120 research outputs found

    Qualidade do sono em diabéticos do tipo 2

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    Sleeping disorders in type 2 diabetic patients constitute risk factors for aggravating diabetes since they can affect the metabolic control through insulin resistance syndrome. This was an observational, cross-sectional study. The majority (52%) of subjects had scores indicating poor sleep quality. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) scores showed patients with a time after diagnosis over 10 years and hypertension had the poorest sleep quality. For those with hemoglobin A1c >; 7% taking sleeping medicines and those who had normal body mass index (BMI), the sleep quality was even poorer. The findings of the present study reinforce the relevance of this topic since there are no specific tools for sleep evaluation of type 2 diabetics making it difficult to make any assertions on the sleep quality of these patients.Los disturbios del sueño en diabéticos del tipo 2, constituyen factores de riesgo para el agravamiento de la diabetes, pues pueden interferir en el control metabólico a través del síndrome de la resistencia a la insulina. El estudio fue del tipo observacional-transversal. La calidad del sueño fue investigada en 50 diabéticos del tipo 2, a quienes se aplicó el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh (PSQI). La mayoría (52%) presentó puntuaciones del PSQI, que indican calidad del sueño mala. Aquellos con tiempo de diagnóstico superior a 10 años y con hipertensión poseían peor calidad del sueño. Para aquellos con valores de Hemoglobina A1c >; 7%, que usaban medicamentos para dormir y los que presentaron IMC normal, la calidad del sueño se mostró peor. Lo encontrado en esta investigación refuerza la relevancia de la temática, ya que no existen instrumentos específicos para evaluar el sueño del diabético del tipo 2, dificultando afirmaciones sobre la calidad del sueño del diabético.Distúrbios do sono em diabéticos do tipo 2 constituem fatores de risco para o agravamento do diabetes, pois podem interferir no controle metabólico através da síndrome da resistência à insulina. O estudo foi do tipo observacional-transversal. A qualidade do sono foi investigada em 50 diabéticos do tipo 2, sendo aplicado o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh (PSQI). A maioria (52%) apresentou escores do PSQI que indicam qualidade do sono ruim. Aqueles com tempo de diagnóstico superior a 10 anos e com hipertensão possuíam pior qualidade do sono. Para os outros com valores de hemoglobina A1c >; 7%, que usam medicação para dormir, e aqueles que apresentaram IMC normal a qualidade do sono mostrou-se pior. Os achados desta investigação reforçam a relevância da temática, pois não existem instrumentos específicos para a avaliação do sono do diabético do tipo 2, dificultando afirmações acerca da qualidade do sono do diabético

    Qualidade do sono em diabéticos do tipo 2

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    Sleeping disorders in type 2 diabetic patients constitute risk factors for aggravating diabetes since they can affect the metabolic control through insulin resistance syndrome. This was an observational, cross-sectional study. The majority (52%) of subjects had scores indicating poor sleep quality. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) scores showed patients with a time after diagnosis over 10 years and hypertension had the poorest sleep quality. For those with hemoglobin A1c >; 7% taking sleeping medicines and those who had normal body mass index (BMI), the sleep quality was even poorer. The findings of the present study reinforce the relevance of this topic since there are no specific tools for sleep evaluation of type 2 diabetics making it difficult to make any assertions on the sleep quality of these patients.Los disturbios del sueño en diabéticos del tipo 2, constituyen factores de riesgo para el agravamiento de la diabetes, pues pueden interferir en el control metabólico a través del síndrome de la resistencia a la insulina. El estudio fue del tipo observacional-transversal. La calidad del sueño fue investigada en 50 diabéticos del tipo 2, a quienes se aplicó el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh (PSQI). La mayoría (52%) presentó puntuaciones del PSQI, que indican calidad del sueño mala. Aquellos con tiempo de diagnóstico superior a 10 años y con hipertensión poseían peor calidad del sueño. Para aquellos con valores de Hemoglobina A1c >; 7%, que usaban medicamentos para dormir y los que presentaron IMC normal, la calidad del sueño se mostró peor. Lo encontrado en esta investigación refuerza la relevancia de la temática, ya que no existen instrumentos específicos para evaluar el sueño del diabético del tipo 2, dificultando afirmaciones sobre la calidad del sueño del diabético.Distúrbios do sono em diabéticos do tipo 2 constituem fatores de risco para o agravamento do diabetes, pois podem interferir no controle metabólico através da síndrome da resistência à insulina. O estudo foi do tipo observacional-transversal. A qualidade do sono foi investigada em 50 diabéticos do tipo 2, sendo aplicado o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh (PSQI). A maioria (52%) apresentou escores do PSQI que indicam qualidade do sono ruim. Aqueles com tempo de diagnóstico superior a 10 anos e com hipertensão possuíam pior qualidade do sono. Para os outros com valores de hemoglobina A1c >; 7%, que usam medicação para dormir, e aqueles que apresentaram IMC normal a qualidade do sono mostrou-se pior. Os achados desta investigação reforçam a relevância da temática, pois não existem instrumentos específicos para a avaliação do sono do diabético do tipo 2, dificultando afirmações acerca da qualidade do sono do diabético

