307 research outputs found

    I segni del passato geologico. Viaggio tra i geositi della provincia di Treviso.

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    I geositi, e pi\uf9 in generale tutte le aree di interesse geologico, naturalistico e biologico, beneficiano oramai di ampie letterature di settore, nelle quali il concetto \ue8 ben rappresentato secondo canoni di forme e contenuti. La trattazione classica \ue8 quasi sempre quella di un \u201cinventario\u201d, il quale, a causa della variabilit\ue0 del quadro geografico, deve coprire ambiti territoriali che spaziano dalla descrizione della singola particolarit\ue0 sino a veri e propri cataloghi regionali. Questo schema di trattazione ha l\u2019innegabile vantaggio del rigore metodologico e della completezza delle informazioni. I contenuti sono solitamente resi con modalit\ue0 utili agli addetti ai lavori, ma che difficilmente potranno rivolgersi al grande pubblico senza un\u2019efficace premessa tecnico-divulgativa e una chiara contestualizzazione territoriale. I geositi provinciali hanno gi\ue0 avuto una prima mappatura in forma di catalogo e sono stati anche oggetto di una tesi di laurea in Scienze geologiche che ne ha approfondito talune caratteristiche. Da questa prima esperienza, preso atto della qualit\ue0 e dell\u2019abbondanza del materiale documentale disponibile, \ue8 maturata una nuova visione della materia. Si tratta di un approccio innovativo che ribalta il punto di vista passando dall\u2019illustrazione dei processi geologici che hanno concorso alla creazione di un geosito alla spiegazione degli stessi processi con l\u2019ausilio dei geositi. Sono stati individuati quattro filoni tematici principali: i rilievi montuosi, gli ambiti fluviali, le tracce glaciali e i fenomeni carsici. La trattazione di ciascun tema \ue8 preceduta da un\u2019introduzione di tipo descrittivo che ha il fine di illustrare i meccanismi all\u2019origine delle forme che oggi possiamo ammirare viaggiando attraverso la provincia di Treviso. Il libro ha la forma di un testo che \ue8 prima di tutto didattico, con lo scopo di valorizzare e far comprendere le tante bellezze del nostro territorio a prescindere dall\u2019etichetta di \u201cgeosito\u201d. Si tratta quindi di una sorta di guida attiva che stimola ognuno a stilare un proprio elenco di geositi, testimonianza di un paesaggio visto e vissuto con diverse sensibilit\ue0 e attenzioni. Secondo noi, il geosito deve rappresentare un luogo dove poter \u201cleggere\u201d la complessit\ue0 dei fenomeni che l\u2019hanno originato e comprendere la logica che ne fa un luogo in qualche modo particolare, distinto dagli altri e, quindi, fuori dal comune. Il libro si discosta perci\uf2 da una mera trattazione scientifica e mira piuttosto alla pi\uf9 ampia divulgazione; esso \ue8 il frutto di una raccolta e di una rielaborazione sia di nozioni acquisite nel corso di specifici studi, sia di informazioni che si trovano in svariate pubblicazioni, in rete e nelle biblioteche, con il fine di incuriosire il lettore e di avvicinarlo alla conoscenza consapevole del proprio territorio

    Pre-Alpine and Alpine deformation at San Pellegrino pass (Dolomites, Italy)

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    In this work, we present the geological map of the San Pellegrino pass, inserted in the spectacular scenario of the Dolomiti region (Southern Alps, Italy), at a scale of 1:10.000 and accompanied by geological cross-sections. The detailed distinction of lithological thin units allowed to achieve a consistent interpretation of the local structural setting by drawing brittle and ductile Alpine tectonic deformations. The differential deformation and structural styles within the geological map are the result of the different rheological nature of volcanic and sedimentary rocks, as well as of the superimposition of compressional Alpine tectonics over Permo-Mesozoic extensional tectonic phases, and consequent reactivation of inherited structures

    Chemical and lead isotope characterisation of First World War shrapnel balls and bullets used on the Alpine Austrian–Italian Front

