25 research outputs found
Písek and its social elites before the world war I (1880-1914)
The main subject of this work is the municipality constitution and functioning of municipalities in Bohemia in the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century and the influence of communal elites on their running. The presented work defines a communal elite and describes the mechanisms of the local elections and the influence of these mechanisms on the formation of the elites. The research is focused on the city of Písek in southern Bohemia, the concrete influence of common legal regulations, the process of local elections and the structure of the municipal council in the city
Technique Requirements in decathlon
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu Abstract Title: The claims of technique in decathlon Objectives: The main aim of the thesis was to find out how our two skilled decathletes are able to cope with the demands on the technique in the jumping and throwing decathlons events within few monitoring years. We were trying to find strengths and weaknesses in technical events based on a comparison of the technical realization in selected events recorded at the best republic competitions. Then we were trying to define if there are some technical mistakes common to all the jumping and throwing disciplines, or if these mistakes are different for certain disciplines. Methods: In our thesis we used methods of observation, analysis and comparison. The observation method we have used was filming video sequences of our two subjects in national competitions. From these videos we continued to create photo sequences which we have used for analysis of the technical realization of selected events. The comparison method we have used during comparison of photo sequences for each technical event within a few years. Results: We found that the technical realization of these selected events has not changed within few monitoring years, only the pole vault was exception. In this event both decathletes improved their..
The analysis of skills young decathletes
Title (Theme): The analysis of skills young decathlonest Objectives: The goal of our thesis is to analyse a young decathlete's skills and based on comparative methods with standard professional athlete's technique in three different events to highlight possible technical differences and deficiencies. Method In our thesis we used methods such as analysis, watching and video analysis, based on video recording. These helped us to make a photo sequences. Photo sequences helped us to analyse and compare the athlete's technique in three chosen events, which were Hurdles run (one at a time), Pole Vault and Javelin Throw Results: Based on the results of our thesis we discovered noticeable deficiencies and defects in Jan Jansky's technique, which can be partially explained by his young age. Jan showed the best technique level in the Hurdle run, acceptable technique level in the Pole Vault and poor technique level in the Javelin Throw. Our assumption, based on Jan's very good results, that he will show the best technique in Pole Vault, was wrong. Key words: Decathlon, training, sport training, event, discipline, techniqu
Aplikace spektrálně a prostorově rozlišené NMR: vyvolaná anizotropie a fázový přechod v hydrogelech; nové relaxační sondy pro zobrazování
Nukleární magnetická rezonance poskytuje neinvazivní způsob pozorování vlastnosí látky na molekulární úrovni. Zobrazování pomocí magnetické rezonance je v medicíně důležitou diagnostikou metodou. Molekuly několika svalových metabolitů ve svalové tkáni vykazují podobné interakce jako molekuly částečné orientované ve speciálním prostředí. Tyto interkace mohou poskytovat nový pohled na procesy in vivo, mohou posloužit pro zkoumání metabolismu. Nový náhled na fungování může poskytnout měření metabolitů ve speciálním prostředí. Pozorovatelné anizotropní interakce ve svalové tkáni in vivo mohou být využity pro diagnostické účely. Anizotropní NMR interakce rozpouštědla mohou být využity jako nová metoda pro pozorování fázové separace hydrogelu se změnou teploty nebo rozpoučtědla. Využití zobrazování magnetickou rezonancí ve vrstvách může být použito pro měření kolapsu polyakrylamidu ve směsi vody a acetonu. Použití difuzně váženého zobrazování magnetickou rezonancí bylo použito pro pozorování fázové seaprace speciálních hydrogelů na bázi PNIPAMu.Nuclear magnetic resonance is a non-invasive way to observe material properties on a molecular level. Magnetic resonance imaging is an important diagnostic tool in medicine. Molecules of several metabolites in muscle tissue show similar interactions as molecules partially oriented in orienting media. These interactions could provide new information about processes in vivo, this can serve for diagnostics of metabolism. New insight into the function is gained by observation of metabolites in orienting media. Observable anisotropic interactions in muscle tissue in vivo could be used for diagnostic purposes. Anisotropic NMR interaction of solvent as a new method for observation of phase transition of hydrogel with temperature change or change of solvent composition. Use of magnetic resonance imaging in slices to observe the collapse of polyacrylamide in water-acetone mixtures. Use of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to observe phase transition of PNIPAM-based semi-interpenetrating polymer.Department of Low Temperature PhysicsKatedra fyziky nízkých teplotMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic
