129 research outputs found

    Tracing the mass profiles of galaxy clusters with member galaxies

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    The mass distribution of galaxy clusters can be determined from the study of the projected phase-space distribution of cluster galaxies. The main advantage of this method as compared to others, is that it allows determination of cluster mass profiles out to very large radii. Here I review recent analyses and results on this topic. In particular, I briefly describe the Jeans and Caustic methods, and the problems one has to face in applying these methods to galaxy systems. Then, I summarize the most recent and important results on the mass distributions of galaxy groups, clusters, and superclusters. Additional covered topics are the relative distributions of the dark and baryonic components, and the orbits of galaxies in clusters.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, invited review at the XXIst IAP Colloquium "Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological Structures", Paris 4-9 July 2005, Editors: G. Mamon, F. Combes, C. Deffayet, B. Fort, EDP Sciences, in pres

    Galaxies in Present-day Clusters: Evolutionary Constraints from Their Distributions and Kinematics

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    We discuss evidence in local, present-day clusters of galaxies (from the ENACS survey) about the way in which those clusters have evolved and about the evolutionary relationships between the galaxies of different morphological types in them. This evidence is complementary to that obtained from the study of clusters at intermediate and high redshifts. We argue that the spatial distribution and the kinematics of the various types of galaxies in and outside substructures support the following picture. The ELLIPTICAL AND S0 GALAXIES have been around for a long time and have obtained an isotropic velocity distribution. The spatial distribution and kinematics of the EARLY SPIRALS are consistent with the idea that many of their kind have transformed into an S0, but that they have survived, most likely because of their velocities. The distribution and kinematics of the LATE SPIRALS are consistent with a picture in which they have been accreted fairly recently. They have mildly radial orbits and hardly populate the central regions, most likely because they suffer tidal disruption. Finally, the distribution and kinematics of the GALAXIES IN SUBSTRUCTURES, when taken at face value, imply tangential velocity anisotropy for these galaxies, but this result may be (partly) due to the procedure by which these galaxies are selected. A first attempt to take the effects of selection into account shows that isotropic (or even mildly radial) orbits of subcluster galaxies cannot be excluded.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the IAU colloquium No. 195: "Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: intense life in the suburbs", A. Diaferio ed. (invited contribution

    Mass, velocity anisotropy, and pseudo phase-space density profiles of Abell 2142

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    Aim: We aim to compute the mass and velocity anisotropy profiles of Abell 2142 and, from there, the pseudo phase--space density profile Q(r)Q(r) and the density slope - velocity anisotropy βγ\beta - \gamma relation, and then to compare them with theoretical expectations. Methods: The mass profiles were obtained by using three techniques based on member galaxy kinematics, namely the caustic method, the method of Dispersion - Kurtosis, and MAMPOSSt. Through the inversion of the Jeans equation, it was possible to compute the velocity anisotropy profiles. Results: The mass profiles, as well as the virial values of mass and radius, computed with the different techniques agree with one another and with the estimates coming from X-ray and weak lensing studies. A concordance mass profile is obtained by averaging the lensing, X-ray, and kinematics determinations. The cluster mass profile is well fitted by an NFW profile with c=4.0±0.5c=4.0 \pm 0.5. The population of red and blue galaxies appear to have a different velocity anisotropy configuration, since red galaxies are almost isotropic, while blue galaxies are radially anisotropic, with a weak dependence on radius. The Q(r)Q(r) profile for the red galaxy population agrees with the theoretical results found in cosmological simulations, suggesting that any bias, relative to the dark matter particles, in velocity dispersion of the red component is independent of radius. The βγ\beta - \gamma relation for red galaxies matches the theoretical relation only in the inner region. The deviations might be due to the use of galaxies as tracers of the gravitational potential, unlike the non--collisional tracer used in the theoretical relation.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. Consolidated version including the Corrigendum published on A&

    The relation between velocity dispersion and mass in simulated clusters of galaxies: dependence on the tracer and the baryonic physics

