215 research outputs found

    Ultra-cold ion-atom collisions: near resonant charge exchange

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    Accurate calculations of the near resonant charge exchange crosssections in HD+, HT+ and Dr at very low energies are presented. The charge exchange process between an ion and its parent atom is a near resonant process that becomes inelastic when two different isotopes are involved. We find that, at very low energies, the charge exchange cross-section follows Wigner's law for inelastic processes and becomes much larger than the cross-section for elastic collisions which tends to a finite limit. The efficiency of inelastic charge exchange increases as the mass difference between the two isotopes decreases. © IOP Publishing Ltd and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellscha

    Lanthanum(III) and Lutetium(III) in nitrate-based ionic liquids: a theoretical study of their coordination shell

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    By using ab initio molecular dynamics, we investigate the solvent shell structure of La3+ and Lu3+ ions immersed in two ionic liquids, ethylammonium nitrate (EAN) and its hydroxy derivative (2-ethanolammonium nitrate, HOEAN). We provide the first study of the coordination properties of these heavy metal ions in such a highly charged nonacqueous environment. We find, as expected, that the coordination in the liquid is mainly due to nitrate anions and that, due to the bidentate nature of the ligand, the complexation shell of the central ion has a nontrivial geometry and a coordination number in terms of nitrate molecules that apparently violates the decrease of ionic radii along the lanthanides series, since the smaller Lu3+ ion seems to coordinate six nitrate molecules and the La3+ ion only five. A closer inspection of the structural features obtained from our calculations shows, instead, that the first shell of oxygen atoms is more compact for Lu3+ than for La3+ and that the former coordinates 8 oxygen atoms while the latter 10 in accord with the typical lanthanide's trend along the series and that their first solvation shells have a slight irregular and complex geometrical pattern. When moving to the HOEAN solutions, we have found that the solvation of the central ion is possibly also due to the cation itself through the oxygen atom on the side chain. Also, in this liquid, the coordination numbers in terms of oxygen atoms in both solvents is 10 for La3+ and 8 for Lu3+. © 2015 American Chemical Society

    Modelling biocompatible ionic liquids based on organic acids and amino acids: challenges for computational models and future perspectives

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    In this short review I shall highlight the basic principle and the difficulties that arise in attempting the com- putational modeling of seemingly simple systems which hide an unexpected complexity. Biocompatible ionic liquids which are based on the coupling of organic or amino acid anions with metabolic cations such as cholinium are the target of this review. These substances have been the subject of intense research activities in the last few years and have attracted the attention of computational chemists. I shall show that the computational description of these substances is far from trivial and requires the use of sophisticated techniques in order to account for a surprisingly rich chemistry that is due to several phenomena such as polarization, charge transfer, proton transfer equilibria and tautomerization reactions

    Ultralow-energy vibrational quenching in ionic collisions: Isotope effects in Li+ + D2 encounters

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    he collisional, superelastic encounters at ultralow energies of Li(+) with D(2) are computed using the exact coupled-channel dynamics, and using an ab initio potential energy surface discussed in earlier work. The changes in the target rovibrational structure due to the isotopic substitution, and in its rovibrational wave functions, are seen to have a marked effect, under the collision conditions of vanishing relative energy, on the corresponding dynamical attributes, allowing one to make specific predictions on the possible use of isotopic variants in cold trap processes

    Hydrogen bonding as a clustering agent in protic ionic liquids: like-charge vs opposite-charge dimer formation

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    The local structure of a series of homologous protic ionic liquids (PILs) is investigated using ab initio computations and ab initio-based molecular dynamics. The purpose of this work is to show that in PILs the network of hydrogen bonds may promote like-charge clustering between anionic species. We correlate the theoretical evidence of this possibility with viscosity experimental data. The homologous series of liquids is obtained by coupling choline with amino acid anions and varying the side chain. We find that the frictional properties of the liquids are clearly connected to the ability of the side chain to establish additional hydrogen bonds (other than the trivial cation–anion interaction). We also show that the large variation of bulk properties along the series of compounds can be explained by assuming that one of the sources of friction in the bulk liquid is the like-charge interaction between anions

