15,100 research outputs found

    Direct measurement of the HCl dimer tunneling rate and Cl isotope dependence by far-infrared laser sideband spectroscopy of planar supersonic jets

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    The large amplitude tunneling motion of the HCl dimer has been directly studied with a tunable far‐infrared laser sideband/two-dimensional free jet expansion spectrometer at hyperfine resolution. Rotationless tunneling rates for the three common chlorine isotopic forms are v(35–35)=463 979.2(1) MHz, v(35–37)=463 357.7(1) MHz, and v(37–37)=462 733.7(3) MHz. Both the rotational constants and hyperfine parameters indicate that the vibrationally averaged structure shows little variation within a given tunneling state, with both HCl bond angles giving an average projection on the a-axis of 47° in all states with resolved hyperfine patterns

    Fluid mechanics of nodal flow due to embryonic primary cilia

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    Breaking of left–right symmetry is crucial in vertebrate development. The role of cilia-driven flow has been the subject of many recent publications, but the underlying mechanisms remain controversial. At approximately 8 days post-fertilization, after the establishment of the dorsal–ventral and anterior–posterior axes, a depressed structure is found on the ventral side of mouse embryos, termed the ventral node. Within the node, ‘whirling’ primary cilia, tilted towards the posterior, drive a flow implicated in the initial left–right signalling asymmetry. However, the underlying fluid mechanics have not been fully and correctly explained until recently and accurate characterization is required in determining how the flow triggers the downstream signalling cascades. Using the approximation of resistive force theory, we show how the flow is produced and calculate the optimal configuration to cause maximum flow, showing excellent agreement with in vitro measurements and numerical simulation, and paralleling recent analogue experiments. By calculating numerical solutions of the slender body theory equations, we present time-dependent physically based fluid dynamics simulations of particle pathlines in flows generated by large arrays of beating cilia, showing the far-field radial streamlines predicted by the theory

    Mathematical modelling of cilia driven transport of biological fluids

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    Cilia-driven flow occurs in the airway surface liquid, in the female and male reproductive tracts and enables symmetry-breaking in the embryonic node. Viscoelastic rheology is found in healthy states in some systems, whereas in others may characterise disease, motivating the development of mathematical models that take this effect into account. We derive the fundamental solution for linear viscoelastic flow, which is subsequently used as a basis for slender-body theory. Our numerical algorithm allows efficient computation of three-dimensional time-dependent flow, bending moments, power and particle transport. We apply the model to the large-amplitude motion of a single cilium in a linear Maxwell liquid. A relatively short relaxation time of just 0.032 times the beat period significantly reduces forces, bending moments, power and particle transport, the last variable exhibiting exponential decay with relaxation time. A test particle is propelled approximately one-fifth as quickly along the direction of cilia beating for scaled relaxation time 0.032 as in the Newtonian case, and mean volume flow is abolished, emphasizing the sensitivity of cilia function to fluid rheology. These results may have implications for flow in the airways, where the transition from Newtonian to viscoelastic rheology in the peri-ciliary fluid may reduce clearance

    Investigation of variables in turbine erosion, influence of aerodynamic and geometric parameters

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    Influence of aerodynamic and geometric parameters in turbine erosio

    Constraints on the age and dilution of Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics biomass burning plumes from the natural radionuclide tracer 210Pb

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    During the NASA Global Troposphere Experiment Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics (PEM-Tropics) airborne sampling campaign we found unexpectedly high concentrations of aerosol-associated 210Pb throughout the free troposphere over the South Pacific. Because of the remoteness of the study region, we expected specific activities to be generally less than 35 ÎŒBq m−3 but found an average in the free troposphere of 107 ÎŒBq m−3. This average was elevated by a large number of very active (up to 405 ÎŒBq m−3) samples that were associated with biomass burning plumes encountered on nearly every PEM-Tropics flight in the southern hemisphere. We use a simple aging and dilution model, which assumes that 222Rn and primary combustion products are pumped into the free troposphere in wet convective systems over fire regions (most likely in Africa), to explain the elevated 210Pb activities. This model reproduces the observed 210Pb activities very well, and predicts the ratios of four hydrocarbon species (emitted by combustion) to CO to better than 20% in most cases. Plume ages calculated by the model depend strongly on the assumed 222Rn activities in the initial plume, but using values plausible for continental boundary layer air yields ages that are consistent with travel times from Africa to the South Pacific calculated with a back trajectory model. The model also shows that despite being easily recognized through the large enhancements of biomass burning tracers, these plumes must have entrained large fractions of the surrounding ambient air during transport

    Excitation of methyl cyanide in the hot core of Orion

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    The excitation of CH_3CN in the hot core of Orion is examined using high-sensitivity observational data at 1.3 mm. Observed line fluxes are analyzed by means of multilevel statistical equilibrium (SE) calculations which incorporate current theoretical values of the collisional excitation rates. The analysis is applied to both optically thin models of the hot core region and models with significant optical depths. Trapping is found to play a critical role in the excitation of CH_3CN. An optically thin analysis yields a kinetic temperature of 275 K and a cloud density of 2 x 10^6 cm^(-3). Unequal column densities are deduced in this case for the two symmetry species: N_A = 1.4 x 10^(14) cm^(-2) and N_E = 2.0 x 10^(14) cm^(-2). The deduced cloud density and temperature are lowered to 1.5 x 10^6 cm^(-3) and 240 K. The model with trapping is favored because of the agreement with measured sizes of the hot core source and the more plausible N_A/N_E ratio. Analysis of radiative excitation in the hot core indicates it is unlikely to significantly affect the ground vibrational state populations of CH_3CN. It most likely is significant for excitation of the V_8 band

