407 research outputs found

    The emerging role of p53 in stem cells

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    Among the hundreds of oncogenes and tumor suppressors that have been identified in the past 50 years, p53 is probably the best characterized; nevertheless, new functions are constantly being discovered. As a tumor suppressor, p53 regulates cellular responses to different stress stimuli by inducing reversible cell cycle arrest and DNA repair, or triggering senescence or apoptosis. Recent findings on the regulation of stem cell (SC) division and reprogramming suggest the intriguing possibility that p53 also carries out its tumor suppression function by regulating SC homeostasis. Specifically, p53 activation may counteract SC expansion by several emerging mechanisms including restriction of self-renewing divisions, inhibition of symmetric division and block of reprogramming of somatic/progenitor cells into SCs

    Serum protein profiling of early and advanced stage Crohn's disease

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    AbstractCrohn's disease (CD) represents a highly debilitating disease of difficult diagnosis and increasing incidence. Serum protein profiling of early stage Crohn's disease (ES) CD was investigated in order to improve the comprehension of the very early pathologic mechanisms and to support the difficult diagnostic procedures currently available. Inflammatory proteins and complement 3 chain C (C3c) were over-represented during ES CD, clusterin, retinol binding protein, α1-microglobulin and transthyretin were under-represented. A C3c isoform was found to be present only during ES CD. By now, lack of specific antibodies to detect isoforms made it impossible to perform alternative validation

    Immunoinformatic analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein as a strategy to assess cross-protection against COVID-19

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    Envelope protein of coronaviruses is a structural protein existing in both monomeric and homo-pentameric form. It has been related to a multitude of roles including virus infection, replication, dissemination and immune response stimulation. In the present study, we employed an immunoinformatic approach to investigate the major immunogenic domains of the SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein and map them among the homologue proteins of coronaviruses with tropism for animal species that are closely inter-related with the human beings population all over the world. Also, when not available, we predicted the envelope protein structural folding and mapped SARS-CoV-2 epitopes. Envelope sequences alignment provides evidence of high sequence homology for some of the investigated virus specimens; while the structural mapping of epitopes resulted in the interesting maintenance of the structural folding and epitope sequence localization also in the envelope proteins scoring a lower alignment score. In line with the One-Health approach, our evidences provide a molecular structural rationale for a potential role of taxonomically related coronaviruses in conferring protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection and identifying potential candidates for the development of diagnostic tools and prophylactic-oriented strategies

    Radioablation +/- hormonotherapy for prostate cancer oligorecurrences (Radiosa trial): Potential of imaging and biology (AIRC IG-22159)

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    Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most common cancer among men. New imaging-modalities have increased the diagnosed patients with limited number of metastasis after primary curative therapy, introducing so-called oligometastatic state. Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) is emerging as a low-toxicity treatment to erase PCa localizations and postpone androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). A deeper understanding of the predictive role of biomarkers is desirable for a targeted treatment selection and surveillance programs. The aims of the RADIOSA trial are: Compare SBRT +/- ADT for oligorecurrent-castration-sensitive PCa (OCS-PCa) in terms of efficacy, toxicity and Quality of Life (QoL).Develop biology/imaging based prognostic tool that allows identifying OCS-PCa subclasses. Methods This is a randomized phase II clinical trial, recruiting 160 OCS-PCa in 3years, with progression-free survival (PFS) as primary endpoint. Three tasks will be developed: Randomized clinical study (3years for accrual and 2years for follow-up and data analysis);Imaging study, including imaging registration and METastasis Reporting and Data System (MET-RADS) criteria;Pre-clinical study, development of a biobank of blood samples for the analysis of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and preparatory for a subsequent miRNA profiling.We aim to determine which arm is justified for testing in a subsequent Phase III trial. A decision-tree algorithm, based on prognosis, biological phenotype and imaging profile, will be developed. Discussion Recruiting will start in July 2019. SBRT will allow obtaining excellent PFS, local control, QoL and low toxicity. In SBRT arm, ADT deferral will allow for a drug-holiday, delaying the detrimental impact on QoL. A sufficient number of blood samples will be collected to perform biological patient profiling. A stratification tool will be established with an analysis of morphological and functional imaging, based on the use of MET-RADS criteria.So, in conclusion, RADIOSA aims to define the optimal management of bone/nodal PCa relapses in a SBRT regimen. This study will increase our knowledge on low-burden metastatic PCa in the era of high precision and high technology personalized medicine, offering highly effective therapy in terms of clinical outcome and cost-effectiveness. Trial registration The RADIOSA study was prospectively registered at clinicaltrials.gov (NCT03940235, May 2019)