    Cholinium amino acid-based ionic liquids

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    Boosted by the simplicity of their synthesis and low toxicity, cholinium and amino acid-based ionic liquids have attracted the attention of researchers in many different fields ranging from computational chemistry to electrochemistry and medicine. Among the uncountable IL variations, these substances occupy a space on their own due to their exceptional biocompatibility that stems from being entirely made by metabolic molecular components. These substances have undergone a rather intensive research activity because of the possibility of using them as greener replacements for traditional ionic liquids. We present here a short review in the attempt to provide a compendium of the state-of-the-art scientific research about this special class of ionic liquids based on the combination of amino acid anions and cholinium cations

    Interaction of a Long Alkyl Chain Protic Ionic Liquid and Water

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    A combined experimental/theoretical approach has been used to investigate the role of water in modifying the microscopic interactions characterizing the optical response of butyl-ammonium nitrate (BAN) water solutions. Raman spectra, dominated by the signal from the protic ionic liquid, were collected as a function of the water content, and the corresponding spatial organization of the ionic couples, as well as their local arrangement with water molecules, was studied exploiting classical molecular dynamics calculations. High quality spectroscopic data, combined with a careful analysis, revealed that water affects the vibrational spectrum BAN in solution: as the water concentration is increased, peaks assigned to stretching modes show a frequency hardening together with a shape narrowing, whereas the opposite behavior is observed for peaks assigned to bending modes. Calculation results clearly show a nanometric spatial organization of the ionic couples that is not destroyed on increasing the water content at least within an intermediate range. Our combined results show indeed that small water concentrations even increase the local order. Water molecules are located among ionic couples and are closer to the anion than the cation, as confirmed by the computation of the number of H-bonds which is greater for water-anion than for water-cation. The whole results set thus clarifies the microscopic scenario of the BAN-water interaction and underlines the main role of the extended hydrogen bond network among water molecules and nitrate anions.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Assessing the Structure of Protic Ionic Liquids Based on Triethylammonium and Organic Acid Anions

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    We present a computational analysis of the short-range structure of three protic ionic liquids based on strong organic acids: trifluoracetate, methanesulfonate, and triflate of triethylammonium. Accurate ab initio computations carried out on the gas-phase dimers show that the protonation of triethylamine is spontaneous. We have identified the anion-cation binding motif that is due to the presence of a strong hydrogen bond and to electrostatic interactions. The strength of the hydrogen bond and the magnitude of the binding energy decrease in the order trifluoroacetate ≳ methanesulfonate > triflate. The corresponding simulations of the bulk phases, obtained using a semiempirical evaluation of the interatomic forces, reveal that on short timescales, the state of the three liquids remains highly ionized and that the gas-phase cation-/anion-binding motif is preserved while no other peculiar structural features seem to emerge

    Isotopic replacement in ionic systems: the 4He2+ + 3He -> 3He4He+ + 4He reaction

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    Full quantum dynamics calculations have been carried out for the ionic reaction 4He2+ + 3He and state-to-state reactive probabilities have been obtained using both a time-dependent (TD) and a time-independent (TI) approach. An accurate ab-initio potential energy surface has been employed for the present quantum dynamics and the two sets of results are shown to be in agreement with each other. The results for zero total angular momentum suggest a marked presence of atom exchange (isotopic replacement) reaction with probabilities as high as 60%. The reaction probabilities are only weakly dependent on the initial vibrational state of the reactants while they are slightly more sensitive to the degree of rotational excitation. A brief discussion of the results for selected higher total angular momentum values is also presented, while the l-shifting approximation [1] has been used to provide estimates of the total reaction rates for the title process. Such rates are found to be large enough to possibly become experimentally accessible
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