255 research outputs found

    Microglial activation and chronic neurodegeneration

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    Microglia, the resident innate immune cells in the brain, have long been implicated in the pathology of neurode-generative diseases. Accumulating evidence points to activated microglia as a chronic source of multiple neurotoxic factors, including tumor necrosis factor-α, nitric oxide, interleukin-1ÎČ, and reactive oxygen species (ROS), driving progressive neuron damage. Microglia can become chronically activated by either a single stimulus (e.g., lipopolysaccharide or neuron damage) or multiple stimuli exposures to result in cumulative neuronal loss with time. Although the mechanisms driving these phenomena are just beginning to be understood, reactive microgliosis (the microglial response to neuron damage) and ROS have been implicated as key mechanisms of chronic and neurotoxic microglial activation, particularly in the case of Parkinson’s disease. We review the mechanisms of neurotoxicity associated with chronic microglial activation and discuss the role of neuronal death and microglial ROS driving the chronic and toxic microglial phenotype

    Yellow hexagon center with a mountain, blue sky and a beehive with bees in the hexagon, blue and the lower are red background

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    CIL:11437, Phodopus, Rattus, astrocyte, cortical cell of adrenal gland. In Cell Image Library

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    CIL:11437, Phodopus, Rattus, astrocyte, cortical cell of adrenal gland. In Cell Image Library

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    Patients experience of living with the intestinal stoma : A literature overview

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    Bakgrund: Magtarmkanalen Ă€r en viktig del för att en individ ska uppleva fysisk och psykisk hĂ€lsa. Inflammatoriska tarmsjukdomar och cancer i tarmen Ă€r faktorer som kan leda till att en tarmstomi blir aktuellt. En tarmstomi kan vara permanent och temporĂ€r samt involvera olika delar av tarmen. Med en tarmstomi tillkommer ett ansvar hos patienten dĂ€r egenvĂ„rd och skötsel blir centralt. Tarmstomin medför kroppsliga förĂ€ndringar dĂ€r stöd och undervisning ökar förstĂ„elsen för den nya kroppen. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med tarmstomi. Metod: Metoden som anvĂ€nts var litteraturöversikt som inkluderat kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar. Resultat: Studiens resultat presenteras i fyra omrĂ„den: Social samvaro- pĂ„ gott och ont, BegrĂ€nsningar i vardagslivet, Acceptans av tarmstomi och Mötet med vĂ„rden. Slutsats: Patienters upplevelser av att leva med tarmstomi kan bĂ„de vara positiva och negativa. För att patienten ska acceptera sin nya livssituation har sjuksköterskan, vĂ€nner och familj en betydande roll. Patientens acceptans till tarmstomin Ă€r avgörande för hur kroppen uppfattas och pĂ„verkar dĂ€rmed den psykiska hĂ€lsan.Background: The gastrointestinal tract is an important part for an individual to experience physical and psychological health. Inflammatory bowel diseases and cancer in the intestine are factors that can lead to an intestinal stoma. An intestinal stoma can be permanent or temporary and involve different parts of the intestinal. With an intestinal stoma comes a responsibility which includes self-care and care of the intestinal stoma for the patient. The intestinal stoma entails bodily changes where support and teaching increase the understanding of the new body. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe patients experience of living with an intestinal stoma. Method: This study is a literature review which is based on qualitative and quantitative articles. Results: The results of this study are presented in four areas: Social cohabitation- for better or worse, Limitations in everyday life, Acceptance of the intestinal stoma and The meeting with medical care. Conclusion: Patients experience to live with an intestinal stoma can both be positive and negative. The acceptance of the new life situation includes the patient’s relationship to the nurse, friends and family. Patients acceptance to the intestinal stoma is crucial for how the body perceives and effects the psychological health

    Intracisternal Tublar Reticulum in Dog Prostates

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