). Dimensionful parameters include the rest energies of particles M_n (or/and mass matrices); the gravitational coupling K with dimension of M^2; cosmological constant with dimension M^4; etc. In effective theory, the interval s has the dimension of 1/M; it characterizes the dynamics of particles in the quantum vacuum rather than geometry of space-time. We discuss the effective action, and the measured physical quantities resulting from the action, including parameters which enter the Josepson effect, quantum Hall effect, etc.Comment: 18 pages, no figures, extended version of the paper accepted in JETP Letter

    Methods of approaching decoherence in the flavour sector due to space-time foam

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    In the first part of this work we discuss possible effects of stochastic space-time foam configurations of quantum gravity on the propagation of ``flavoured'' (Klein-Gordon and Dirac) neutral particles, such as neutral mesons and neutrinos. The formalism is not the usually assumed Lindblad one, but it is based on random averages of quantum fluctuations of space time metrics over which the propagation of the matter particles is considered. We arrive at expressions for the respective oscillation probabilities between flavours which are quite distinct from the ones pertaining to Lindblad-type decoherence, including in addition to the (expected) Gaussian decay with time, a modification to oscillation behaviour, as well as a power-law cutoff of the time-profile of the respective probability. In the second part we consider space-time foam configurations of quantum-fluctuating charged black holes as a way of generating (parts of) neutrino mass differences, mimicking appropriately the celebrated MSW effects of neutrinos in stochastically fluctuating random media. We pay particular attention to disentangling genuine quantum-gravity effects from ordinary effects due to the propagation of a neutrino through ordinary matter. Our results are of interest to precision tests of quantum gravity models using neutrinos as probes.Comment: 35 pages revtex, no figures, typos corrected in section II

    The Cosmic Censor Forbids Naked Topology

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    For any asymptotically flat spacetime with a suitable causal structure obeying (a weak form of) Penrose's cosmic censorship conjecture and satisfying conditions guaranteeing focusing of complete null geodesics, we prove that active topological censorship holds. We do not assume global hyperbolicity, and therefore make no use of Cauchy surfaces and their topology. Instead, we replace this with two underlying assumptions concerning the causal structure: that no compact set can signal to arbitrarily small neighbourhoods of spatial infinity (``i0i^0-avoidance''), and that no future incomplete null geodesic is visible from future null infinity. We show that these and the focusing condition together imply that the domain of outer communications is simply connected. Furthermore, we prove lemmas which have as a consequence that if a future incomplete null geodesic were visible from infinity, then given our i0i^0-avoidance assumption, it would also be visible from points of spacetime that can communicate with infinity, and so would signify a true naked singularity.Comment: To appear in CQG, this improved version contains minor revisions to incorporate referee's suggestions. Two revised references. Plain TeX, 12 page

    Recycling universe

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    If the effective cosmological constant is non-zero, our observable universe may enter a stage of exponential expansion. In such case, regions of it may tunnel back to the false vacuum of an inflaton scalar field, and inflation with a high expansion rate may resume in those regions. An ``ideal'' eternal observer would then witness an infinite succession of cycles from false vacuum to true, and back. Within each cycle, the entire history of a hot universe would be replayed. If there were several minima of the inflaton potential, our ideal observer would visit each one of these minima with a frequency which depends on the shape of the potential. We generalize the formalism of stochastic inflation to analyze the global structure of the universe when this `recycling' process is taken into account.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figure