    Incidence, prevalence, and trajectories of repetitive conduction patterns in human atrial fibrillation

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    AIMS: Repetitive conduction patterns in atrial fibrillation (AF) may reflect anatomical structures harbouring preferential conduction paths and indicate the presence of stationary sources for AF. Recently, we demonstrated a novel technique to detect repetitive patterns in high-density contact mapping of AF. As a first step towards repetitive pattern mapping to guide AF ablation, we determined the incidence, prevalence, and trajectories of repetitive conduction patterns in epicardial contact mapping of paroxysmal and persistent AF patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 256-channel mapping array was used to record epicardial left and right AF electrograms in persistent AF (persAF, n = 9) and paroxysmal AF (pAF, n = 11) patients. Intervals containing repetitive conduction patterns were detected using recurrence plots. Activation movies, preferential conduction direction, and average activation sequence were used to characterize and classify conduction patterns. Repetitive patterns were identified in 33/40 recordings. Repetitive patterns were more prevalent in pAF compared with persAF [pAF: median 59%, inter-quartile range (41-72) vs. persAF: 39% (0-51), P < 0.01], larger [pAF: = 1.54 (1.15-1.96) vs. persAF: 1.16 (0.74-1.56) cm2, P < 0.001), and more stable [normalized preferentiality (0-1) pAF: 0.38 (0.25-0.50) vs. persAF: 0.23 (0-0.33), P < 0.01]. Most repetitive patterns were peripheral waves (87%), often with conduction block (69%), while breakthroughs (9%) and re-entries (2%) occurred less frequently. CONCLUSION: High-density epicardial contact mapping in AF patients reveals frequent repetitive conduction patterns. In persistent AF patients, repetitive patterns were less frequent, smaller, and more variable than in paroxysmal AF patients. Future research should elucidate whether these patterns can help in finding AF ablation targets

    Non-structural protein 1 of avian influenza A viruses differentially inhibit NF-ÎșB promoter activation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Influenza virus infection activates NF-ÎșB and is a general prerequisite for a productive influenza virus infection. On the other hand, non-structural protein 1 (NS1) suppresses this viral activated NF-ÎșB, presumably to prevent expression of NF-ÎșB mediated anti-viral response. NS1 proteins of influenza A viruses are divided into two groups, known as allele A and allele B. The possible functional relevance of this NS1 division to viral pathogenicity is lacking.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>The ability of NS1 protein from two avian influenza subtypes, H6N8 and H4N6, to inhibit NF-ÎșB promoter activation was assessed. Further, efforts were made to characterize the genetic basis of this inhibition. We found that allele A NS1 proteins of H6N8 and H4N6 are significantly better in preventing dsRNA induced NF-ÎșB promoter activation compared to allele B of corresponding subtypes, in a species independent manner. Furthermore, the ability to suppress NF-ÎșB promoter activation was mapped to the effector domain while the RNA binding domain alone was unable to suppress this activation. Chimeric NS1 proteins containing either RNA binding domain of allele A and effector domain of allele B or vice versa, were equally potent in preventing NF-ÎșB promoter activation compared to their wt. NS1 protein of allele A and B from both subtypes expressed efficiently as detected by Western blotting and predominantly localized in the nucleus in both A549 and MiLu cells as shown by <it>in situ </it>PLA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Here, we present another aspect of NS1 protein in inhibiting dsRNA induced NF-ÎșB activation in an allele dependent manner. This suggests a possible correlation with the virus's pathogenic potential.</p

    Revolutionizing Cancer Research: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Biobanking