    Conceção de um betão drenante para pavimentos rígidos

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    Programa Doutoral em Engenharia CivilOs pavimentos das estradas são normalmente construídos com betões asfálticos que devido ao crescente custo do petróleo e ao aumento dos volumes de tráfego deixam de ser competitivos comparativamente aos betões de cimento, principalmente numa estratégia de custo do ciclo de vida das estradas. Além disto, atualmente há uma preocupação em termos de segurança rodoviária que tem levado à adoção de camadas superficiais dos pavimentos que rapidamente escoem a água da chuva e aumentem a aderência pneu-pavimento através da sua macrotextura. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo conceber um betão de cimento drenante para aplicação em camadas superficiais de pavimentos rodoviários, o que necessita do conhecimento de características físicas e mecânicas destes materiais e dos seus constituintes. Atendendo aos princípios da sustentabilidade, serão incorporados resíduos da construção e demolição no betão drenante a desenvolver. Com objetivo de avaliar o comportamento de betão de cimento drenante, apresenta-se a campanha de ensaios experimentais realizada com materiais de acordo com o Caderno de Encargos da administração rodoviária. Os betões foram concebidos, obedecendo a um determinado fuso granulométrico com um agregado específico para betões asfálticos drenantes referido nesse documento, designado por PA 12,5. A principal propriedade na conceção dos betões é a relação água-ligante e a vibração aplicada, pelo que estas propriedades tiveram influência na distribuição de porosidade das amostras compactadas gerando uma distribuição de permeabilidade para as diferentes formulações. A distribuição da porosidade nos diferentes betões demonstrou ter uma correlação direta com a permeabilidade das amostras bem como uma uniformização. A investigação dos diversos fatores possibilitou a escolha de um betão drenante com resíduos de construção e demolição otimizado para aplicação em pavimentação, de forma a colmatar zonas com difícil escoamento e prevenindo de alguma forma os resultados das alterações climáticas.Road pavements are normally built with asphalt concrete which, due to the increasing cost of crude-oil and the traffic increase, are no longer competitive compared to cement concrete, mainly in a strategy of cost of the life cycle of roads. In addition, there is currently a concern in terms of road safety that has led to the adoption of surface layers of pavements that quickly drain rainwater and increase tire-pavement adhesion through its macrotexture. Thus, this work aims to design a porous concrete for application in surface layers of road pavements, which requires knowledge of the physical and mechanical characteristics of these materials and their constituents. In line with sustainability principles, construction and demolition waste will be incorporated into the draining concrete. To evaluate the behavior of porous concrete, the campaign of experimental tests carried out with materials in accordance with the specifications of the road administration is presented. The porous concretes were designed, following a specific aggregate granulometric curve used for asphalt concrete referred to as PA 12.5. The main property in the design of concrete is the water-binder ratio and the applied vibration, so these properties had an influence on the porosity distribution of the compacted samples generating a permeability distribution for the different formulations. The porosity distribution in the different concretes showed to have a direct correlation with the permeability of the samples as well as a uniformity. The investigation of the different factors made it possible to choose a drainage concrete optimized for application in paving for different purposes and in different places, to fill areas with difficult flow and to prevent in some way the results of climate change.Governo de Timor Lest

