17 research outputs found

    Validation of the food allergy quality of life:parental burden questionnaire in the UK

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    Purpose - Food allergy can have a profound effect on quality of life (QoL) of the family. The Food Allergy Quality of Life—Parental Burden Questionnaire (FAQL-PB) was developed on a US sample to assess the QoL of parents with food allergic children. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the FAQL-PB in a UK sample and to assess the effect of asking about parental burden in the last week compared with parental burden in general, with no time limit for recall given. Methods - A total of 1,200 parents who had at least one child with food allergy were sent the FAQL-PB and the Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-PF50); of whom only 63 % responded. Results - Factor analysis of the FAQL-PB revealed two factors: limitations on life and emotional distress. The total scale and the two sub-scales had high internal reliability (all a > 0.85). There were small to moderate but significant correlations between total FAQL-PB scores and health and parental impact measures on the CHQ-PF50 (p < 0.01). Significantly greater parental burden was reported for the no-time limited compared with the time-limited version (p < 0.01). Conclusions - The FAQL-PB is a reliable and valid measure for use in the UK. The scale could be used in clinic to assess the physical and emotional quality of life in addition to the impact on total quality of life

    Development of a practice guideline for dietary counselling of children with IgE-mediated food allergy

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    Purpose The incidence of food allergy is increasing globally and whilst there is consensus that dietitians should be involved in its management, the roles that dietitians should fulfill differ between different guidelines and the description of tasks remains unclear. Currently, no Swiss guideline exists to assist dietitians in counselling children with food allergies. There is a need for recommendations that will guide dietitians through the counselling process. The aim of this project was to create a practice guideline for dietary counselling of children with food allergy. Methods Practice guidelines were developed following the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics stepwise approach. The process consisted of six steps: (1) Determine the scope oft he guideline. (2) Conduct a systematic review. (3) Draft the guideline recommendations using the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) as a framework. (4) Finalise the guideline during a face-to-face meeting. (5) Conduct internal and external review and revise accordingly. (6) Publish guideline. Results The process resulted in 25 recommendations for dietary counselling. Most recommendations are based on expert opinion only, due to the lack of studies in this field and showed similar levels of consensus between the expert group and external review by allergists. However, there were nine recommendations where the consensus differed. Conclusion This guideline provides a comprehensive guide to dietary counselling for food allergy by dietitians in Switzerland. It will inform best practice and improve patient-centred care and encourage a consistent approach, but it will need to be reviewed and updated as more robust evidence is produced

    Development of children’s hymenoptera venom allergy quality of life scale (CHVAQoLS)

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    BACKGROUND: Venom allergy is a rare but life-threatening disease and may have a considerable impact on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients, especially children. This paper presents development of the HRQoL scale for children and adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy (HVA). METHODS: The study sample consisted of 71 children, born between 1992 and 2000, who presented with a history of insect sting reaction when referred for consultation in the allergy center of Polish-American Children’s Hospital, Krakow, Poland, during the period from 2000 to 2010. The initial pool of 60 items - divided into 6 domains - was prepared. The items with intercorrelations higher than 0.7 were removed from each domain and then principal component analysis was conducted for each domain separately, to provide a one-dimensional subscale for each domain. Reliability of the subscales was assessed using Cronbach alpha coefficient in terms of Classical Test Theory and with rho coefficient in terms of Item Response Theory. The multidimensionality of the scale was tested using multi-trait scaling. RESULTS: Three to four items from each domain were subsequently selected to constitute six subscales. Rho coefficients for all the subscales reached 0.8, similar results were achieved with the Cronbach alpha coefficients. Multi-trait method showed that the majority of the items indicated stronger correlations with their own subscales than with other subscales, which proves that our constructed subscales measure different dimensions of HRQoL. CONCLUSIONS: The presented scale comprises high validity and reliability subscales measuring six dimensions of HRQoL related to Hymenoptera venom allergy in children and adolescents. Such information may be useful in everyday clinical practice

    Health-related quality of life of food allergic patients: comparison with the general population and other diseases

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    P>Background: To date no studies have compared generic health-related quality of life (HRQL) of food allergic patients from childhood to adulthood with that of the general population or patients with other chronic diseases. The aim of this study was to compare generic HRQL of food allergic patients with the general population and other diseases. Methods: Generic HRQL questionnaires (CHQ-CF87 and RAND-36) were completed by 79 children, 74 adolescents and 72 adults with food allergy. The generic HRQL scores were compared with scores from published studies on the general population and patients with asthma, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes mellitus (DM) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Results: Food allergic children and adolescents reported fewer limitations in school work due to behavioural problems (P < 0.013), but food allergic adolescents and adults reported more pain (P = 0.020), poorer overall health (P < 0.001), more limitations in social activities (P < 0.001) and less vitality (P = 0.002) than individuals from the general population. Food allergic patients reported poorer generic HRQL than patients with DM, but better generic HRQL than patients with RA, asthma and IBS. Conclusion: HRQL is impaired in food allergic adolescents and adults, compared to the general population, and it is intermediate in magnitude between DM and RA, asthma and IBS. Children show the least impact on generic HRQL from food allergy

