12,449 research outputs found

    New methods in adaptive flight control

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    New methods for design of adaptive flight control system

    Inventory of wetland habitat using remote sensing for the proposed Oahe irrigation unit in eastern South Dakota

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    An inventory of wetlands for the area included in the proposed Oahe irrigation project was conducted to provide supplemental data for the wildlife mitigation plan. Interpretation techniques for inventoring small wetlands in the low relief terrain of the Lake Dakota Plain were documented and data summaries included. The data were stored and tabulated in a computerized spatial data analysis system

    Alternative Energy Crops for Agricultural Machinery Biofuels - Focus on Biodiesel

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 8 (2006): Alternative Energy Crops for Agricultural Machinery Biofuels - Focus on Biodiesel. Invited Overview. Vol. VIII. August, 2006 (includes Powerpoint slides)

    Theoretical and experimental research on parameter tracking systems Final report, 15 Jul. 1964 - Aug. 1965

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    Parameter tracking systems based on equation error approach for mathematical model of unknown plan

    Application of remote sensing technology to land evaluation, planning utilization of land resources, and assessment of westland habitat in eastern South Dakota, parts 1 and 2

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    The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT fulfilled the requirements for general soils and land use information. RB-57 imagery was required to provide the information and detail needed for mapping soils for land evaluation. Soils maps for land evaluation were provided on clear mylar at the scale of the county highway map to aid users in locating mapping units. Resulting mapped data were computer processed to provided a series of interpretive maps (land value, limitations to development, etc.) and area summaries for the users

    Special Reflectance of Hydrophytes

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    Identification of hydrophytes will improve the delineation and classification of wetlands on remotely sensed imagery. Spectral reflectance measurements of 10 species of hydrophytes were made with an Exotach radiometer during three phenological stages, flowering and early seed, senescence, and early emergent. Reflectance data were analyzed to determine significant (≥.95) reflectance differences between species in each of four spectral regions during each phenological stage. Eight species had significantly (≥.95) different reflectances during the flower and early seed stage. Only one species could not be spectrally separated during at least one phenological stage. The results indicate that films sensitive to both visible and infrared spectra (e.g. ektachrome infrared) should provide best results for recognizing different species of hydrophytes

    Upper atmosphere temperature determination using AlO bands excited by the sun at twilight

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    Band intensity of aluminum oxide trails in upper atmosphere for temperature measuremen

    Probabilistic Maximum Set Cover with Path Constraints for Informative Path Planning

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    We pose a new formulation for informative path planning problems as a generalisation of the well-known maximum set cover problem. This new formulation adds path constraints and travel costs, as well as a probabilistic observation model, to the maximum set cover problem. Our motivation is informative path planning applications where the observation model can be naturally encoded as overlapping subsets of a set of discrete elements. These elements may include features, landmarks, regions, targets or more abstract quantities, that the robot aims to observe while moving through the environment with a given travel budget. This formulation allows directly modelling the dependencies of observations from different viewpoints. We show this problem is NP-hard and propose a branch and bound tree search algorithm. Simulated experiments empirically evaluate the bounding heuristics, several tree expansion policies and convergence rate towards optimal. The tree pruning allows finding optimal or bounded-approximate solutions in a reasonable amount of time, and therefore indicates our work is suitable for practical applications

    Hypervelocity impact facility for simulating materials exposure to impact by space debris

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    As a result of man's venturing into space, the local debris contributed by his presence exceeds, at some orbital altitudes, that of the natural component. Man's contribution ranges from fuel residue to large derelect satellites that weigh many kilograms. Current debris models are able to predict the growth of the problem and suggest that spacecraft must employ armor or bumper shields for some orbital altitudes now, and that, the problem will become worse as a function of time. The practical upper limit to the velocity distribution is on the order of 40 km/s and is associated with the natural environment. The maximum velocity of the man-made component is in the 14-16 km/s range. The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) has verified that the 'high probability of impact' particles are in the microgram to milligram range. These particles can have significant effects on coatings, insulators, and thin metallic layers. The surface of thick materials becomes pitted and the local debris component is enhanced by ejecta from the debris spectrum in a controlled environment. The facility capability is discussed in terms of drive geometry, energetics, velocity distribution, diagnostics, and projectile/debris loading. The facility is currently being used to study impact phenomena on Space Station Freedom's solar array structure, other solar array materials, potential structural materials for use in the station, electrical breakdown in the space environment, and as a means of clarifying or duplicating the impact phenomena on the LDEF surfaces. The results of these experiments are described in terms of the mass/velocity distribution incident on selected samples, crater dynamics, and sample geometry

    Spatio-Temporal Patterning in Primary Motor Cortex at Movement Onset

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    Voluntary movement initiation involves the engagement of large populations of motor cortical neurons around movement onset. Despite knowledge of the temporal dynamics that lead to movement, the spatial structure of these dynamics across the cortical surface remains unknown. In data from 4 rhesus macaques, we show that the timing of attenuation of beta frequency local field potential oscillations, a correlate of locally activated cortex, forms a spatial gradient across primary motor cortex (MI). We show that these spatio-temporal dynamics are recapitulated in the engagement order of ensembles of MI neurons. We demonstrate that these patterns are unique to movement onset and suggest that movement initiation requires a precise spatio-temporal sequential activation of neurons in MI
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