64 research outputs found

    Perfil fermentativo da silagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. PiatĂŁ com diferentes aditivos

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    A possibilidade de uso das gramĂ­neas na forma de silagem, principalmente do gĂȘnero das Brachiariasp., deveriam ser mais estudadas no Brasil, que possui grandes ĂĄreas de pastagens implantadas com estas espĂ©cies. Contudo, sĂŁo escassos os trabalhos na literatura com uso de aditivos para estas gramĂ­neas. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se avaliar o perfil fermentativo da silagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. PiatĂŁ tratada com diferentes aditivos. A forrageira foi colhida e ensilada em silos experimentais de PVC. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, fornecendo 4 repetiçÔes por tratamento, sendo os cinco tratamentos os diferentes aditivos: T1 ? controle; T2 ? inoculante microbiano SiloMax Centurium (Matsuda); T3 ? inoculante ĂȘnzimo-microbianoSil All C4 (Alltech do Brasil); T4 ? fubĂĄ de milho (10% na matĂ©ria natural) e T5 ? glicerina bruta (10% na matĂ©ria natural), totalizando 20 silos experimentais. Foram observados menores valores de pH de 4,22 e 4,29 e, maiores valores de acidez titulĂĄvel de 53,00 e 52,81 mL de NaOH 0,1N para silagens contendo fubĂĄ de milho e glicerina bruta, respectivamente. Recomenda-se ainclusĂŁo de 10% de fubĂĄ de milho e glicerina bruta na matĂ©ria natural na ensilagem de PiatĂŁ, pois promove melhor perfil fermentativo

    Angiographic Findings and Outcome in Diabetec Patients Treated With Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Myocardial Infarction: The GUSTO-I Experience

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    OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine whether diabetes mellitus, in the setting of thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction, affects 1) early infarct-related artery patency and reocclusion rates; and 2) global and regional ventricular function indexes. We also sought to assess whether angiographic or baseline clinical variables, or both, can account for the known excess mortality after myocardial infarction in the diabetic population. BACKGROUND: Mortality after acute myocardial infarction in patients with diabetes is approximately twice that of nondiabetic patients. It is uncertain whether this difference in mortality is due to a lower rate of successful thrombolysis, increased reocclusion after successful thrombolysis, greater ventricular injury or a more adverse angiographic or clinical profile in diabetic patients. METHODS: Patency rates and global and regional left ventricular function were determined in patients enrolled in the GUSTO-I Angiographic Trial. Thirty-day mortality differences between those with and without diabetes were compared. RESULTS: The diabetic cohort had a significantly higher proportion of female and elderly patients, and th

    Crise de abastecimento de ågua em São Paulo e falta de planejamento estratégico

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    Embora a crise no abastecimento de ĂĄgua na RegiĂŁo Metropolitana de SĂŁo Paulo (RMSP) tenha se manifestado de maneira mais intensa no verĂŁo de 2013-2014, ela revela um problema crĂŽnico que vem afetando toda a RegiĂŁo nos Ășltimos dez anos. Esse problema foi gerado pela falta de um planejamento estratĂ©gico que considere questĂ”es climatolĂłgicas que podem indicar, com meses de antecedĂȘncia, problemas de recomposição dos nĂ­veis dos mananciais, permitindo que açÔes sejam empreendidas com razoĂĄvel antecedĂȘncia, reduzindo os impactos para a população. Este estudo mostra como Ă© possĂ­vel utilizar informaçÔes climĂĄticas na gestĂŁo estratĂ©gica do sistema de abastecimento da RMSP.Though the crisis in the water supplying system in the Metropolitan Region of SĂŁo Paulo (RMSP) was more intensively felt in the 2013-2014 summer, it reveals a chronic problem that has been affecting the whole RMSP for the past ten years. This problem is originated from the lack of a strategic planning that takes into consideration climate issues that could, months before, foresee problems to restore the levels of water resources, allowing measures to be implemented within a reasonable anticipation, therefore reducing the impacts on the population. This study shows how it is possible to use climate information in the strategic management of the water supply in the RMSP

    A Stakeholder-Science Based Approach Using the National Urban Water Innovation Network as a Test Bed for Understanding Urban Water Sustainability Challenges in the U.S.

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    Urban water systems across the United States are struggling to adapt to an evolving set of threats. Understanding specific pressures and the regional responses to those pressures requires input from practitioners with knowledge of sociotechnological aspects of urban water systems. The Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN), a consortium of academic institutions and partners supported by the National Science Foundation Sustainability Research Network program, provides a unique opportunity to engage stakeholder and research communities across the U.S. Interactions between UWIN researchers and water stakeholders from five regions (Southeast Florida, Sun Corridor, Mid-Atlantic, Pacific Northwest, and Front Range) form the basis for case studies on transitions toward sustainability. Analysis of qualitative data on pressures, states, and responses collected during interactions provides insight into the challenging context of urban water management. Top pressures identified include climate change, aging infrastructure, water quality impairments, and funding limitations. Additionally, stakeholders described resistance to change and short-term perspectives among elected officials, limited understanding/ awareness of water systems among decision makers, and lack of leadership on water issues as contributing to pressures. More than technological solutions, practitioners call for improved coordination in water management, strengthened communication with elected officials, and behavioral change among citizens. Regarding stakeholder-scientist interactions, participants sought practical outcomes, such as the organization of seemingly abundant scientific products into usable products. The utility of the pressure-state-response model as a framework for data collection and analysis in the context of understanding transitions toward urban water sustainability is discussed and recommendations for future studies are presented.6 month embargo; published online: 20 April 2018This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