    Usefulness of open mixed nut challenges to exclude tree nut allergy in children

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    BACKGROUND: To minimize the risk of accidental reactions, atopic children with multiple sensitizations to tree nuts are advised to avoid all nuts. Multiple food challenges would be needed to confirm the clinical relevance, but are too burdensome to be practical. The usefulness of open mixed nut challenges in terms of safety, reactions during challenge, tolerance of the challenge material, effect on the elimination diet and satisfaction of the parents was evaluated. FINDINGS: Open mixed nut challenges were performed in 19 children with a previous negative hazelnut challenge and long term elimination diet for tree nuts. Challenges were negative in 13 (68 %) children, in four (21 %) children (non-severe) allergic symptoms were observed. The challenges were well accepted, safe and efficient. We were able to avoid multiple nut challenges in 15 (79 %) children. CONCLUSIONS: Open mixed nut challenge can efficiently exclude multiple tree nut allergies in children with a lifelong nut free diet and low suspicion of clinical allergy

    Development of an allergy management support system in primary care

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    Bertine MJ Flokstra - de&nbsp;Blok,1,2 Thys van der Molen,1,2 Wianda A Christoffers,3 Janwillem WH Kocks,1,2 Richard L Oei,4 Joanne NG Oude Elberink,2,4 Emmy M Roerdink,5 Marie Louise Schuttelaar,3 Jantina L van der Velde,1,2 Thecla M Brakel,1,6 Anthony EJ Dubois2,5 1Department of General Practice, 2GRIAC Research Institute, 3Department of Dermatology, 4Department of Allergology, 5Department of Pediatric Pulmonology and Pediatric Allergy, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, 6Teaching Unit, Department of Social Psychology, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Background: Management of allergic patients in the population is becoming more difficult because of increases in both complexity and prevalence. Although general practitioners (GPs) are expected to play an important role in the care of allergic patients, they often feel ill-equipped for this task. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop an allergy management support system (AMSS) for primary care. Methods: Through literature review, interviewing and testing in secondary and primary care patients, an allergy history questionnaire was constructed by allergists, dermatologists, GPs and researchers based on primary care and specialists&rsquo; allergy guidelines and their clinical knowledge. Patterns of AMSS questionnaire responses and specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE)-test outcomes were used to identify diagnostic categories and develop corresponding management recommendations. Validity of the AMSS was investigated by comparing specialist (gold standard) and AMSS diagnostic categories. Results: The two-page patient-completed AMSS questionnaire consists of 12 (mainly) multiple choice questions on symptoms, triggers, severity and medication. Based on the AMSS questionnaires and sIgE-test outcome of 118 patients, approximately 150 diagnostic categories of allergic rhinitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis, anaphylaxis, food allergy, hymenoptera allergy and other allergies were identified, and the corresponding management recommendations were formulated. The agreement between the allergy specialists&rsquo; assessments and the AMSS was 69.2% (CI 67.2&ndash;71.2). Conclusion: Using a systematic approach, it was possible to develop an AMSS that allows for the formulation of diagnostic and management recommendations for GPs managing allergic patients. The AMSS thus holds promise for the improvement of the quality of primary care for this increasing group of patients. Keywords: allergy, development, diagnosis, management support system, primary car

    Quality of life in patients with food allergy

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    Food allergy has increased in developed countries and can have a dramatic effect on quality of life, so as to provoke fatal reactions. We aimed to outline the socioeconomic impact that food allergy exerts in this kind of patients by performing a complete review of the literature and also describing the factors that may influence, to a greater extent, the quality of life of patients with food allergy and analyzing the different questionnaires available. Hitherto, strict avoidance of the culprit food(s) and use of emergency medications are the pillars to manage this condition. Promising approaches such as specific oral or epicutaneous immunotherapy and the use of monoclonal antibodies are progressively being investigated worldwide. However, even that an increasing number of centers fulfill those approaches, they are not fully implemented enough in clinical practice. The mean annual cost of health care has been estimated in international dollars (I)2016forfood−allergicadultsandI) 2016 for food-allergic adults and I1089 for controls, a difference of I927(95 927 (95 % confidence interval I324–I$1530). A similar result was found for adults in each country, and for children, and interestingly, it was not sensitive to baseline demographic differences. Cost was significantly related to severity of illness in cases in nine countries. The constant threat of exposure, need for vigilance and expectation of outcome can have a tremendous impact on quality of life. Several studies have analyzed the impact of food allergy on health-related quality of life (HRQL) in adults and children in different countries. There have been described different factors that could modify HRQL in food allergic patients, the most important of them are perceived disease severity, age of the patient, peanut or soy allergy, country of origin and having allergy to two or more foods. Over the last few years, several different specific Quality of Life questionnaires for food allergic patients have been developed and translated to different languages and cultures. It is important to perform lingual and cultural translations of existent questionnaires in order to ensure its suitability in a specific region or country with its own socioeconomic reality and culture. Tools aimed at assessing the impact of food allergy on HRQL should be always part of the diagnostic work up, in order to provide a complete basal assessment, to highlight target of intervention as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions designed to cure food allergy. HRQL may be the only meaningful outcome measure available for food allergy measuring this continuous burden