3 research outputs found

    A mixed-method taxonomy of child poverty - the case of Ethiopia

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    In this paper, we use mixed methods to develop a taxonomy of poverty and vulnerability to study the situation of children and their households in rural Ethiopia over time. The taxonomy is built using qualitative data from Young Lives, a long-term study of childhood poverty, with the specific purpose of analysing the context of children’s life trajectories using both quantitative and qualitative data. The approach aims to yield insights into changes over time as well as to reflect multiple dimensions and consider issues of current well-being and future ‘well-becoming’. It potentially allows for the identification of underlying mechanisms that influence and determine life trajectories. Until recently, quantitative and qualitative approaches towards the analysis of chronic and transient poverty have developed in isolation with little cross-disciplinary interaction. In this paper, we add to this body of research by using a mixed-method approach to develop a hybrid taxonomy of child poverty and well-being that can be used for a dynamic analysis. The paper also complements existing research and evidence on child poverty and well-being in the context of Ethiopia

    Sanitation, Stress, and Life Stage: A Systematic Data Collection Study among Women in Odisha, India

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    Emerging evidence demonstrates how inadequate access to water and sanitation is linked to psychosocial stress, especially among women, forcing them to navigate social and physical barriers during their daily sanitation routines. We examine sanitation-related psychosocial stress (SRPS) across women's reproductive lives in three distinct geographic sites (urban slums, rural villages, and rural tribal villages) in Odisha, India. We explored daily sanitation practices of adolescent, newly married, pregnant, and established adult women (n = 60) and identified stressors encountered during sanitation. Responding to structured data collection methods, women ranked seven sanitation activities (defecation, urination, menstruation, bathing, post-defecation cleaning, carrying water, and changing clothes) based on stress (high to low) and level of freedom (associated with greatest freedom to having the most restrictions). Women then identified common stressors they encountered when practicing sanitation and sorted stressors in constrained piles based on frequency and severity of each issue. The constellation of factors influencing SRPS varies by life stage and location. Overall, sanitation behaviors that were most restricted (i.e., menstruation) were the most stressful. Women in different sites encountered different stressors, and the level of perceived severity varied based on site and life stage. Understanding the influence of place and life stage on SRPS provides a nuanced understanding of sanitation, and may help identify areas for intervention

    Wellbeing research in developing countries: reviewing the role of qualitative methods

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    The authors review the contribution of qualitative methods to exploring concepts and experiences of wellbeing among children and adults living in developing countries. They provide examples illustrating the potential of these methods for gaining a holistic and contextual understanding of people’s perceptions and experiences. Some of these come from Young Lives, an innovative long-term international research project investigating the changing nature of child poverty in India, Ethiopia, Peru and Vietnam (http://www.younglives.org.uk), and others from the Wellbeing in Developing Countries ESRC research group (WeD), an international, inter-disciplinary project exploring the social and cultural construction of wellbeing in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Peru and Thailand (http://www.welldev.org.uk). The authors show how qualitative methods can be used both alongside and as part of the development of sensitive and relevant quantitative measures, and provide some practical and methodological recommendations. They propose that qualitative approaches are essential in understanding people’s experiences of wellbeing, both now and in the future. However, the authors caution that while these offer many benefits, for example, a less structured and hierarchical engagement between researcher and participant; they require time, energy, and sensitivity. Qualitative methods also work best when used by trained and experienced researchers working in the local language/s in a community where some rapport has already been established. Finally, the paper recommends combining data from qualitative and quantitative approaches (e.g. psychological measures or household surveys) to enhance its explanatory power