Performance development in decathlon
Title: Individual evolutions of performance in decathlon Objectives: The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the dynamic and the evolution of performance six selected decathletes. We assessed few young decathletes, which competed in nonathlon because of their age, and the rest of the decathletes in decathlon during their athletic careers. Methods: This thesis occupies with qualitative research. Based on the analysis of selected documents we used the method of prediction and comparison. The main aim was to study athletic results of all selected decathletes. All of the performances were scored by IAAF scoring tables for combined events. We chose a few decathletes of different ages, the age range of our selected decathletes varies from 18 to 27 years old. Results: We found out that the biggest increase performance of decathlon results were when all our selected decathletes were beginning of their athletic careers. The only exception is Marek Lukáš, he did not achieved an increase until later. When they were adults, their increase slowed down. We found out that the contemporary decathletes have similar growth rate performance. Keywords: decathlon, track and field, efficiency, analysi
Dopravní nehody autobusů a vyprošťování zraněných osob
Import 09/12/2008Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstvaNeuveden
A Methodology for the Evaluation of Response Activity of Fire Brigades
Import 29/09/2010Diplomová práce přináší metodický návod, jak provádět rozbory a hodnocení zásahové činnosti jednotek požární ochrany. V první části je proveden statistický rozbor zásahů a přehled závažných mimořádných událostí, u kterých se předpokládá provádění rozboru zásahu. Ve druhé části je charakteristika činnosti jednotek požární ochrany. V další části je postup při hodnocení zásahů v zahraničí. Sedmá část diplomové práce se věnuje metodice provádění rozboru zásahové činnosti. V závěrečné části jsou popsány chyby, které se při provádění rozboru mohou stát, a kterých by se měl hodnotitel vyvarovat. Práce přináší návrh formuláře, který by mohl sloužit jako pomůcka pro zpracování rozboru zásahu.A thesis gives systematic guideline on how to conduct analysis and evaluation of any emergency operations of fire brigade units. The first part contains statistical analysis of interventions and a review of major emergencies appropriate for implementation of the intervention analysis. Function characteristic of different fire brigades is in the second part. In the next section author presents the evaluation procedure as is used in foreign countries and evaluation methodology for different interventions. The final section describes kinds of problems and mistakes which evaluator should avoid. Thesis offers specific kind of form as a tool for the intervention analysis.Prezenční030 - Katedra požární ochrany a ochrany obyvatelstvavýborn
Písek - transformation of local identity in the modernization process (1861-1914)
In the theoretical part of this thesis are discussed concepts of collective memory created by Maurice Halbwachs, Pierre Nora and Jan Assmann, the author considers them inspiring for the research about forming of collective identity. Case study is given to the South Bohemian town of Pisek and the changing of its identity in the second half of the 19th century. It gives an overview of available sources and detailed biographies of people, who were most important for the forming of local identity. By using the analysis of dictionary entries are recognized basic attributes of local identity and their various forms, focusing particularly on process of modernization. KEYWORDS City of Písek, local identity, collective memory, process of modernization
Legal regime of trees and shrubs growing outside forests
1 Abstract and keywords The legal regulation of wood species growing outside the forest Keywords: Wood species growing outside the forest in Czech Republic, wood species growing outside the forest in Austria, history of legal regulation of wood species in Czech Republic. Abstract: Topic of thesis is the public protection of wood species growing outside the forest in the legal order of the Czech Republic and Austria. The focus of thesis lies by Czech law. Reflected its development, current legislation and existing state of protection of wood species growing outside the forest in decision-making activities of the courts and the Ministry of Environment. Austrian legislation is viewed more as an inspiration for proposals de lege ferenda. Protection of nature and landscape in Austria is in the individual competence of each country, so it is not completely uniform. Special laws on the protection of the trees are only in Vienna and Styria, so the point of comparison is the legal order in these countries. Introductory part of the thesis defines the term wood species growing outside the forest and discusses their relevance for man and their place in the natural processes. Aesthetic and biological functions of trees forms the background the legislation. These functions created the material basis for the public..