562 research outputs found

    Pressure of massless hot scalar theory in the boundary effective theory framework

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    We use the boundary effective theory (BET) approach to thermal field theory in order to calculate the pressure of a system of massless scalar fields with quartic interaction. The method naturally separates the infrared physics, and is essentially non-perturbative. To lowest order, the main ingredient is the solution of the free Euler-Lagrange equation with non-trivial (time) boundary conditions. We derive a resummed pressure, which is in good agreement with recent calculations found in the literature, following a very direct and compact procedure.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Protein intake and obesity in schoolchildren

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    [resumo]Resumo de comunicação apresentada em: 16th European Congress on Obesity - ECO 2008; 2008 Mai 14-17; Genebra, Suíça

    Self-regulation: differences by year and area in college students

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    Neste estudo procura-se analisar a existência de diferenças nas estratégias auto-regulatórias de alunos universitários em áreas de formação distintas. Participaram 518 alunos de três níveis (inicial, intermédio e final) das áreas de ciências e humanidades. Aplicou-se a escala “CHE – Comportamentos e hábitos de estudo e aprendizagem”, que avalia cinco dimensões: estratégias cognitivas de transformação e manipulação da informação, organização e planeamento de rotinas, gestão e monitorização, aquisição e selecção da informação, e reforço motivacional. Verificou-se uma maior utilização das estratégias cognitivas e metacognitivas de gestão e monitorização apesar dos resultados não indicarem diferenças substantivas entre os alunos diferenciados por nível e área. Os resultados podem indicar estabilidade nos comportamentos ou limitações no tipo de instrumento e amostra utilizada. O estudo de mudanças nestas estratégias deverá ser conduzido com recurso a delineamentos longitudinais. O impacto da estabilidade deverá ser ponderado na elaboração de projectos de intervenção.In this study we seek to analyze the existence of differences in self-regulating strategies of university students in distinct graduation areas. 518 students of three levels (initial, intermediate and final) of science and humanities fields participated. We used the scale “Behavior and study skill”, which evaluates five dimensions: cognitive strategies of transformation and manipulation of information, organization and planning of routines, management and monitoring, information acquisition and selection, and motivational reinforcement. A higher use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies of management and monitoring was noted although the results do not indicate major differences between students in different levels and graduation areas. The results can indicate stability in the behaviors or limitations in the type of instrument and in the sample used. The study of changes in these strategies must be carried out having in mind longitudinal outlines. The impact of the stability should be taken into account while elaborating intervention projects.(undefined

    Correlations around an interface

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    We compute one-loop correlation functions for the fluctuations of an interface using a field theory model. We obtain them from Feynman diagrams drawn with a propagator which is the inverse of the Hamiltonian of a Poschl-Teller problem. We derive an expression for the propagator in terms of elementary functions, show that it corresponds to the usual spectral sum, and use it to calculate quantities such as the surface tension and interface profile in two and three spatial dimensions. The three-dimensional quantities are rederived in a simple, unified manner, whereas those in two dimensions extend the existing literature, and are applicable to thin films. In addition, we compute the one-loop self-energy, which may be extracted from experiment, or from Monte Carlo simulations. Our results may be applied in various scenarios, which include fluctuations around topological defects in cosmology, supersymmetric domain walls, Z(N) bubbles in QCD, domain walls in magnetic systems, interfaces separating Bose-Einstein condensates, and interfaces in binary liquid mixtures.Comment: RevTeX, 13 pages, 6 figure

    A meta‐analysis of fish behavioural reaction to underwater human presence

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    WOS:000483722600001In an increasingly anthropic world, humans have profound impacts on the distribution and behaviour of marine fishes. The increased human presence has modified fishes' antipredator behavioural responses, and consequently flight decisions, as a function of their changed perceptions of risk. Understanding how fish react to human presence can help identify the most vulnerable functional groups/species and estimate impacts caused by human disturbance. Shoal and body size are known to influence fish flight initiation distance (FID; the distance between the predator and prey when the prey begins to escape); however, few studies attempt to test the moderators of these relationships. Here, we present a comprehensive meta-analysis evaluating FID of fish in response to human presence. Specifically, we investigated six candidate moderators that could influence the relationship between FID with shoal and body size. Our results showed that individual fish size was strongly and positively correlated with FID and the most important moderator that explained the variance in individual body size-FID relationship was shoaling behaviour. However, and somehow surprisingly, we detected no significant relationship between shoal size and FID. We discuss how these results can inform the development of fish conservation strategies and ultimately assist in the management of marine protected areas

    Obesity and asthma in schoolchildren

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    [resumo]Resumo de comunicação apresentada em: 16th European Congress on Obesity - ECO 2008; 2008 Mai 14-17; Genebra, Suíça

    The infestation degree by the chestnut moth Anacampsis phytomiella Busck, though the development phase of the dwarf-chesnut.

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    Grau de infestação da traça-da-castanha, Anacampsis phytomiella Busck, em função da fase de desenvolvimento da castanha do cajueiro-anão

    Sugar sweetened beverages and overweight in a sample of schoolchildren

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    [resumo]Resumo de comunicação apresentada em: 16th European Congress on Obesity - ECO 2008; 2008 Mai 14-17; Genebra, Suíça

    Parental gender differences in the estimation of their offspring's dietary intake

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    [resumo]Resumo de comunicação apresentada em: 16th European Congress on Obesity - ECO 2008; 2008 Mai 14-17; Genebra, Suíça