792 research outputs found

    IT Clusters as a Special Type of Industrial Clusters

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    Economic and industrial clusters have become in the last years the object of a new economic theory that has proved important for regional and even national (Porter, 1990) development. The papers objective is to emphasize the particularities of IT clusters, especially their characteristics that are derived from the special features of this type of technological clusters. IT clusters represent an important type of technology clusters and at global view they represent most successful and efficient examples of clusters. The paper describes the characteristics that are behind the creation, the continuous development and the success of the IT cluster and aims to emphasize those particular features which define an IT cluster and separate it from another type of industrial cluster. In order to emphasize the importance factors, there are described different types of IT clusters.Quality, Cluster, Characteristic, IT

    Clusters Models, Factors and Characteristics

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    The industrial cluster concept has become a subject of intense research studies and economic analysis starting with the study conducted by Michael E. Porter regarding the competitive advantage of nations. This concept is an economic phenomenon that is placed in a competitive context in which many businesses simultaneously compete and collaborate to gain different economic advantages. The economic advantages of successful real economic clusters has proves an important reason for the increased attention that this economic model has received from the scientific community and the governmental structures. Despite the advances in cluster research, its model remains a complex one and something that it‘s hard to reproduce in a real economic environment. The paper highlights typologies of clusters, models of determinant factors and its characteristics by doing a survey of the cluster literature. The research is conducted starting with the analysis of the cluster concept, based on different accepted descriptions. From this point there are summarized the main characteristics and are described models of cluster determinants. The objective of the paper is to highlight the importance and advantages of clusters but also the complexity of the cluster model mainly because of its complex determinant factors.Cluster, characteristic, model, regional development

    Survey on Multimedia Technologies for Mobile Learning Applications

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    Mobile technologies are developing very fast. This paper presents a survey on multimedia technologies for mobile learning applications, focusing on multimedia programming techniques for Windows Mobile, Symbian, and Java ME.multimedia, mobile devices, mobile applications, mobile learning

    Optimization of Antivirus Software

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    The paper describes the main techniques used in development of computer antivirus software applications. For this particular category of software, are identified and defined optimum criteria that helps determine which solution is better and what are the objectives of the optimization process. From the general viewpoint of software optimization are presented methods and techniques that are applied at code development level. Regarding the particularities of antivirus software, the paper analyzes some of the optimization concepts applied to this category of applicationsoptimization, software, antivirus, optimum, criteria

    University 4.4 – A Development Strategy for Education and Research Centers

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    Due to increased demand for qualified human resources, for 'new & rare skills', for software solutions, reliable products and services in the field of applied informatics, there are large available financial funds that can be accessed by Informatics and Cybernetics schools. Edu-cational and research departments must capitalize funds provided by the Europe-an/international institutions and private companies, by supporting the creation of spin-off en-tities that will conduct technology transfer projects. These funds must be used to increase the quality of teaching and to improve research results by assuring the financial needs and tech-nical resources of teachers (project based payments), students (scholarships projects) and the community (public available projects). The presented strategy, University 4.4 describes four development directions for a four years period. It has been developed by Catalin Boja, Razvan Bologa, Marius Popa and Cristian Toma and since November 2011 it represents the assumed development strategy of The Department of Economic Informatics and Cybernetics (DICE) from The Bucharest University of Economic Studies.University, Research, Strategy, Education, Informatics, Cybernetics, Department, DICE

    Characteristics for Software Optimization Projects

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    The increasing of the software systems complexity imposes the identification and implementation of some methods and techniques in order to manage it. The software optimization project is a way in which the software complexity is controlled. The software optimization project must face to the organization need to earn profit. The software optimization project is an integrated part of the application cycle because share same resources, depends on other stages and influences next phases. The optimization project has some particularities because it works on an finished product around its quality. The process is quality and performance oriented and it assumes that the product life cycle is almost finished.optimization, software, project management, quality, performance

