101 research outputs found

    Sôbre uma modificação no método de Neubauer

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    O presente trabalho relata os dados obtidos, segundo uma modificação do método de Neubauer, comparados aos obtidos pelo método usual do citado autor. A modificação consistiu no uso de cristalizadores menores e no emprêgo de um número de plantas e de um pêso de terra muito menores. Assim, foram colocadas 25 sementes de arroz em 20 g de terra, intimamente misturadas com 40 g de areia de praia lavada, em cristalizadores de 80 mm de diâmetro, por 20 mm de altura. Decorridos 18 dias após a germinação, as plantas foram colhidas, incineradas e o potássio foi determinado por fotômetro de chama. Os resultados foram comparados com os dados obtidos através de um experimento feito com as mesmas amostras de terra e no mesmo tempo, conforme a técnica usual de Neubauer. Praticamente, os dois métodos se equivalem, conforme mostram os dados do quadro 1 em Resultados e Discussão. As principais vantagens do método modificado, em relação ao método usual de Neubauer, podem ser resumidas nas seguintes: redução do pêso da amostra de 100 para 20 g e redução do pêso da areia de praia lavada de 350 para 70 g; redução da área ocupada pelos cristalizadores para menos de um terço; redução do número de plantas para um quarto (de 100 para 25 plantas) e redução do trabalho exigido para a execução do método, desde o preparo dos cristalizadores, até o preparo das plantas, incineração e análise.A MODIFICATION OF THE NEUBAUER'S METHOD This paper reports the data obtained, from a modification of the Neubauer method, as compared to the data obtained from the original one. The modification consistec of using smaller crystallizing dishes, and both a very small number of seedling and weight of soil. Thus, there were seeded 25 rice grains in 20 g of soil, very well mixed with 40 g of beach washed sand, in crystallizing dishes having 8C mm in diameter and 20 mm in height. Eighteen days after germination, the seedling were pulled out, their roots washed dried, ashed and its potassium determined by the flame photometer method. The results were compared with the data obtained from an experiment carried on with the same soil samples, at the same time, according to the usual Neubauer technique. Both methods are practically equivalent, as can be seen from the data on Table I in Results and Conclusions, in the Portuguese text. The main advantages of the modified method over the usual Neubauer method may be summarized as follows: reduction of both the soil sample weight from 100 to 20 g and the washed sand from 350 g to 70 g; the room taken by the crystallizing dishes is less than one third; the number of seedlings is reduced to one forth (from 100 to 25) and it takes less work for the handling of the experiment in all its steps

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do feijão macassar (Vigna sinensis (L) Endl.). V: chave para a identificação de deficiências minerais

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    Symptoms of deficiency of macro and micronutrients were induced in Vigna sinensis by growing two cultivars in nutrient solution under the necessary treatments. Results there of were used to prepare a key which could be used in the visual diagnosis of mineral deficiencies. As a rule, the information obtained is in agreement with result found in the literature for other legumes. It is noteworthy, however, that symptoms of Mo and Zn first showed up in older leaves.É apresentada uma chave para identificação visual das deficiências de macro e de micronutrientes em Vigna sinensis

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do feijão macassar (Vigna sinensis (L) Endl.). I: deficiências minerais

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    Sintomas de deficiências de macro e micronutrientes foram induzidos nas variedades de Vigna sinensis "pitiúba" e "dorminhoco* cultivando-as em solução nutritiva com omissão de um elemento de cada vez. Embora os sintomas, de modo geral, concordem com os descritos na literatura para outros feijões, observou-se diferença varietal na susceptibilidade às carências.This paper deals with the results of an experiment designed to induce symptoms of deficiency of macro and micronutrients in two varieties of "cowpea" extensively grown in the Northeast of Brazil, "dorminhoco" and "pitiúba". As a rule, the results show that visual abnormalities found in the test plants agree with those described in the literature for other beans. It seems, however, that both varieties are less sensitive to the omission of S, Cu, and Mo from the substrate

    O método potenciométrico na determinação do H+ trocável em solos

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    For the determination of exchangeable hydrogen ion in soils, the authors of the presente work made the extraction with normal calcium acetate solution that may have an initial pH between 7 and 8 without altering the amount of hydrogen ion extracted. The extraction was made by shaking 5,0 grams of air dry soil with 100 ml of normal calcium acetate solution, the pH of wich was ascertained to 7,0, 7,5 and 8,0 with acetic acid, in 250 mil conical flasks for 30 minutes in a Wagner shaker (30-40 rpm). The contents of the flasks were then, filtered. A 50 ml aliquot of each of the leachate was titrated with a 0,020 N NaOH solution and the volumes consumed sodium hydroxide were ploted against pH. The titration curves thus obtained showed to be straight lines between pH 8 and 9 and parallel to the curve obtained by the titration of the blank. Two ways of locating the end point of the titration showed to be possible: the use of a pHmeter or titrimeter or the use of phenolphtalein as indicator. When using a pH meter or a titrimeter, the end point may rest in any point between pH 8 and 9, and the volume of sodium hydroxide consumed is found by comparison with a similar curve obtained by the titration of the blank. When using phenolphtalein the calcium acetate solution must have a pH below 8

