6 research outputs found

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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    Veredas do triângulo mineiro: solos, água e uso Veredas of Minas Gerais Triangle: soils, water and use

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    Sendo as veredas importantes reguladores do equilíbrio dos cursos d'água da região dos cerrados, objetivou-se caracterizar e comparar solo, água e tipo de uso destes ambientes nas superfícies geomórficas Chapadas e Arenito Bauru. Foram coletadas amostras dos solos e da água, das veredas. O uso foi analisado por observações de campo e entrevistas com proprietários rurais. As veredas apresentam solos hidromórficos em toda a sua extensão, havendo maior homogeneidade no Bauru. Do terço superior em direção ao terço inferior, a drenagem piora, e são maiores os teores de argila, matéria orgânica e fertilidade natural. As veredas do Bauru apresentam melhor drenagem, maior fertilidade, menores teores de matéria orgânica de argila. A água enquadrou-se na classe 4, principalmente em função da cor, acompanhando variações do teor de matéria orgânica do solo. Nas veredas da Chapada, o uso da água na agricultura gera risco de contaminação ambiental, enquanto no Bauru, é comum seu represamento para dessedentação do gado. Os solos das veredas do Bauru são utilizados com freqüência para pastagem nativa, os da Chapada, são mantidos sem uso. A cor preta ou cinzenta dos solos é um atributo de fácil identificação no campo para delimitar tais ambientes.<br>Being the veredas (swampy plains between hills and rivers) important regulators of water courses equilibrium at the cerrado region, we aimed to characterize and to compare soils, water and use type of these environments in Chapada and Arenito Bauru geomorphic surfaces. Soil and water samples were collected from the veredas. The use was analysed through field observations and interviews with farmers. The veredas present hydromorphic soils in all their extension, occurring higher homogeneity in Bauru. From the superior to the inferior part, the drainage gets worse, and the clay contents, organic matter and natural fertility increase. The Bauru veredas present better drainage, higher natural fertility, smaller amounts of organic matter and clay.The water was classified as class 4, mainly as a function of color, following variations in the soil organic matter content. At Chapada veredas, the water use in agriculture generates environmental contamination risk, while at the Bauru ones, it is common the water damming up for cattle supplying. The soils of Bauru veredas are frequently used for native pasture, while the Chapada ones are maintained without use. The black or grayish color of the veredas soils is an easily-identifiable field attribute for delimitation of such environments

    Techniques for Host Plant Inoculation with Truffles and Other Edible Ectomycorrhizal MushroomsEdible Ectomycorrhizal Mushrooms

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    Large-scale production of high-quality mycorrhizal plants in the greenhouse is mainstay for the modern cultivation of edible ectomycorrhizal mushrooms (EEMMs). Success at this step not only depends on the reliability of the fungal inoculum used for plantlet mycorrhization but also on the environmental conditions attending symbiosis establishment. Methods developed 40-50 years ago for inoculating host plants with EEMMs are still largely used today, with slight modifications. Mycelial inoculations are used commercially only for some edible ectomycorrhizal (EEM) basidiomycetes, while inoculation with spores is the most common method for producing seedlings colonized with truffle mycorrhizas. However pure cultures and ectomycorrhizas of Tuber have also been used to obtain mycorrhizal plants mainly for scientific purposes. Mycelium-based inoculum offers many advantages, such as lower contamination risks, more reliable root colonization, and provides opportunities for genetic selection of EEMM strains. Long time preservation of EEM cultures and the creation of germplasm banks would be an important step to support mycelium-based technologies. To this aim, we demonstrate successful crypreservation of strains of Tuber borchii and Tuber aestivum. Recent advances in genetic and biotechnology of EEMs and their hosts has the potential to transform the current EEMM nursery trade