47 research outputs found

    Ação anti-helmíntica do mebendazole em equinos

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    An aqueous solution and granular formulation of mebendazole were tested for their anthelmintic activity in horses. Single doses of 1, 2 and 4 g removed 100% of Oxyuris equi, Strongylur spp. and Probstrnayria vivipara; 77.8-97.7% of the helminths of the genera Trichonema and Triodontophorus were removed with 1 g, 95.1-98.6% with 2 g and 97.9-99.4% with 4 g. The results of fecal examination and larval cultures demonstrated that 24 hours after the administration of the medication the viability of the eggs of the helminths was extremely low and after 48 hours no eggs were found. The safety margin of mebendazole is ample, a dose of 30 g (166 mg/kg) did not give symptoms of intoxication. The granular formulation for mixing in the ration was palatable and well accepted by the animals.A atividade anti-helmíntica do mebendazole5 em equinos, administrado em solução aquosa e em granulado, foi avaliada por teste crítico. Doses únicas de 1, 2 e 4 g removeram 100% dos Oxyuris equi e dos grandes estrôngilos; os pequenos estrêngilos foram removidos em 77,8-97,7% com 1 g, 95,1-98,6% com 2 g e 97,9-99,4% com 4 g. Os resultados dos exames de fezes e coproculturas demonstraram que 24 horas após a administração do medicamento a viabilidade dos ovos dos helmintos é inexpressiva e, em 48 horas, todos os exames foram negativos. A margem de segurança do mebendazole é ampla; dose de 30 g (166 mg/kg) não apresentou sintomas de intoxicação. A apresentação granulada para misturar à ração é palatável, sendo bem aceita pelos animais

    Infecção cutânea de origem não traumática por Nocardia asteroides

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    This paper reports a case of cutaneous infection of nontraumatic origin caused by Nocardia asteroides in a hospitalized patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Diagnosis was established by direct and histological examination, cultures from exudate and biopsy specimen. We discuss the classification of clinical forms of Nocardia infections affecting the skin.É relatado um caso de infecção cutânea de origem não traumática por Nocardia asteroides em paciente hospitalizado com doença broncopulmonar obstrutiva crônica. O diagnóstico foi feito pelo exame direto e histológico e culturas do exsudato e fragmento de biópsia. É discutida a classificação das formas clínicas das infecções por Nocardia que afetam a pele

    Maternal protein malnutrition: effects on prostate development and adult disease

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    Well-controlled intrauterine development is an essential condition for many aspects of normal adult physiology and health. This process is disrupted by poor maternal nutrition status during pregnancy. Indeed, physiological adaptations occur in the fetus to ensure nutrient supply to the most vital organs at the expense of the others, leading to irreversible consequences in tissue formation and differentiation. Evidence indicates that maternal undernutrition in early life promotes changes in key hormones, such as glucocorticoids, growth hormones, insulin-like growth factors, estrogens, and androgens, during fetal development. These alterations can directly or indirectly affect hormone release, hormone receptor expression/distribution, cellular function, or tissue organization, and impair tissue growth, differentiation, and maturation to exert profound long-term effects on the offspring. Within the male reproductive system, maternal protein malnutrition alters development, structure, and function of the gonads, testes, and prostate gland. Consequently, these changes impair the reproductive capacity of the male offspring. Further, permanent alterations in the prostate gland occur at the molecular and cellular level and thereby affect the onset of late-life diseases such as prostatitis, hyperplasia, and even prostate cancer. This review assembles current thoughts on the concepts and mechanisms behind the developmental origins of health and disease as they relate to protein malnutrition, and highlights the effects of maternal protein malnutrition on rat prostate development and homeostasis. Such insights on developmental trajectories of adult-onset prostate disease may help provide a foundation for future studies in this field