138 research outputs found
Negócio Embrapa Gado de Corte: conhecimento, tecnologia, serviços.
Estádio da Pecuária de Corte. O agronegócio da bovinocultura de corte. A cadeia produtiva da bovinocultura de corte. A embrapa e o agronegócio da bovinocultura de corte. Demandas da cadeia da bovinocultura de corte. A Embrapa Gado de Corte. Quadro de oportunidades. Tecnologias e serviços disponíveis e potenciais.bitstream/item/136451/1/DOC-101.pd
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Managing Government Document Collections in a Digital World
An Oregon State University Libraries (OSUL) study group\u27s review of its current policies, practices, and costs provides an illustrative case study of the challenges in managing government documents during this period of transition from print to digital. In its exploration of more aggressive approaches to greatly increasing access to electronic collections and reducing the size of the print footprint, OSUL learned that the current requirements of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) hamper such efforts. This case study provides background on prior internal studies, OSUL\u27s participation in a shared housing agreement, statistics on size and current usage of its government documents, and the costs to receive, process, and provide access to its document collection. It concludes with the recommendations for OSUL to be as proactive as it can be under the current FDLP rules and regulations while bringing projected costs to manage government documents more in line with higher priorities
Potencial forrageiro da Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu sob diferentes cargas animal e dosificacao com anti-helmitico em solo de cerrado.
Modelo estocástico para simulação da precipitação pluviométrica diária de uma região.
Desenvolveu-se um modelo estocastico de precipitacao diaria, em linguagem FORTRAN, para a regiao de Cerrados do Brasil. O modelo foi construido usando-se basicamente duas variaveis: (1) a probabilidade de ocorrencia de chuva em cada dia do mes, e (2) a probabilidade de ocorrencia dessa chuva dentro de certa magnitude. Definiu-se a primeira variavel por uma probabilidade de transicao, que considera a serie historica de precipitacao com base no processo de Markov, onde o sistema passa de um estado a outro, em ensaios sucessivos, considerando o que sucedeu no estado anterior. A segunda variavel foi gerada consecutivamente para cada "dia chuvoso", conforme as probabilidades mensais reais de ocorrencia nas classes. Fizeram-se tres diferentes simulacoes para se avaliar o modelo, e os resultados foram comparados aos dados historicos. As medias simuladas de precipitacao anual foram maiores que as da seire historica, sendo os desvios de apenas 0,9 a 3,6%. As medias mensais e seus desvios-padrao (DP) tambem estiveram relativamente proximos das medias da serie historica, embora os DP das simulacoes de dezembro tenham sido subestimados. Outras variaveis usadas para avaliar o ajuste das simulacoes foram: (1) numero medio de dias de chuva por mes (2) frequencia mensal de precipitacoes segundo a magnitude, (3) frequencia mensal de dias consecutivos de chuva, e (4) frequencia mensal de dias consecutivos sem chuva. Todas as comparacoes mostraram bom ajuste aos dados reais.Título em inglês: Astochastic simulation model of daily precipitation for a region
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Managing Government Document Collections in a Digital World
An Oregon State University Libraries (OSUL) study group\u27s review of its current policies, practices, and costs provides an illustrative case study of the challenges in managing government documents during this period of transition from print to digital. In its exploration of more aggressive approaches to greatly increasing access to electronic collections and reducing the size of the print footprint, OSUL learned that the current requirements of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) hamper such efforts. This case study provides background on prior internal studies, OSUL\u27s participation in a shared housing agreement, statistics on size and current usage of its government documents, and the costs to receive, process, and provide access to its document collection. It concludes with the recommendations for OSUL to be as proactive as it can be under the current FDLP rules and regulations while bringing projected costs to manage government documents more in line with higher priorities
Brachiaria brizantha cv. marandu.
