13 research outputs found

    Ocorrência de larva migrans na areia de áreas de lazer das escolas municipais de ensino infantil, Araçatuba, SP, Brasil Presence of larva migrans in sand boxes of public elementary schools, Brazil

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    A areia das áreas de lazer de escolas podem constituir vias de transmissão para várias zoonoses parasitárias, representando risco potencial para as crianças que brincam nesses locais. Foi avaliada a ocorrência de agentes de larva migrans em 28 escolas municipais de ensino infantil de Araçatuba, SP. Foram colhidas 535 amostras de areia das áreas de lazer dessas escolas nos meses de janeiro (verão) e julho (inverno) de 1997 para estabelecimento da freqüência de isolamento de larvas e/ou ovos de Ancylostoma spp. e de ovos de Toxocara spp., pelos métodos de centrífugo-flutuação e de Baermann, respectivamente. A presença de larvas de Ancylostoma spp. foi observada, em pelo menos uma das amostras, em 35,7% (10/28) das amostras da primeira colheita (verão) e em 46,4% (13/28) quando da segunda colheita (inverno). Ovos de Toxocara spp. não foram encontrados e a presença de ovos de Ancylostoma spp. foi observada em 0,56% (3/535) das amostras.<br>There are sandboxes in public elementary school playground areas in Brazil, which can be harmful to children. They are at risk of cutaneous and visceral larva migrans infection caused by Ancylostoma spp. and Toxocara spp., respectively. The study was designed to investigate contamination by Toxocara spp. and/or their eggs and Ancylostoma spp. larvae in sand samples collected from the schools' sandboxes. Five hundred and thirty-five sand samples from 28 public elementary schools were collected during summer and winter and analyzed by both Baermann´s method and centrifugal flotation technique. Ancylostoma spp. larvae were found in 35.7% (10/28) schools in summer time and in 46.4% (13/28) schools in the winter time. Eggs of Toxocara spp. could not be recovered from the samples analyzed and eggs from Ancylostoma spp. were seen in 0.56% (3/535) of the samples

    Prevalence of Toxocara infection in schoolchildren from the Butantã region, São Paulo, Brazil

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    Visceral larva migrans syndrome by Toxocara affects mainly children between 2 and 5 years of age, it is generally asymptomatic, and the seroprevalence varies from 3 to 86% in different countries. A total of 399 schoolchildren from 14 public schools of the Butantã region, São Paulo city, Brazil, were evaluated by Toxocara serology (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Epidemiological data to the Toxocara infection obtained from a protocol were submitted to multiple logistic regression analysis for a risk profile definition. Blood was collected on filter paper by finger puncture, with all samples tested in duplicate. Considering titers > 1/160 as positive, the seroprevalence obtained was 38.8%. Among infected children, the mean age was 9.4 years, with a similar distribution between genders. A significant association was observed with the presence of onychophagia, residence with a dirty backyard, living in a slum, previous wheezing episodes, school attended, and family income (p < 0.05). All data, except "living in a slum", were considered to be determinant of a risk profile for the acquisition of Toxocara infection. A monthly income > 5 minimum salaries represented a protective factor, although of low relevance. Toxocara eggs were found in at least one of the soil samples obtained from five schools, with high prevalence of Toxocara infections, indicating the frequent soil contamination by this agent