143 research outputs found

    Assessment of Students Performances in Biology: Implication for Measurements and Evaluation of Learning

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    Scienceeducation is believed to be a vital tool for individual and societal development at large. The persistent low levels of students' achievement in sciences at the various public examinations in Nigeria have continued to draw the attention of major stakeholders in education. This study examined academic achievement of Senior Secondary School students in biology and gender difference in students' achievement was examined. Ex-post facto design of descriptive research was adopted for the study. A proforma was used to collect data from a sample of two hundred (200) students, selected using stratified random sampling procedure from the Science secondary schools in Kano state Nigeria. The data collected were the students' performances in biology achievement tests. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and independent-sample t-test. Overall results showed that the test internal consistency reliability is low and unsatisfactory; the students performed below average (M=47.02, SD=16.493 (47%). Similarly, gender difference exists in biology performance with another significant difference between performance of urban and rural school students. The study concludes that, biology test used in Kano state qualifying examinations to assess students potential ability in biology is not a reliable measurement tool and that, academic performance of students in biology is unsatisfactory and evidence of differential performance between gender and schools locations. The implication for measurements and evaluation of learning as well as recommendations has been discussed

    Determination of gross alpha and beta radioactivity concentration along Jakara waste water canal, Kano Metropolis, Kano State, Nigeria

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    This research undertook an assessment of the radioactivity level along the Jakara waste water canal. Six soil samples and five water samples were taken for gross alpha and beta activity concentration using the gas–flow–proportional counter (IN20). Results for gross alpha activity concentration for the soil samples range from 4.597E-03 Bq/g to 1.425E-02 Bq/g, while that of gross beta activity for soil has the range from 3.341E+01 Bq/g to 8.092E+01 Bq/g. In the same vein, results for gross alpha activity concentration for the water samples have the range from 6.035E-03 Bq/L to 1.433E+00 Bq/L while the value for the gross beta activity concentration ranges from 5.038E+00 Bq/L to 2.853E+01 Bq/L for the same water samples. These results show that the alpha and beta activity concentration in the analysed samples are higher than the minimum permissible concentration by World Health Organisation (WHO, 2003). This may pose health risk because the waste water is used by people to irrigate vegetables along the waste water canal. Keywords: Background Radiation, Activity Concentration, Gross Alpha, Gross Bet

    Genomic analysis of human and mouse TCL1 loci reveals a complex of tightly clustered genes

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    TCL1 and TCL1b genes on human chromosome 14q23.1 are activated in T cell leukemias by translocations and inversions at 14q32.1, juxtaposing them to regulatory elements of T cell receptor genes. In this report we present the cloning, mapping, and expression analysis of the human and murine TCL1/Tcl1 locus. In addition to TCL1 and TCL1b, the human locus contains two additional genes, TCL1-neighboring genes (TNG) 1 and 2, encoding proteins of 141 and 110 aa, respectively. Both genes show no homology to any known genes, but their expression profiles are very similar to those of TCL1 and TCL1b. TNG1 and TNG2 also are activated in T cell leukemias with rearrangements at 14q32.1. To aid in the development of a mouse model we also have characterized the murine Tcl1 locus and found five genes homologous to human TCL1b. Tcl1b1- Tcl1b5 proteins range from 117 to 123 aa and are 65-80% similar, but they show only a 30-40% similarity to human TCL1b. All five mouse Tcl1b and murine Tcl1 mRNAs are abundant in mouse oocytes and two-cell embryos but rare in various adult tissues and lymphoid cell lines. These data suggest a similar or complementary function of these proteins in early embryogenesis

    Deregulated expression of TCL1 causes T cell leukemia in mice

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    The TCL1 oncogene on human chromosome 14q32.1 is involved in the development of T cell leukemia in humans. These leukemias are classified either as T prolymphocytic leukemias, which occur very late in life, or as T chronic lymphocytic leukemias, which often arise in patients with ataxia telangiectasia (AT) at a young age. The TCL1 oncogene is activated in these leukemias by juxtaposition to the α or β locus of the T cell receptor, caused by chromosomal translocations t(14:14)(q11:q32), t(7:14)(q35:q32), or by inversions inv(14)(q11:q32). To show that transcriptional alteration of TCL1 is causally involved in the generation of T cell neoplasia we have generated transgenic mice that carry the TCL1 gene under the transcriptional control of the p56(lck) promoter element. The lck-TCL1 transgenic mice developed mature T cell leukemias after a long latency period. Younger mice presented preleukemic T cell expansions expressing TCL1, and leukemias developed only at an older age. The phenotype of the murine leukemias is CD4-CD8+, in contrast to human leukemias, which are predominantly CD4+CD8-. These studies demonstrate that transcriptional activation of the TCL1 protooncogene can cause malignant transformation oft lymphocytes, indicating the role of TCL1 in the initiation of malignant transformation in T prolymphocytic leukemias and T chronic lymphocytic leukemias