    Factors Affecting Adoption of Soybean Production Technologies in Ethiopia

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    Adoption of improved technologies is seen as a key driver to increase agricultural production and productivity in Ethiopia. However, farmers are still using lower than the recommended rates and yet there are a lot of farmers who are not using soybean production technologies at all. In this study, we analyze the factors affecting adoption and intensity of soybean production technologies adoption using a survey data collected from 188 randomly selected smallholder farmers in Nono Benja District, Ethiopia. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics; econometric models and Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance (W) analysis were employed to analyze the data. The result from Heckman two step model indicated that education level of household, total livestock holding, improved seed availability, frequency of extension contact, credit use and farm income were positively and significantly influenced where as market distance negatively and significantly affected adoption of soybean production technologies. Also the, result indicated that age, land holding size, and farm income determine the intensity of soybean technologies adoption positively and significantly whereas distance from market affect negatively and significantly. Based on the findings of this study it can be concluded that policy and development interventions should give emphasis towards improvement of such economical and institutional support system so as to achieve wider adoption of soybean production technologies, to increase production and productivity as well as to ensure food security. Keywords: Adoption, Intensity, Soybean, Technology DOI: 10.7176/JPID/62-02 Publication date:July 31st 202

    A galektin-1, mint a mesenchymalis őssejtek által termelt immunszuppresszív faktor = Determining the role of Galectin-1 as an immunosuppressive factor produced by bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    A pályázatban a mesenchymalis őssejteknek (MSC) az immunválasz kimenetelét befolyásoló faktorait, ezen belül a galektin (Gal)-1 szerepét vizsgáltuk a T sejtek aktivációja során. Meghatároztuk a humán, illetve egér csontvelői MSC sejtvonalak Gal-1 termelését, valamint kimutattuk a Gal-1 hiányos egér MSC által termelt egyéb faktorokat (TGF-béta, COX2, NOS2, IDO és PD-L1). Új eredményeink: -A Gal-1 hozzájárul az MSC antiproliferatív hatásához, azonban hiányában más immunszuppresszív faktorok is gátolják a T sejtek osztódását. Eredményeink alapján sem a Gal-1, sem a PGE2, NO vagy IDO szerepe nem kizárólagos, együttes működésük vezet a T sejtek szuppressziójához. -Az MSC-termelte Gal-1 közvetlen sejt-sejt kapcsolatban váltja ki az aktivált T sejtek pusztulását, ennek lépései megegyeznek az alacsony dózisú rekombináns Gal-1 apoptotikus mechanizmusával. -Diabéteszes egérmodellben az MSC pozitív hatása nem függ a Gal-1 termeléstől. Más in vivo kísérletben az MSC kezelése gátolja az egerek anafilaxiás reakcióját, és ez a hatás a Gal-1 hiányában részben csökken. In vivo nem csak a T sejtek, de egyéb immunsejtek működését is befolyásolja az MSC, mint például a B sejtek ellenanyag-válaszát. Eredményeink az mutatják, hogy az MSC által termelt Gal-1 immunszuppresszív hatása nyomon követhető in vitro tesztekben, de nem minden esetben nyilvánul meg az in vivo eseményekben. Ez a mesenchymalis őssejtek körültekintő jellemzésének elvégzésére figyelmeztet a terápiás alkalmazásuk előtt. | We examined the immunosuppressive function of MSCs on T cells, focusing on their galectin (Gal)-1 expression. We determined the Gal-1 production of human and mouse bone marrow-derived MSCs, and detected the further immunosuppressive factors (TGF-beta, COX2, NOS2, IDO and PD-L1) expressed by MSCs isolated from Gal-1 knockout mice. Our new results achieved by testing these MSC lines are: -Gal-1 contributes to the anti-proliferative effect of Gal-1, however in the absence of Gal-1 other immunosuppressive factors inhibit the proliferation of T cells. -MSC-derived Gal-1 induces T cell apoptosis in direct cell-to-cell interaction with the same mechanism as recombinant Gal-1 does applied at low concentration. -The positive impact of MSCs on the outcome of diabetes in streptozotocin-treated mice does not depend on their Gal-1 production. In other in vivo experiment, MSCs inhibit the anaphylactic reaction to ovalbumin, and this effect is reduced using Gal-1 knockout MSCs. The in vivo action of MSCs is not restricted on T cells as the antibody production of B cells is also influenced by MSC-derived Gal-1. Our results show that the MSC-derived Gal-1 has an immunosuppressive effect in vitro, however its manifestation is variable in different in vivo experiments. This caution on the thorough characterization of MSCs before their therapeutic use

    Secure Electronic Cards in Public Services

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    The paper presents the electronic wallet solution implemented within a GSM SIM technology for accessing public services. The solution is implemented in the medical field to provide information on the patient's medical history and payment for private medical services. The security issue is a very important one as the patient's history is confidential and the payment has to be safe.public services, mobile, security, m-application, smart card