2,652 research outputs found

    Parameter-free Stark Broadening of Hydrogen Lines in DA White Dwarfs

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    We present new calculations for the Stark broadening of the hydrogen line profiles in the dense atmospheres of white dwarf stars. Our improved model is based on the unified theory of Stark broadening from Vidal, Cooper & Smith, but it also includes non-ideal gas effects from the Hummer & Mihalas occupation probability formalism directly inside the line profile calculations. This approach improves upon previous calculations that relied on the use of an ad-hoc free parameter to describe the dissolution of the line wing opacity in the presence of high electric microfields in the plasma. We present here the first grid of model spectra for hot Teff >~ 12,000 K DA white dwarfs that has no free parameters. The atmospheric parameters obtained from optical and UV spectroscopic observations using these improved models are shown to differ substantially from those published in previous studies.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Journal of Physics Conference Proceedings for the 16th European White Dwarf Worksho

    Damped Lyman Alpha Systems at z<1.65: The Expanded SDSS HST Sample

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    We present results of our HST Cycle 11 Survey for low-redshift (z<1.65) DLAs in the UV spectra of quasars selected from the SDSS Early Data Release. These quasars have strong intervening MgII-FeII systems which are known signatures of high column density neutral gas. In total, UV observations of Ly-alpha absorption in 197 MgII systems with z<1.65 and rest equivalent width (REW) W2796 \ge 0.3A have now been obtained. The main results are: (1) 36(+/- 6)% of systems with W2796 \ge 0.5 A and FeII W2600 \ge 0.5 A are DLAs. This increases to 42(+/- 7)% for systems with W2796/W2600 0.1 A. (2) The mean N(HI) of MgII systems with 0.3 A \le W2796 < 0.6 A is a factor of ~36 lower than that of systems with W2796 \ge 0.6 A. (3) The DLA incidence per unit redshift is consistent with no evolution for z <~ 2 (Omega_L=0.7, Omega_M = 0.3), but exhibits significant evolution for z >~ 2. (4) Omega_{DLA} is constant for 0.5<z<5.0 to within the uncertainties. This is larger than Omega_{gas}(z=0) by a factor of ~2. (5) The slope of the N(HI) distribution does not change significantly with redshift. However, the low redshift distribution is marginally flatter due to the higher fraction of high N(HI) systems in our sample. (6) Finally, using the precision of MgII survey statistics, we find that there may be evidence of a decreasing Omega_{DLA} from z=0.5 to z=0. We reiterate the conclusion of Hopkins, Rao, & Turnshek that very high columns of neutral gas might be missed by DLA surveys because of their very small cross sections, and therefore, that Omega_{DLA} might not include the bulk of the neutral gas mass in the Universe. (Abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 22 pages, 22 figure

    White Dwarfs In Ngc6397 And M4: Constraints On The Physics Of Crystallization

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    We explore the physics of crystallization in the dense Coulomb plasma of the deep interiors of white dwarf stars using the color-magnitude diagram and luminosity function constructed from Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the globular cluster M 4 and compare it with our results for proper motion cleaned Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the globular cluster NGC 6397. We demonstrate that the data are consistent with a binary mixture of carbon and oxygen crystallizing at a value of Gamma higher than the theoretical value for a One Component Plasma (OCP). We show that this result is in line with the latest Molecular Dynamics simulations for binary mixtures of C/O. We discuss implications for future work.Astronom

    The Ratio of Helium- to Hydrogen-Atmosphere White Dwarfs: Direct Evidence for Convective Mixing

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    We determine the ratio of helium- to hydrogen-atmosphere white dwarf stars as a function of effective temperature from a model atmosphere analysis of the infrared photometric data from the Two Micron All Sky Survey combined with available visual magnitudes. Our study surpasses any previous analysis of this kind both in terms of the accuracy of the Teff determinations as well as the size of the sample. We observe that the ratio of helium- to hydrogen-atmosphere white dwarfs increases gradually from a constant value of ~0.25 between Teff = 15,000 K and 10,000 K to a value twice as large in the range 10,000 > Teff > 8000 K, suggesting that convective mixing, which occurs when the bottom of the hydrogen convection zone reaches the underlying convective helium envelope, is responsible for this gradual transition. The comparison of our results with an approximate model used to describe the outcome of this convective mixing process implies hydrogen mass layers in the range log M_H/M_tot = -10 to -8 for about 15% of the DA stars that survived the DA to DB transition near Teff ~ 30,000 K, the remainder having presumably more massive layers above log M_H/M_tot ~ -6.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Splash control of drop impacts with geometric targets