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    [Abridged] We present an analysis of the relation between the masses of cluster- and group-sized halos, extracted from Λ\LambdaCDM cosmological N-body and hydrodynamic simulations, and their velocity dispersions, at different redshifts from z=2z=2 to z=0z=0. The main aim of this analysis is to understand how the implementation of baryonic physics in simulations affects such relation, i.e. to what extent the use of the velocity dispersion as a proxy for cluster mass determination is hampered by the imperfect knowledge of the baryonic physics. In our analysis we use several sets of simulations with different physics implemented. Velocity dispersions are determined using three different tracers, DM particles, subhalos, and galaxies. We confirm that DM particles trace a relation that is fully consistent with the theoretical expectations based on the virial theorem and with previous results presented in the literature. On the other hand, subhalos and galaxies trace steeper relations, and with larger values of the normalization. Such relations imply that galaxies and subhalos have a 10\sim10 per cent velocity bias relative to the DM particles, which can be either positive or negative, depending on halo mass, redshift and physics implemented in the simulation. We explain these differences as due to dynamical processes, namely dynamical friction and tidal disruption, acting on substructures and galaxies, but not on DM particles. These processes appear to be more or less effective, depending on the halo masses and the importance of baryon cooling, and may create a non-trivial dependence of the velocity bias and the \soneD--\Mtwo relation on the tracer, the halo mass and its redshift. These results are relevant in view of the application of velocity dispersion as a proxy for cluster masses in ongoing and future large redshift surveys.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures. Minor modifications to match the version in press on MNRA

    Dependency of halo concentration on mass, redshift and fossilness in Magneticum hydrodynamic simulations

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    We study the dependency of the concentration on mass and redshift using three large N-body cosmological hydrodynamic simulations carried out by the Magneticum project. We constrain the slope of the mass-concentration relation with an unprecedented mass range for hydrodynamic simulations and find a negative trend on the mass-concentration plane and a slightly negative redshift dependency, in agreement with observations and other numerical works. We also show how the concentration correlates with the fossil parameter, defined as the stellar mass ratio between the central galaxy and the most massive satellite, in agreement with observations. We find that haloes with high fossil parameter have systematically higher concentration and investigate the cause in two different ways. First we study the evolution of haloes that lives unperturbed for a long period of time, where we find that the internal region keeps accreting satellites as the fossil parameter increases and the scale radius decreases (which increases the concentration). We also study the dependency of the concentration on the virial ratio and the energy term from the surface pressure EsE_s. We conclude that fossil objects have higher concentration because they are dynamically relaxed, with no in-fall/out-fall material and had time to accrete their satellites.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Gone after one orbit: How cluster environments quench galaxies

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    The effect of galactic orbits on a galaxy's internal evolution within a galaxy cluster environment has been the focus of heated debate in recent years. To understand this connection, we use both the (0.5(0.5 \,Gpc)3^3 and the Gpc3^3 boxes from the cosmological hydrodynamical simulation set Magneticum Pathfinder. We investigate the velocity-anisotropy, phase space, and the orbital evolution of up to 5105\sim 5 \cdot 10^{5} resolved satellite galaxies within our sample of 6776 clusters with Mvir>1014MM_{\mathrm{vir}} > 10^{14} \, \mathrm{M_{\odot}} at low redshift, which we also trace back in time. In agreement with observations, we find that star-forming satellite galaxies inside galaxy clusters are characterised by more radially dominated orbits, independent of cluster mass. Furthermore, the vast majority of star-forming satellite galaxies stop forming stars during their first passage. We find a strong dichotomy both in line-of-sight and radial phase space between star-forming and quiescent galaxies, in line with observations. The tracking of individual orbits shows that the star-formation of almost all satellite galaxies drops to zero within 1Gyr1 \, \mathrm{Gyr} after in-fall. Satellite galaxies that are able to remain star-forming longer are characterised by tangential orbits and high stellar mass. All this indicates that in galaxy clusters the dominant quenching mechanism is ram-pressure stripping.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figures, accepted by MNRA