1,285 research outputs found

    In Dialogue

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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. My name is Michele. I graduated from St. John Fisher a year ago. Summer 2007 was full of events: I worked at a Christian sports camp in Pennsylvania and in Rochester, was a nanny to two wonderful girls, and traveled to Nova Scotia with my best friend. I am now completing my first year at the University at Buffalo Dental School. By graduation time last May, when I walked across the stage, I knew where I was going to be headed, but it never occurred to me that I still had so much to learn and experience while attending graduate school

    A Semester Abroad in Australia: My Religious Experience

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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. I will be graduating this May 2007 from Fisher with a B.S. in Biology, a minor in Chemistry, and a minor in Religious Studies. Ever since my sophomore year, which was when my older brother studied abroad in Italy, I have always wanted to be able to study abroad like my brother. I began thinking about where I wanted to go and looking into what colleges Fisher sent students on this abroad experience. After some thinking and trying to choose between Australia and Ireland, I chose Australia for the main purpose of being able to see a kangaroo and a koala bear (the biology in me shining through)

    Modelling the Filling of Methane in Heterogenous Pore Networks

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    In the field of heterogeneous catalysis, there is great interest in the transport properties of ordered mesoporous materials such as SBA-15, but inverting quasi-elastic neutron scattering data for materials with a distribution of pore sizes such as SBA-15is an ill-posed problem. This project aimed to generate an idealized model of methane adsorption in the pores of SBA-15so that in the future, molecular dynamics simulations can be used to study diffusion.By sampling over a canonical ensemble using the Metropolis Monte Carlo Method and using Widom’s insertion method alongside Vaitheeswaran and Rasaiah’s insertion/removal method to calculate the chemical potential, isotherms comparable to those generated by methane porosimetry measurements can be produced. Plots of chemical potential vs. number of molecules were used to show that the simulation data is reproducible to 2% relative standard deviation, as well as to build an understanding of the mechanism of pore filling and how it is affected by simulation conditions

    EU Programme SAME. Draft proposal for a co-ordinated European full-scale avalanche experiment

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    The scope of this proposal is to describe the conclusions made in the EU programme SAME (Avalanche Mapping, Model Validation and Warning Systems) for a future co-ordinated European full-scale avalanche experiment. It is not meant to be a completed and final application for financial support in its present stage. A final application will hopefully come into being when the real participants in a potential co-ordinated experiment are singled out.EU kommisjone

    Computational models for dense snow avalanche motion

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    Seventeen various models of dense snow avalanche motion are presented. These include statistical, comparative and energy considering models for runout distance computations as well as dynamic models for avalanche motion simulations. The latter describe either the internal dynamics of the material at certain stages of the motion, the dynamics of the moving mass as a whole from initiation to rest, or combinations of these. The dynamic models are presented with regard to the physical description of the moving material and to the mathematical and numerical modelling. Most of the dynamic models are rooted in hydraulic theory where the moving masses are described as a fluid, but also granular flow models inheriting geotechnical aspects of soil mechanics are included. Simple (quasi) three-dimensional models exist, but most of the models are still of one and two dimensions. Rather than expanding more existing models into three dimensions, the author suggests to improve the one- and two-dimensional dynamic models further, preferably by combining models based on Bagnold's (1954) concept of dispersive pressure and dynamic shear with granular flow models involving aspects of soil mechanics. Density variations, nonhomogeneous concentration, particle size distribution, cohesion, particle rotation as well as temperature changes and energy dissipation are not adequately described in any of the dynamic models. Furthermore there is a conspicuous lack of any description of stability and accuracy of the applied numerical methods. Examples of travel distance computations based on one statistical, one comparative and three dynamic models are finally presented for four Norwegian avalanches.Norges Forskningsråd (NFR

    EU programme CADZIE. New concepts in avalanche hazard mapping

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    The main goal of the CADZIE workpackage 1 is to improve the hazard assessment process by integrating uncertainty and to develop "best-fit" models. This goal can only be achieved if both the stochastic characteristics of the avalanche system as well as the physically describable behaviour are modelled adequately. Although there exist numerous empirical and dynamical models in theory and computational form, till now only few attempts have been carried out to combine these different concepts. The objective of this report is not to develop a new constitutive law for avalanche dynamics or to derive a new statistical function for run-out estimation, but rather to integrate random processes, uncertainty, and also vague knowledge in the system description.EU CADZI

    A bibliometric analysis of the Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling

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    This paper reviews the articles published in Volumes 2-24 of the Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling (formerly the Journal of Molecular Graphics), focusing on the changes that have occurred in the subject over the years, and on the most productive and most cited authors and institutions. The most cited papers are those describing systems or algorithms, but the proportion of these types of article is decreasing as more applications of molecular graphics and molecular modelling are reported

    EU Programme SAME. A survey of computational models for snow avalanche motion

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    Various models for computation of avalanche motion are presented, both empirical procedures including statistical and comparative models for runout distance computations as well as dynamics models describing the physics of dense and powder snow avalanches, the coupled combination of these, and slush flows.EU kommisjone

    Inhalasjonssteroider og systemiske bivirkninger ved behandling av barn og unge med astma

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    Abstract Title. Inhaled corticosteroids and systemic adverse effects in asthmatic children and adolescents. Background. Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are well established as first-line maintenance therapy for persistent asthma. Compared to oral corticosteroids, ICS are considered as safe therapeutic agents with a low risk of adverse drug reactions. However, studies have emphasized the possibility of adrenal suppression, growth retardation and effects on bone metabolism in asthmatic children and adolescents treated with ICS. Methods. A systematic search was performed using Pubmed and Embase. Results. Clinical significant adrenal suppression and adrenal crisis have been described at doses above 400 microgr a day, particularly with fluticasone. Studies have found a reduction in growth velocity associated with 300-400 microgr a day and higher doses. This growth retardation is transient and there is no effect on final adult height. Exposure to ICS does not increase the fracture risk in children or adolescents. More studies on effects of high dose ICS treatment on bone are needed to further address this issue. Conclusions. The benefits of ICS are well established and far exceed any systemic adverse effects. It is however important to be aware of the potential risks associated with high dose ICS treatment, and clinical safety guidelines should be followed carefully
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