26 research outputs found
The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on breast surgery in Italy: a multi-centric retrospective observational study
COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on surgical activities. The aim of this multi-centric, retrospective study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on breast surgery. The patients who operated during the pre-pandemic year 2019 were compared to those operated in 2020. Fourteen Breast Care Units provided data on breast surgical procedures performed in 2020 and 2019: total number of breast-conserving surgery (BCS), number of 1st level oncoplastic breast surgery (OBS), number of 2nd level OBS; total number of mastectomies, mastectomies without reconstruction, mastectomies with a tissue expander, mastectomies with direct to implant (DTI) reconstruction, mastectomies with immediate flap reconstruction; total number of delayed reconstructions, number of expanders to implant reconstructions, number of delayed flap reconstructions. Overall 20.684 patients were included: 10.850 (52.5%) operated during 2019, and 9.834 (47.5%) during 2020. The overall number of breast oncologic surgical procedures in all centers in 2020 was 8.509, compared to 9.383 in 2019 (- 9%). BCS decreased by 744 cases (- 13%), the overall number of mastectomies decreased by 130 cases (- 3.5%); mastectomy-BCS ratio was 39-61% in 2019, and 42-58% in 2020. Regarding immediate reconstructive procedures mastectomies with DTI reconstruction increased by 166 cases (+ 15%) and mastectomies with immediate expander reconstruction decreased by 297 cases (- 20%). Breast-delayed reconstructive procedures in all centers in 2020 were 142 less than in 2019 (- 10%). The outburst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 determined an implemented number of mastectomies compared to BCS, an implemented number of immediate breast reconstructions, mainly DTI, and a reduction of expander reconstruction
The Effect of Adjuvant Radiotherapy on One- and Two-Stage Prosthetic Breast Reconstruction and on Autologous Reconstruction: A Multicenter Italian Study among 18 Senonetwork Breast Centres
Purpose. In modern breast cancer treatment, a growing role has been observed for breast reconstruction together with an increase in clinical indications for postmastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT). Choosing the optimum type of reconstructive technique is a clinical challenge. We therefore conducted a national multicenter study to analyze the impact of PMRT on breast reconstruction. Methods. We conducted a retrospective case-control multicenter study on women undergoing breast reconstruction. Data were collected from 18 Italian Breast Centres and stored in a cumulative database which included the following: autologous reconstruction, direct-to-implant (DTI), and tissue expander/immediate (TE/I). For all patients, we described complications and surgical endpoints to complications such as reconstruction failure, explant, change in type of reconstruction, and reintervention. Results. From 2001 to April 2020, 3116 patients were evaluated. The risk for any complication was significantly increased in patients receiving PMRT (aOR, 1.73; 95% CI, 1.33-2.24; p<0.001). PMRT was associated with a significant increase in the risk of capsular contracture in the DTI and TE/I groups (aOR, 2.24; 95% CI, 1.57-3.20; p<0.001). Comparing type of procedures, the risk of failure (aOR, 1.82; 95% CI, 1.06-3.12, p=0.030), explant (aOR, 3.34; 95% CI, 3.85-7.83, p<0.001), and severe complications (aOR, 2.54; 95% CI, 1.88-3.43, p<0.001) were significantly higher in the group undergoing DTI reconstruction as compared to TE/I reconstruction. Conclusion. Our study confirms that autologous reconstruction is the procedure least impacted by PMRT, while DTI appears to be the most impacted by PMRT, when compared with TE/I which shows a lower rate of explant and reconstruction failure. The trial is registered with NCT04783818, and the date of registration is 1 March, 2021, retrospectively registered