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    Drop impacts on solid and liquid surfaces exhibit complex dynamics due to the competition of inertial, viscous, and capillary forces. After impact, a liquid lamella develops and expands radially, and under certain conditions, the outer rim breaks up into an irregular arrangement of filaments and secondary droplets. We show experimentally that the lamella expansion and subsequent break up of the outer rim can be controlled by length scales that are of comparable dimension to the impacting drop diameter. Under identical impact parameters, ie. fluid properties and impact velocity, we observe unique splashing dynamics by varying the target cross-sectional geometry. These behaviors include: (i) geometrically-shaped lamellae and (ii) a transition in splashing stability, from regular to irregular splashing. We propose that regular splashes are controlled by the azimuthal perturbations imposed by the target cross-sectional geometry and that irregular splashes are governed by the fastest-growing unstable Plateau-Rayleigh mode

    A GALEX view of the DA White Dwarf Population

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    We present a detailed model atmosphere analysis of 14001 DA white dwarfs from the Montreal White Dwarf Database with ultraviolet photometry from the GALEX mission. We use the 100 pc sample, where the extinction is negligible, to demonstrate that there are no major systematic differences between the best-fit parameters derived from optical only data and the optical + UV photometry. GALEX FUV and NUV data improve the statistical errors in the model fits, especially for the hotter white dwarfs with spectral energy distributions that peak in the UV. Fitting the UV to optical spectral energy distributions also reveals UV-excess or UV-deficit objects. We use two different methods to identify outliers in our model fits. Known outliers include objects with unusual atmospheric compositions, strongly magnetic white dwarfs, and binary white dwarfs, including double degenerates and white dwarf + main-sequence systems. We present a list of 89 newly identified outliers based on GALEX UV data; follow-up observations of these objects will be required to constrain their nature. Several current and upcoming large scale spectroscopic surveys are targeting >105>10^5 white dwarfs. In addition, the ULTRASAT mission is planning an all-sky survey in the NUV band. A combination of the UV data from GALEX and ULTRASAT and optical data on these large samples of spectroscopically confirmed DA white dwarfs will provide an excellent opportunity to identify unusual white dwarfs in the solar neighborhood

    A comparative analysis of the observed white dwarf cooling sequence from globular clusters

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    We report our study of features at the observed red end of the white dwarf cooling sequences for three Galactic globular clusters: NGC\,6397, 47\,Tucanae and M\,4. We use deep colour-magnitude diagrams constructed from archival Hubble Space Telescope (ACS) to systematically investigate the blue turn at faint magnitudes and the age determinations for each cluster. We find that the age difference between NGC\,6397 and 47\,Tuc is 1.98−0.26+0.44^{+0.44}_{-0.26}\,Gyr, consistent with the picture that metal-rich halo clusters were formed later than metal-poor halo clusters. We self-consistently include the effect of metallicity on the progenitor age and the initial-to-final mass relation. In contrast with previous investigations that invoked a single white dwarf mass for each cluster, the data shows a spread of white dwarf masses that better reproduce the shape and location of the blue turn. This effect alone, however, does not completely reproduce the observational data - the blue turn retains some mystery. In this context, we discuss several other potential problems in the models. These include possible partial mixing of H and He in the atmosphere of white dwarf stars, the lack of a good physical description of the collision-induced absorption process and uncertainties in the opacities at low temperatures. The latter are already known to be significant in the description of the cool main sequence. Additionally, we find that the present day local mass function of NGC\,6397 is consistent with a top-heavy type, while 47\,Tuc presents a bottom-heavy profile.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (16 pages, 19 figures