    Cálcio e fósforo no leite da região de Piracicaba

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    Twelve samples of fluid milk delivered by "Laticínios Piracicaba Ltda." for public consumption, from March 25 do August 7, 1959, were analysed to determine its calcium and phosphorus content per 100 ml. A slight variation was observed. Calcium varied from 119 to 136 mg and phosphorus from 83 to 91 mg. These results are comparable to the ones obtained in other countries, showing that calcium and phosphorus content in cow milk is almost invariable

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do feijão macassar (Vigna sinensis (L.) Endl.). IV: exigências de macro e micronutrientes

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    Duas cultivares de Vigna sinensis, "dorminhoco" e "pitiúba" foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva completa ate o fim do ciclo. Nas diferentes partes, vegetativas e reprodutivas, foram determinados os macro e micronutrientes. Os dados obtidos permitiram estimar as exigências de uma população no campo e as quantidades de elementos exportados como produto colhido.Two varieties of Vigna sinensis, "dorminhoco" and "pitiuba", were grown in nutrient solution till the end of the life cycle and then analysed in order to gain information about their needs for macro and micronutrients. The following has been found: (1) both varieties have the same needs; (2) production of 1 ton of beans requires the following quantities of macro (kg) and micronutrients (g): N - 76, P - 4, K - 85, Ca - 50, Mg - 13, S - 6. B - 320, Cu - 20, Fe - 1855, Mn-162, Mo - 7 and Zn - 89. (3) a comparison with data in the literature has shown that Vigna presents a higher demand for B and Fe than soybean

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do feijão macassar (Vigna sinensis (L.) Endl.). II: efeitos das carências de macronutrientes no crescimento, produção e composição mineral

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    Vigna sinensis, varieties "Dorminhoco" and "Pitiúba", was grown in nutrient solution in the presence and absence of macronutrients; leaves (upper and lower) were collected for analysis at the and of the life cyle or when symptoms of deficiency were marked. Variations found in leaf composition agree, as a rule, with what is contained in the literature with regards to other species under the same type of experimental conditions: reduction in concentration in the tissue when the element was absent from the substrate; interionic, counter ion, and dilution effects. The following levels of macronutrients were associated with maximun growth: N=1.97 ± 0.16; P=0.14 ±0.03; K= 3.20 ± 0.36; Ca=5.38 ± 0.41; Mg=0.66 ± 0.14; S=0.15 ± 0.04. As indication of deficiency, on the other hand, the corresponding leaf contents would be: N =1.28 ± 0.13; P = 0.02 ± 0.01; K=0.64 ± 0.10; Ca=1.79 ± 0.24; Mg=0.14 ± 0.05; S=0.05 ± 0.01. Due to the large differences found between foliar composition in the control and the deficient plants it is very likely that under field conditions deficiencis may occur when the level of a given element in the leaves is higher than those presented herein. Dry matter was affected in the following decreasing ords: Complete, -S, -Mg, -P, -K, -Ca, -N; therefore, the lowest yield was obtained in the treatment lacking nitrogen.Foram induzidas deficiências de macronutrientes em duas cultivares de Vigna sinensis cultivadas em solução nutritiva. A determinação da matéria seca das diferentes partes permitiu verificar o efeito da falta de um nutriente no crescimento e na produção. As análises minerais forneceram indicações que ajudam na avaliação do estudo nutricional

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do feijão macassar (Viana sinensis (L.) ENDL.). III: efeitos das carências de micronutrientes no crescimento, produção e composição mineral das folhas

