17 research outputs found

    Pretreatment haemoglobin levels significantly predict the tumour response to primary chemotherapy in human breast cancer

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether tumour response to primary chemotherapy in human breast cancer is influenced by baseline haemoglobin (Hb) status. A total of 157 patients with T2-4, N0-1 M0 breast cancer were treated with chemotherapy consisting of either the CMF regimen + tamoxifen (the first 76 cases) or the single-agent epirubicin (the subsequent 81) before definitive surgery. In total, 144 patients were fully assessable. Ki67, p53, bcl-2, c-erbB2, steroid hormone receptor, and microvessel density were evaluated immunohistochemically in tumour specimens obtained before chemotherapy and at surgery. Tumour shrinkage >50% occurred in 72.1% of patients. Responding patients had higher baseline Hb levels and red blood cell counts than nonresponders (P<0.01 and <0.003, respectively). The distribution of disease response according to increasing cutoffs of baseline Hb status showed that from 12.5 mg l(-1) onwards, patients with Hb levels above the cutoff obtained a greater response rate than those with lower Hb values. The difference attained the statistical significance at 12.5 (76.1 vs 59.5%, P<0.05) and 13.0 g/dl(-1) (81.0 vs 57.6%, P<0.002) cutoffs, respectively. The predictive role of Hb levels was maintained in multivariate analysis after adjustment for clinical and biological characteristics and treatment regimen. Patients with baseline Hb levels </=13 g dl(-1) showed a lower treatment-induced reduction in Ki67 expression (P<0.04) and a higher Ki67 expression at postoperative evaluation (P<0.02) than their counterparts. In conclusion, low Hb levels may negatively influence the response rate of chemotherapy in breast cancer patients. Inhibition of antiproliferative activity could be a possible mechanism

    Translational considerations in injectable cell-based therapeutics for neurological applications: concepts, progress and challenges

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    Significant progress has been made during the past decade towards the clinical adoption of cell-based therapeutics. However, existing cell-delivery approaches have shown limited success, with numerous studies showing fewer than 5% of injected cells persisting at the site of injection within days of transplantation. Although consideration is being increasingly given to clinical trial design, little emphasis has been given to tools and protocols used to administer cells. The different behaviours of various cell types, dosing accuracy, precise delivery, and cell retention and viability post-injection are some of the obstacles facing clinical translation. For efficient injectable cell transplantation, accurate characterisation of cellular health post-injection and the development of standardised administration protocols are required. This review provides an overview of the challenges facing effective delivery of cell therapies, examines key studies that have been carried out to investigate injectable cell delivery, and outlines opportunities for translating these findings into more effective cell-therapy interventions