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    Background: Biobanks are vital research infrastructures aiming to collect, process, store, and distribute biological specimens along with associated data in an organized and governed manner. Exploiting diverse datasets produced by the biobanks and the downstream research from various sources and integrating bioinformatics and "omics" data has proven instrumental in advancing research such as cancer research. Biobanks offer different types of biological samples matched with rich datasets comprising clinicopathologic information. As digital pathology and artificial intelligence (AI) have entered the precision medicine arena, biobanks are progressively transitioning from mere biorepositories to integrated computational databanks. Consequently, the application of AI and machine learning on these biobank datasets holds huge potential to profoundly impact cancer research. Methods: In this paper, we explore how AI and machine learning can respond to the digital evolution of biobanks with flexibility, solutions, and effective services. We look at the different data that ranges from specimen-related data, including digital images, patient health records and downstream genetic/genomic data and resulting "Big Data" and the analytic approaches used for analysis. Results: These cutting-edge technologies can address the challenges faced by translational and clinical research, enhancing their capabilities in data management, analysis, and interpretation. By leveraging AI, biobanks can unlock valuable insights from their vast repositories, enabling the identification of novel biomarkers, prediction of treatment responses, and ultimately facilitating the development of personalized cancer therapies. Conclusions: The integration of biobanking with AI has the potential not only to expand the current understanding of cancer biology but also to pave the way for more precise, patient-centric healthcare strategies

    Comparative proteomics to evaluate multi drug resistance in Escherichia coli

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    Drug resistance in food-borne bacterial pathogens is an almost inevitable consequence of the use of antimicrobial drugs, used either therapeutically or to avoid infections in food-producing animals. In the past decades, the spread and inappropriate use of antibiotics have caused a considerable increase of antibiotics to which bacteria have developed resistance and, moreover, bacteria are becoming resistant to more than one antibiotic simultaneously. Understanding mechanisms at the molecular level is extremely important to control multi-resistant strains and to develop new therapeutic strategies. In the present study, comparative proteomics was applied to characterize membrane and cytosolic proteome in order to investigate the regulation of protein expression in multi-resistance E. coli isolated from young never vaccinated water buffalo. Results highlighted differentially expressed proteins under multi drug resistance conditions giving new insights about mechanisms involved in resistance, as quorum sensing mechanisms, and suggesting possible novel bacterial targets to develop alternative antibiotic drugs. \ua9 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Serum proteomic profiles in CKCS with Mitral valve disease

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    Background: Myxomatous mitral valve disease (MVD) is the most common acquired heart disease in dogs, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS) is the most studied breed because of the high prevalence, early onset and hereditary component evidenced in the breed. MVD has different severity levels, and there are many practical limitations in identifying its asymptomatic stages. Proteomic techniques are valuable for studying the proteins and peptides involved in cardiovascular diseases, including the period prior to the clinical onset of the disease. The aim of this study was to identify the serum proteins that were differentially expressed in healthy CKCS and those affected by MVD in mild to severe stages. Proteomics analysis was performed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis separation and a bioinformatics analysis for the detection of differentially expressed spots. In a comparative analysis, protein spots with a p<0.05 (ANOVA) were considered statistically significant and were excised from the gels for analysis by MALDI-TOF-MS for protein identification. Results: Eight proteins resulted differentially expressed among the groups and significantly related to the progression of the disease. In mild affected group versus healthy dogs complement factor H isoform 2, inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase, hemopexin, dystrobrevin beta isoform X7 and CD5 molecule-like resulted to be down-regulated, whereas fibronectin type-III domain-containing protein 3A isoform X4 was up-regulated. In severe affected dogs versus healthy group complement factor H isoform 2, calpain-3 isoform X2, dystrobrevin beta isoform X7, CD5 molecule-like and l-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase resulted to be down-regulated. Complement factor H isoform 2, calpain-3 isoform X2, dystrobrevin beta isoform X7, CD5 molecule-like and hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenase were found to be down-regulated in mild affected group versus healthy dogs. All of these proteins except complement factor H followed a decreasing trend according to the progression of the pathology. Conclusion: The differential expression of serum proteins demonstrates the possibility these might be valuable for the detection and monitoring of the disease. Further longitudinal studies are required to determine whether differential protein expression occurs sufficiently early in the progression of the disease and with sufficient predictive value to allow proteomics analysis to be used as an early detection and on-line diagnostic tool