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    Vigna sinensis, varieties "Dorminhoco" and "Pitiúba" were grown in nutrient solution both in the presence and in the absence of micronutrients dry matter production was measured either at the end of life cycle or whenever symptoms of deficiency were sufficiently acute to warrant an early harvesting; leaves were then analysed for mineral composition. Dry matter production obeyed the following decreasing order: Complete >; - Mn = - Mo = - Cu >; - Zn >; - B; pods were formed and filled in all treatments except the last two; yield, however, was much lower than in the full strength solution which gave an average equivalent to 1.5 ton per hectare of dry beans. Leaf analyses showed consistently that lack of a nutrient in the substrate leads to a decrease in its contents in the tissue. Other variations were induced in leaf composition by the different treatments being all of them in agreement with common cases of dilution and interionic effects on uptake and in translocation. The inverse relationship between Fe and Mn, however was not substantiated. Tentatively the following leaf levels (in ppm) could be considered as satisfactory: B = 203 ± 31; Cu = 6±0.79; Fe = 817 ± 103; Mn = 148 ± 21; Mo = 0.24 ± 0.05; Zn = 43 ±9; deficient levels could be considered: B = 44 ± 25;Cu=5±1.2; Fe = 337 ± 31; Mn = 24 ± 6; Mo = 0.20 ± 0.08; Zn = 24 ± 5.Foram induzidas deficiências de micronutrientes em duas cultivares de Vigna sinensis, "Dorminhoco" e "Pitiúba" cultivadas em solução nutritiva. A determinação de matéria seca das diferentes partes permitiu verificar o efeito de falta de cada elemento no crescimento e na produção. As análises minerais das folhas deram dados que servem para a avaliação do estado nutricional

    Absorção de zinco pela cana de açúcar, Co 419, em função da idade

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    The status of zinc in sugar cane, variety Co 419, troughout its life cyle, was studid in samples cut monthly, from the 6th to 15th month, from an experiment carried on under the conditions of soil and climate prevailing in Piracicaba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The experiment consisted of 6plots, 3 fertilized and 3 unfertilized. The fertilized ones received 40 kg of N (ammonium sulfate), 100 kg P2O5 (superphosphate) and 40 kg K2O (potassium cloride) per hectare, just before planting. The zinc content was determined by the Zincon method, after separation of zinc from other ions by means of the ion Exchange Resin III, Merck. The results obtained show that there was a tendency to decrease the zinc level in the stalks, whereas it kept more or less constant in the leaves; there was an exception in January, when the zinc level in the stalks had a sharp raise: 38-90-20 and 28-60-23 ppm for the fertilized an unfertilized treatments. There was a parallelism in the absorption of zinc by the plants from 4 hills of both treatments, through the whole - plantcycle but, the total amount taken up was higher with the fertilized plot due to its greater mass production

    A precipitação do estrôncio na forma de cromato em meio amoniacal e hidroalcoolico

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    This paper describes the data obtained concerning qualitative and quantitative analyses of the precipitate formed when to a solution containing strontium ion are added potassium dichromate, ammonium hydroxide and 95 per cent alcohol. Three replications of standard solution containing 1.8, 4..4, 8.8, 13.7, 27.5, 41.2, and 50.5 mg of strontium were treated with potassium dichromate and then, with constant stirring 95 per cent of alcohol and ammonium hydroxide. The precipitate was allowed to stend for two hours and afterward was centrifuged, washed with 95 per cent alcohol dried at 80ºC for 14-16 hours and weighed. Qualitative analysis of the precipitate showed potassium and ammonium ions, besides strontium and chromate. The relationships between the weight of strontium and the weight of the precipitate obtained is given by the regression line expressed by the equation: Y = 5.48 + 0,84, where X, is the weight of strontium in milligram Y, is the weight of the precipitate in milligram The value 4, 58 for the B parameter of the regression equation and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the precipitate, suggested that its composition must be quite different from the simple strontium chromate SrCr0(4). The data allow to admit the following probable composition: 6 SrCrO4 . (NH4)2CrO4 . 6K2CrO4O presente trabalho relata os dados relativos a análise qualitativa e quantitativa do precipitado, que se forma quando se adiciona a uma solução contendo estrôncio, dicromato de potássio, em meio amoniacal e hidroalcoólico. Em lugar de se formar cromato de estrôncio simples, SrCrO4, forma-se um cromato que além do estrôncio, contém os ions amônio e potássio. Soluções padrões contendo desde 1, 8 até 50,5 mg de estrôncio, foram tratadas com solução de dicromato de potássio 2 normal, amoníaco e solução hidroalcoólica com 95% de álcool absoluto. O precipitado foi pesado e a equação de regressão que relaciona o peso do estrôncio colocado e o peso do precipitado obtido, e a seguinte: Y = 4,58 X + 0, 84, onde: X é o pêso em miligramas, do estrôncio colocado Y é o pêso em miligramas, do precipitado A composição provável do precipitado parece ser 6 SrCrO4 (NH4)2 CrO4. 6K2CrO
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