7 research outputs found

    Carcass characteristics and meat quality of lambs fed high levels of spineless cactus in the diet

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    The objective was to evaluate the effect of increasing the dietary inclusion of spineless cactus (Nopalea cochenillifera Salm Dyck) on the carcass characteristics and meat quality of confined lambs. Thirty-two male Santa Inês lambs with an average age of 140 days and an initial body weight of 20.4 ± 2.60 kg were used in this study. The lambs were housed in individual stalls for 70 days and individually fed a ration with spineless cactus included at 0, 241, 519, or 753 g/kg of dry matter (DM). The lambs were slaughtered, and characteristics of the carcass and meat were recorded and analysed. Inclusion of spineless cactus had a quadratic effect on the bodyweight at slaughter and on the empty bodyweight of the lambs. The inclusion of 500 g/kg of spineless cactus provided the highest predicted cold carcass weight (16.03 kg). There was a quadratic effect of the inclusion of spineless cactus on the weight of meat cuts and leg composition of lambs. The inclusion of spineless cactus did not influence pH, tenderness, and water-retention capacity of the meat. However, the intramuscular fat content increased 1 mg for every 10 g/kg inclusion of spineless cactus in the diet. Quadratic effects were observed of the inclusion of spineless cactus on the weights of the liver, heart, rumen, blood, skin and internal fat of the lambs. Up to 500 g/kg of spineless cactus could be included in the diet of confined lambs

    Características de silagens de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum) e casca de maracujá in natura

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    RESUMO Objetivou-se avaliar as características sensoriais, as perdas totais, o padrão fermentativo e a composição bromatológica de silagens contendo combinações de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum) com diferentes tempos de emurchecimento e casca de maracujá in natura (CM). Os tratamentos experimentais foram compostos por silagens confeccionadas com 100% de capim-elefante (CE); 100% de casca de maracujá; 75% CE/25% CM; 50%/CE 50% CM; 25% CE/75% CM, para cada tempo de emurchecimento do capim (zero; quatro; seis e oito horas), com três repetições. As silagens apresentaram coloração amarelada, odor levemente acre, exalando maracujá nos tratamentos contendo CM. Observou-se um aumento da perda total das silagens contendo casca de maracujá (0,09; 0,15; 1,01; 1,77 e 2,52kg de perdas para os tratamentos 100% CE; 75% CE/25% CM; 50% CE/50% CM; 25% CE/75% CM e 100% CM, respectivamente). O pH e o N-NH3 variaram de 3.58 a 4.63 e de 8.11 a 12.13, respectivamente. Tratamentos com CM reduziram os teores de MS, FDN e carboidratos totais e elevaram as concentrações de PB, NIDA, NIDN e carboidratos não fibrosos das silagens avaliadas. Mesmo com baixos níveis de MS, os tratamentos proporcionaram silagens de boa qualidade

    Characteristics of Pennisetum purpureum and passion-fruit-peel silages

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    <p></p><p>ABSTRACT This study aimed at evaluating sensorial characteristics, total waste, fermentative profile, and chemical composition of Pennisetum purpureum (PP) and passion-fruit-peel (PFP) silages. Four PP dehydration times (0,4,6 and 8 hours) and five combinations of ingredients (100% PP; 100% PFP; 75% PP/25% PFP; 50% PP/50% PFP; 25% PP/75% PFP) were evaluated. The silages presented a yellowish color, a slightly acrid odor, and exhaled passion fruit scent in the treatments containing PFP. There was an increase in total waste of silages containing passion fruit peel (0.09, 0.15, 1.01, 1.77 and 2.52kg of waste for treatments 100% PP, 75% PP/25% PFP, 50% PP/50% PFP, 25% CE/75% CM and 100% CM, respectively). The pH and N-NH3 values ranged from 3.58 to 4.63 and 8.11 to 12.13, respectively. Mixtures containing PFP decreased the levels of DM and NDF and increased the levels of CP, NFC, ADIN and NDIN in the silages. Despite the reduced levels of DM, all treatments provided a good silage.</p><p></p

    Componentes não integrantes da carcaça de cabritos alimentados em pastejo na Caatinga Noncarcass components of Caatinga grazing-fed goats

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o rendimento de buchada, os pesos e rendimentos de órgãos, vísceras e subprodutos da carcaça de cabritos, sem padrão racial definido, alimentados em pastejo na Caatinga, com ou sem suplementação. Dezoito cabritos machos castrados, com peso vivo inicial de 15±0,55 kg, foram mantidos em área de pastejo na Caatinga durante 105 dias. Os animais foram submetidos a três tratamentos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso: pastejo à vontade, sem suplementação; pastejo restrito; e pastejo à vontade, com suplementação de farelo de soja e palma forrageira. Animais do tratamento com suplementação apresentaram maior peso vivo ao abate (PVA), maior peso do corpo vazio (PCVZ) e maior peso de língua, pulmões + traqueia, coração, baço, diafragma, pâncreas e rins. Os pesos do fígado, vesícula biliar e do aparelho reprodutor não apresentaram diferença entre os tratamentos. O valor absoluto de peso de buchada foi influenciado pelos tratamentos, e os animais alimentados com suplementação tiveram os maiores pesos. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos quanto aos rendimentos de buchada em termos de PVA e PCVZ. A suplementação para cabritos criados em pastejo na Caatinga produz animais com maior peso vivo ao abate, maior peso do corpo vazio e maior peso de buchada, mas não influencia os rendimentos da buchada, em termos de PVA e PCVZ.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the "buchada" - composed of heart, lungs, liver, spleen, intestines, stomach and blood - yields, the weights and yields of organs, visceras, and carcass of undefined breed Caatinga grazing-fed goats, with or without supplementation. Eighteen castrated male goats with initial live weight of 15±0,55 kg, were kept in a grazing area in the Caatinga vegetation, Pernambuco state, Brazil, during 105 days. Animals were subjected to three treatments in a completely randomized design: grazing at will, without supplementation; restricted grazing; and grazing at will, with supplementation of soybean meal and forage cactus. Supplemented animals had higher weight at slaughter (PVA), higher empty body weight (PCVZ), and higher weight of tongue, lungs + trachea, heart, spleen, diaphragm, pancreas and kidneys. The weights of liver, gallbladder and reproductive tract showed no difference between treatments. The absolute value of "buchada" weights was influenced by treatments, and supplemented animals had the higher ones. "Buchada" yields in terms of PVA and PCVZ did not differ between treatments. The supplementation for grazing-goats raised in Caatinga produces animals with higher PVA, PCVZ and "buchada" weights, but does not influence the "buchada" yields, in terms of PVA and PCVZ