Características agronômicas. Exigências e respostas a corretivos e fertilizantes. Produção de matéria seca. Valor nutritivo. Estabelecimento. Produção de sementes. Pragas. Desempenho animal.bitstream/item/104682/1/Brachiaria-brizantha.pd
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Steps Toward Implementation of Data Curation Services at Oregon State University Libraries
At the 2010 Library Administration retreat, Professor Chadwell proposed that the Libraries “become a strategic partner in the research endeavors of OSU, especially related to e-science.” Professor Butcher later charged Professors Chadwell and Boock with investigating appropriate roles for the Libraries relating to data curation of the university’s research data, building on the Research & Innovative Services report published in February 2009: OSU Libraries and Research Dataset Curation. In this white paper, we describe work that was done in the last fiscal year, provide brief background information, touch on current data curation efforts at OSU and elsewhere and provide four broad recommendations for ways that OSU Libraries can support research and researchers at OSU by engaging in data curation-related activities in the coming academic year:
1. Investigate library capacity for data curation and develop local infrastructure and policies.
a. Establish policies for the types of data that the Libraries will support and the levels of support that the Libraries will offer.
b. Work with at least one college or academic unit to curate student research data vis-à-vis the final theses and dissertations in ScholarsArchive@OSU.
c. Work with additional faculty to curate research data associated with their final research publications in ScholarsArchive@OSU.
d. Investigate library management and assignment of DOIs to faculty datasets.
2. Assign data curation responsibilities to the new Center for Digital Scholarship and build staff capabilities to work with faculty on their data.
a. Hire Data Services Librarian to report to new Center for Digital Scholarship department.
b. Continue to work with GWLA to make professional development available to OSU Libraries staff.
c. Add data curation activities to charge of the Digital Repositories Work Group.
d. Build data curation workflows and train library faculty and staff to undertake data curation responsibilities.
3. Identify methods for ensuring broadest possible access to university research data.
a. Continue to develop data dictionary for data sets in order to describe data so that it is understandable, harvestable, searchable and easily renderable using geospatial and other visualization tools.
b. Evaluate capabilities of current digital infrastructure to support curation of research data.
c. Ensure that appropriate Oregon related datasets captured in ScholarsArchive@OSU can be searched and/or rendered in Oregon Explorer.
4. Continue to partner with others, both on and off campus, in order to meet the challenges of data curation for the university.
a. Continue to seek grant funding for tool creation in support of data curation.
b. Participate in Greater Western Library Alliance, MetaArchive West and Orbis Cascade Alliance data curation activities.
c. Terry, Faye and Michael meet with Associate Deans of colleges to describe data curation work that is being done in the Libraries and identify additional areas where we might assist them with research data produced within their colleges.
d. Identify opportunities to collaborate with other units on campus interested in data curation including the Graduate School, Institute for Natural Resources, Research Office, NACSE, College of Science, College of Forestry, HMSC.
e. Partner with the University of Oregon in the creation and use of data dictionaries, metadata standards, policies, needs assessments, faculty surveys, staff training and best practices related to data curation
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It Takes More Than a Mandate: Factors That Contribute To Increased Rates of Article Deposit to an Institutional Repository
Many institutions have open access (OA) policies that require faculty members to deposit their articles in an institutional repository (IR). A clear motivation is that a policy will result in increased self-archiving. The purpose of this longitudinal study is to compare the impact of a campus-wide OA policy and mediated solicitation of author manuscripts, using quantitative analysis to determine the rate of article deposits over time. METHODS: Metadata for faculty articles published by authors at Oregon State University between 2011 and 2014 was produced by integrating citation metadata from a bibliographic database and the IR. Author names, affiliations, and other metadata were parsed and matched to compare rates of deposit for three separate time periods relating to different OA promotional strategies. RESULTS: Direct solicitation of author manuscripts is more successful in facilitating OA than an OA policy—by number of articles deposited as well as the number of unique authors participating. Author affiliation and research areas also have an impact on faculty participation in OA. DISCUSSION: Outreach to colleges and departments has had a positive effect on rate of deposit for those communities of scholars. Additionally, disciplinary practice may have more influence on its members’ participation in OA. CONCLUSION: Until more federal policies require open access to articles funded by grants, or institutional policies are in place that require article deposit for promotion and tenure, policies will only be as effective as the library mediated processes that are put in place to identify and solicit articles from faculty.This is the publisher’s final pdf. The published article is copyrighted by the author(s) and published by the Pacific University Library. The published article can be found at: http://jlsc-pub.org/jlsc/
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