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    Chemical and lead isotope characterisation was carried out on shrapnel balls and bullets dating back to the First World War (WWI). These ammunitions were widely utilised in the Alpine Austrian–Italian front located in the Italian Alps. The investigation has been performed using inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry equipped with an octopole reaction system (ORS-ICP-QMS). The main goal of this work was to identify the elemental and lead isotope composition of raw materials and to discriminate between the military objects analysed. The results of multi-elemental analysis indicate that the shrapnel ball samples consisted of soft Pb or hard Pb with Sb depending on the use, the weapon type and the specific nation. The Italian shrapnel balls were made from hard Pb, as opposed to those of the Austrian– Hungarian samples. Through the investigation of lead isotope ratios, it has been possible to differentiate most of the Italian shrapnel balls from those of Austrian– Hungarian origin. Furthermore, some Italian shrapnel balls had a different lead isotope composition depending on their calibre. The elemental composition and lead isotopic signature of bullets show a clear discrimination between the external jacket and the core in relation to projectile type and nationality. The bullet cores consist of  Pb–Sb alloy regardless of the region of origin. This work allowed us to investigate the potential applications of trace elements and lead isotope analyses to discriminate military artefacts of different origins.Keywords: ICP-MS, trace element, source identification, principal component analysis, forensic scienc

    Chemical and Lead Isotope characterisation of First World War shrapnel balls and bullets used on the Alpine Austrian\u2013Italian Front

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    Chemical and lead isotope characterisation was carried out on shrapnel balls and bullets dating back to the First World War (WWI). These ammunitions were widely utilised in the Alpine Austrian\u2013Italian front located in the Italian Alps. The investigation has been performed using inductively coupled plasma quadrupole mass spectrometry equipped with an octopole reaction system (ORS-ICP-QMS). The main goal of this work was to identify the elemental and lead isotope composition of raw materials and to discriminate between the military objects analysed. The results of multi-elemental analysis indicate that the shrapnel ball samples consisted of soft Pb or hard Pb with Sb depending on the use, the weapon type and the specific nation. The Italian shrapnel balls were made from hard Pb, as opposed to those of the Austrian\u2013 Hungarian samples. Through the investigation of lead isotope ratios, it has been possible to differentiate most of the Italian shrapnel balls from those of Austrian\u2013 Hungarian origin. Furthermore, some Italian shrapnel balls had a different lead isotope composition depending on their calibre. The elemental composition and lead isotopic signature of bullets show a clear discrimination between the external jacket and the core in relation to projectile type and nationality. The bullet cores consist of 164 Scientia Militaria, South African Journal of Military Studies, Vol 46, Nr 1, 2018. doi: 10.5787/46-1-1230 Pb\u2013Sb alloy regardless of the region of origin. This work allowed us to investigate the potential applications of trace elements and lead isotope analyses to discriminate military artefacts of different origin

    GPR and seismic surveying in the World War I scenario of Punta Linke (Ortles-Cevedale Group, Italian Alps).

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    The Ortles-Cevedale Group was the setting of repeated clashes occurring under extreme conditions and at the highest altitudes of all fightings in the Great War (WWI). The research scenario associated with the group is very challenging because modern research faces a series of logistical and climatic obstacles. The gradual retreat of glaciers has unearthed several archaeological remains of WWI such as barracks, barbed wire, military ammunition, weapons and other materials. The study site is the saddle between M. Vioz and Punta Linke, where the Historic War Museum of Pejo, under the direction of the Archaeological Service of the Province of Trento (Soprintendenza per i Beni Culturali, Ufficio Beni Archeologici), started an archaeological excavation in the year 2009 of some of the infrastructure of the cableway station, which also includes a tunnel section in the bedrock. The saddle is placed at the head of Forni Glacier. GPR and seismic imaging was the best survey choice to characterize the glaciological and geo-archaeological context and to find structures or remains within the ice mass. Geophysical imaging spanned two campaigns in the years 2010 and 2011. The ice-rock interface was reconstructed in detail to depths greater than 45-50 m. The surface of the bedrock reveals a complex morphology, with several undulations and two rocky ridges elongated in the NNW-SSE direction. They identified some anomalous reflectors within the ice mass located near the western edge of the saddle of Punta Linke. The interpretation of radar profiles seems to indicate the presence of a tunnel in the ice, whose geometry and position is similar to others excavated in alpine glaciers during the Great War
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