    On the Interpretation of the broad-band millimeter-wave flux from Orion

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    Spectral observations of the core of Orion A at wavelengths around 1.3 mm show a high density of strong, broad emission lines. The combined flux in lines with peak antenna temperatures stronger than 0.2 K accounts for approximately 40 percent of the broad-band millimeter-wave flux from the region. Thus the broad-band flux from Orion A is in large part due to sources other than dust emission

    Molecular abundances in OMC-1: The chemical composition of interstellar molecular clouds and the influence of massive star formation

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    We present here an investigation of the chemical composition of the various regions in the core of the Orion molecular cloud (OMC-1) based on results from the Caltech Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) millimeter-wave spectral line survey (Sutton et al.; Blake et al.). This survey covered a 55 GHz interval in the 1.3 mm (230 GHz) atmospheric window and contained emission from over 800 resolved spectral features. Of the 29 identified species 14 have a sufficient number of detected transitions to be investigated with an LTE "rotation diagram" technique, in which large numbers of lines are used to estimate both the rotational excitation and the overall abundance. The rotational temperatures and column densities resulting from these fits have then been used to model the emission from those remaining species which either have too few lines or which are too weak to be so analyzed. When different kinematic sources of emission are blended to produce a single feature, Gaussian fits have been used to derive the individual contributions to the total line profile. The uniformly calibrated data in the unique and extensive Caltech spectral line survey lead to accurate estimates of the chemical and physical parameters of the Orion molecular cloud, and place significant constraints on models of interstellar chemistry. A global analysis of the observed abundances shows that the markedly different chemical compositions of the kinematically and spatially distinct Orion subsources may be interpreted in the framework of an evolving, initially quiescent, gas-phase chemistry influenced by the process of massive star formation. The chemical composition of the extended Orion cloud complex is similar to that found in a number of other objects, but the central regions of OMC-1 have had their chemistry selectively altered by the radiation and high-velocity outflow from the young stars embedded deep within the interior of the molecular cloud. Specifically, the extended ridge clouds are inferred to have a low (subsolar) gas-phase oxygen content from the prevalence of reactive carbon-rich species like CN, CCH, and C_3H_2 also found in more truly quiescent objects such as TMC-1. The similar abundances of these and other simple species in clouds like OMC-1, Sgr B2, and TMC-1 lend support to gas-phase ion-molecule models of interstellar chemistry, but grain processes may also play a significant role in maintaining the overall chemical balance in such regions through selective depletion mechanisms and grain mantle processing. In contrast, the chemical compositions of the more turbulent plateau and hot core components of OMC-1 are dominated by high-temperature, shock-induced gas and grain surface neutral-neutral reaction processes. The high silicon/sulfur oxide and water content of the plateau gas is best modeled by fast shock disruption of smaller grain cores to release the more refractory elements followed by a predominantly neutral chemistry in the cooling postshock regions, while a more passive release of grain mantle products driven toward kinetic equilibrium most naturally explains the prominence of fully hydrogenated N-containing species like HCN, NH_3 , CH_3CN, and C_2H_5CN in the hot core. The clumpy nature of the outflow is illustrated by the high-velocity emission observed from easily decomposed molecules such as H_2CO. Areas immediately adjacent to the shocked core in which the cooler, ion-rich gas of the surrounding molecular cloud is mixed with water/oxygen rich gas from the plateau source are proposed to give rise to the enhanced abundances of complex internal rotors such as CH_30H, HCOOCH_3 , and CH_30CH_3 whose line widths are similar to carbon-rich species such as CN and CCH found in the extended ridge, but whose rotational temperatures are somewhat higher and whose spatial extents are much more compact

    A viscoelastic traction layer model of mucociliary flow

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    A new mathematical model of the transport of mucus and periciliary liquid (PCL) in the airways by cilia is presented. Mucus is represented by a linearly viscoelastic fluid, the mat of cilia is modelled as an ‘active porous medium.’ The propulsive effect of the cilia is modelled by a time-dependent force acting in a shear-thinned ‘traction layer’ between the mucus and the PCL. The effects of surface and interface tension are modelled by constraining the mucus free surface and mucus–PCL interface to be flat. It is assumed that the epithelium is impermeable to fluid. Using Fourier series, the system is converted into ODEs and solved numerically. We calculate values for mean mucus speed close to those observed by Matsui et~al. [{J. Clin. Invest.}, 102(6):1125’1131, 1998], (~40 ÎŒms−1). We obtain more detail regarding the dynamics of the flow and the nonlinear relationships between physical parameters in healthy and diseased states than in previously published models. Pressure gradients in the PCL caused by interface and surface tension are vital to ensuring efficient transport of mucus, and the role of the mucus–PCL interface appears to be to support such pressure gradients, ensuring efficient transport. Mean transport of PCL is found to be very small, consistent with previous analyses, providing insight into theories regarding the normal tonicity of PCL
