3,148 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional formation flying using bifurcating potential fields

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    This paper describes the design of a three-dimensional formation flying guidance and control algorithm for a swarm of autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), using the new approach of bifurcating artificial potential fields. We consider a decentralized control methodology that can create verifiable swarming patterns, which guarantee obstacle and vehicle collision avoidance. Based on a steering and repulsive potential field the algorithm supports flight that can transition between different formation patterns by way of a simple parameter change. The algorithm is applied to linear longitudinal and lateral models of a UAV. An experimental system to demonstrate formation flying is also developed to verify the validity of the proposed control system

    A deterministic cavity-QED source of polarization entangled photon pairs

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    We present two cavity quantum electrodynamics proposals that, sharing the same basic elements, allow for the deterministic generation of entangled photons pairs by means of a three-level atom successively coupled to two single longitudinal mode high-Q optical resonators presenting polarization degeneracy. In the faster proposal, the three-level atom yields a polarization entangled photon pair via two truncated Rabi oscillations, whereas in the adiabatic proposal a counterintuitive Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage process is considered. Although slower than the former process, this second method is very efficient and robust under fluctuations of the experimental parameters and, particularly interesting, almost completely insensitive to atomic decay.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Using of small-scale quantum computers in cryptography with many-qubit entangled states

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    We propose a new cryptographic protocol. It is suggested to encode information in ordinary binary form into many-qubit entangled states with the help of a quantum computer. A state of qubits (realized, e.g., with photons) is transmitted through a quantum channel to the addressee, who applies a quantum computer tuned to realize the inverse unitary transformation decoding of the message. Different ways of eavesdropping are considered, and an estimate of the time needed for determining the secret unitary transformation is given. It is shown that using even small quantum computers can serve as a basis for very efficient cryptographic protocols. For a suggested cryptographic protocol, the time scale on which communication can be considered secure is exponential in the number of qubits in the entangled states and in the number of gates used to construct the quantum network

    Understanding the link between trafficking in persons and HIV and AIDS risk in Tanzania

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    The magnitude of trafficking in persons in Tanzania is unknown. Consequently, available information on health risks of persons trafficked for different forms of exploitation is extremely scanty. We conducted a baseline study in eight administrative regions of Tanzania using both qualitative and quantitative methods to generate data on the health conditions of trafficked persons to inform trafficking in persons control measures through HIV and AIDS interventions. Study participants included the national, regional and district community development officers, district medical officers, local government leaders, managers or representatives of non-governmental organizations involved in anti-trafficking in persons activities, members of the community and victims. Findings indicated that common forms of labour into which persons are trafficked include domestic services, agriculture (farming), construction, mining/quarrying, fishing, lumbering and manufacturing. Trafficked persons are reported to be exposed to risks like overcrowding, long working hours, psychological problems, physical injuries, impotence, breathing problems and sexually transmitted infections including HIV. It is concluded that the reported occupational hazards in industries where trafficked persons are forced into are not specific to trafficked persons as they affect all labourers. However, the underground nature of the trafficking in persons process increases health problems and risks, including the vulnerability to HIV infection. More tailored research is needed, especially to find means of how to reach out and provide services to this particular vulnerable population, validate labour forms of exploitation into which persons are trafficked to enable the integration or mainstreaming of HIV and AIDS and trafficking in persons at the policy and programmatic levels. In addition, findings would facilitate the understanding of the link between increased risk of HIV and trafficking in persons

    Graviton mass and total relative density of mass Omega_tot in Universe

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    It is noticed that the total relative density of mass in the Universe Omega_tot should exceed 1, i.e. Omega_tot=1+f^2/6 according to the field relativistic theory of gravity (RTG), which is free of the cosmological singularity and which provides the Euclidean character for the 3-dimensional space. Here f is the ratio of the graviton mass m_g to the contemporary value of the ``Hubble mass'' m^0_H=\hbar H_0/c^2\simeq 3,8\cdot 10^{-66}h(g) (h=0,71\pm0,07). Applying results of the experimental data processing presented in [1] an upper limit for the graviton mass is established as m_g\leq 3,2\cdot 10^{-66}g at the 95% confidence level.Comment: 8 pages, latex fil

    Entangled photon pairs produced by a quantum dot strongly coupled to a microcavity

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    We show theoretically that entangled photon pairs can be produced on demand through the biexciton decay of a quantum dot strongly coupled to the modes of a photonic crystal. The strong coupling allows to tune the energy of the mixed exciton-photon (polariton) eigenmodes, and to overcome the natural splitting existing between the exciton states coupled with different linear polarizations of light. Polariton states are moreover well protected against dephasing due to their lifetime ten to hundred times shorter than that of a bare exciton. Our analysis shows that the scheme proposed can be achievable with the present technology

    Intra-acting with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, or; how the technosphere may come to matter

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    This paper contends that a robust concept of the technosphere – indeed one that is truly adequate to the Anthropocene – must be approached using a plurality of methods that do not categorize agencies or rely on hierarchical scalar analysis. In this commentary, we draw from feminist science studies scholar Karen Barad’s philosophy of agential realism, and in particular her concept of ‘intra-action’, to identify the technosphere as emergent from entangled practices, sites and infrastructures, and to trace the technosphere from the ‘meso’ scale to subatomic and cosmological realms of force and energy. We demonstrate the value of a critical, intra-active approach to technical assemblages by thinking the technosphere concept with and within a vast experimental apparatus: the IceCube Neutrino Observatory

    Entanglement of electrons in interacting molecules

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    Quantum entanglement is a concept commonly used with reference to the existence of certain correlations in quantum systems that have no classical interpretation. It is a useful resource to enhance the mutual information of memory channels or to accelerate some quantum processes as, for example, the factorization in Shor's Algorithm. Moreover, entanglement is a physical observable directly measured by the von Neumann entropy of the system. We have used this concept in order to give a physical meaning to the electron correlation energy in systems of interacting electrons. The electronic correlation is not directly observable, since it is defined as the difference between the exact ground state energy of the many--electrons Schroedinger equation and the Hartree--Fock energy. We have calculated the correlation energy and compared with the entanglement, as functions of the nucleus--nucleus separation using, for the hydrogen molecule, the Configuration Interaction method. Then, in the same spirit, we have analyzed a dimer of ethylene, which represents the simplest organic conjugate system, changing the relative orientation and distance of the molecules, in order to obtain the configuration corresponding to maximum entanglement.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, standard late

    Evolution of a global string network in a matter dominated universe

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    We evolve the network of global strings in the matter-dominated universe by means of numerical simulations. The existence of the scaling solution is confirmed as in the radiation-dominated universe but the scaling parameter Ο\xi takes a slightly smaller value, Ο≃0.6±0.1\xi \simeq 0.6 \pm 0.1, which is defined as Ο=ρst2/ÎŒ\xi = \rho_{s} t^{2} / \mu with ρs\rho_{s} the energy density of global strings and ÎŒ\mu the string tension per unit length. The change of Ο\xi from the radiation to the matter-dominated universe is consistent with that obtained by Albrecht and Turok by use of the one-scale model. We also study the loop distribution function and find that it can be well fitted with that predicted by the one-scale model, where the number density nl(t)n_{l}(t) of the loop with the length ll is given by nl(t)=Îœ/[t2(l+Îșt)2]n_{l}(t) = \nu/[t^2 (l + \kappa t)^2] with Μ∌0.040\nu \sim 0.040 and Îș∌0.48\kappa \sim 0.48. Thus, the evolution of the global string network in the matter-dominated universe can be well described by the one-scale model as in the radiation-dominated universe.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