    Telomerase activity, apoptosis and cell cycle progression in ataxia telangiectasia lymphocytes expressing TCL1

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    Individuals affected by ataxia telangiectasia (AT) have a marked susceptibility to cancer. Ataxia telangiectasia cells, in addition to defects in cell cycle checkpoints, show dysfunction of apoptosis and of telomeres, which are both thought to have a role in the progression of malignancy. In 1-5% of patients with AT, clonal expansion of T lymphocytes carrying t(14;14) chromosomal translocation, deregulating TCL1 gene(s), has been described. While it is known that these cells can progress with time to a frank leukaemia, the molecular pathway leading to tumorigenesis has not yet been fully investigated. In this study, we compared AT clonal cells, representing 88% of the entire T lymphocytes (AT94-1) and expressing TCL1 oncogene (ATM- TCL1 +), cell cycle progression to T lymphocytes of AT patients without TCL1 expression (ATM- TCL1-) by analysing their spontaneous apoptosis rate, spontaneous telomerase activity and telomere instability. We show that in ATM- TCL1+ lymphocytes, apoptosis rate and cell cycle progression are restored back to a rate comparable with that observed in normal lymphocytes while telomere dysfunction is maintained. © 2003 Cancer Research UK

    Fludarabine modulates composition and function of the T cell pool in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

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    The combination of cytotoxic treatment with strategies for immune activation represents an attractive strategy for tumour therapy. Following reduction of high tumour burden by effective cytotoxic agents, two major immune-stimulating approaches are being pursued. First, innate immunity can be activated by monoclonal antibodies triggering antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. Second, tumour-specific T cell responses can be generated by immunization of patients with peptides derived from tumour antigens and infused in soluble form or loaded onto dendritic cells. The choice of cytotoxic agents for such combinatory regimens is crucial since most substances such as fludarabine are considered immunosuppressive while others such as cyclophosphamide can have immunostimulatory activity. We tested in this study whether fludarabine and/or cyclophosphamide, which represent a very effective treatment regimen for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, would interfere with a therapeutic strategy of T cell activation. Analysis of peripheral blood samples from patients prior and during fludarabine/cyclophosphamide therapy revealed rapid and sustained reduction of tumour cells but also of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. This correlated with a significant cytotoxic activity of fludarabine/cyclophosphamide on T cells in vitro. Unexpectedly, T cells surviving fludarabine/cyclophosphamide treatment in vitro had a more mature phenotype, while fludarabine-treated T cells were significantly more responsive to mitogenic stimulation than their untreated counterparts and showed a shift towards TH1 cytokine secretion. In conclusion, fludarabine/cyclophosphamide therapy though inducing significant and relevant T cell depletion seems to generate a micromilieu suitable for subsequent T cell activation

    The Novel Deacetylase Inhibitor AR-42 Demonstrates Pre-Clinical Activity in B-Cell Malignancies In Vitro and In Vivo

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    While deacetylase (DAC) inhibitors show promise for the treatment of B-cell malignancies, those introduced to date are weak inhibitors of class I and II DACs or potent inhibitors of class I DAC only, and have shown suboptimal activity or unacceptable toxicities. We therefore investigated the novel DAC inhibitor AR-42 to determine its efficacy in B-cell malignancies.In mantle cell lymphoma (JeKo-1), Burkitt's lymphoma (Raji), and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (697) cell lines, the 48-hr IC(50) (50% growth inhibitory concentration) of AR-42 is 0.61 microM or less. In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patient cells, the 48-hr LC(50) (concentration lethal to 50%) of AR-42 is 0.76 microM. AR-42 produces dose- and time-dependent acetylation both of histones and tubulin, and induces caspase-dependent apoptosis that is not reduced in the presence of stromal cells. AR-42 also sensitizes CLL cells to TNF-Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (TRAIL), potentially through reduction of c-FLIP. AR-42 significantly reduced leukocyte counts and/or prolonged survival in three separate mouse models of B-cell malignancy without evidence of toxicity.Together, these data demonstrate that AR-42 has in vitro and in vivo efficacy at tolerable doses. These results strongly support upcoming phase I testing of AR-42 in B-cell malignancies

    focus groups in migration research a forum for public thinking

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    This chapter outlines how to use focus groups (FGs) in migration studies, considering this method a forum for "public thinking" and discussing controversial issues. Moreover, the use of FGs allows us to understand the process of creating consensus and dissent via interaction. The chapter is structured in five sections: the first one introduces what FGs are and why they are useful for migration research; the second focuses on how to build the groups and how to do comparative migration research with FGs; the third illustrates how to prepare and to facilitate group discussion, and how to ask questions and engage participants in collaborative migration research; the fourth introduces how to interpret discussions and how to analyse the everyday naturalization of nation, ethnicity and race; the final section discusses how to communicate FG results. Each section is devoted to a specific methodological issue and it includes at least one "box" with an example from European migration research

    MicroRNAs : An Emerging Player In Autophagy

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