    Influence of moisture content, temperature and inoculum size on lipase production by filamentous fungi under solid-state fermentation of olive pomace

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    Pollution by olive mill wastes is a crucial problem in the Mediterranean area and proper management is necessary. Olive pomace, a solid by-product generated by the olive oil two phase extraction process, is an acidic and very humid material, rich in organic matter, potassium, nitrogen, carbohydrates, phenols and also contains residual fats, which make an interesting substrate for lipase production under solid-state fermentation. The aim of this work was to optimise moisture content (MC), temperature and inoculum size, in order to improve lipase production by Aspergillus ibericus MUM 03.49, Aspergillus niger MUM 03.58 and Aspergillus tubingensis MUM 06.152, under solid-state fermentation (SSF) of olive pomace mixed with wheat bran. Firstly, a full factorial design of experiments was implemented in order to investigate the effect of MC (70%, 75% and 80% wet basis) and temperature (25 ºC, 30 ºC and 35 ºC) on its production. SSF was carried out in 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks, containing 30 g solid dry substrate. Lipase activity was measured by colorimetric assay, using p-nitrophenyl butyrate as substrate. In general, MC presented a significant effect (p < 0.05) on lipase production. Temperature presented a significant effect only for A. ibericus. Maximum lipase production was obtained at 70% of MC for all microorganisms, showing the need to investigate lower values of moisture. Thus, MC values from 35% to 70% were investigated at 30 ºC for A. ibericus and A. niger, and at 25 ºC for A. tubingensis. Results showed an increase in lipase production with lower MC: 3-fold for A. ibericus with 60% MC, 7-fold for A. niger with 50% MC, and 4-fold for A. tubingensis with 35% MC. Finally, the effect of inoculum size from 105 to 108 spores/mL was also investigated, and it was found that this condition did not present a significant effect on lipase production. A. ibericus was the best lipase producer, leading to 117.33 U/gds. A. niger and A. tubingensis produced 80.86 and 8.60 U/gds, respectively

    Águas do quotidiano. Estruturas habitacionais islâmicas no território algarvio.

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    Dissertação de mest., Portugal Islâmico e o Mediterrâneo (História de Arqueologia e do Património), Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2013No território algarvio. A partir de uma leitura global das estruturas associadas ao abastecimento de água e ao tratamento das águas pluviais e residuais, questionam-se modos de vida das populações que residiam nos bairros habitacionais do período islâmico. A vida urbana. Os hábitos e vivências essencialmente relacionados com a intimidade dos habitantes da cidade, com o modo como se relacionaram com a higiene e com a necessidade de convivência colectiva. Os problemas enfrentados no seu quotidiano e as soluções que encontraram para os resolver, os métodos construtivos escolhidos, os condicionalismos geográficos e topográficos a que se adaptaram, os normativos legais que tiveram que respeitar são, entre outros, objecto de estudo

    Olive pomace valorization by Aspergillus species: lipase production using solid-state fermentation

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    Background Pollution by olive mill wastes is an important problem in the Mediterranean area and novel solutions for their proper management and valorization are needed. The aim of this work was to optimize a solid-state fermentation (SSF) process to produce lipase using olive pomace (OP) as the main source of nutrients by several Aspergillus spp. Optimized variables in two different designs were: ratio between olive pomace and wheat bran (OP:WB), NaNO3, Czapek nutrients, fermentation time, moisture content (MC) and temperature. Results Results showed that the mixture OP:WB and MC were the most significant factors affecting lipase production for all fungi strains tested. With MC and temperature optimization, a 4.4-fold increase in A. ibericus lipase was achieved (90.5± 1.5 U g-1), using a mixture of OP and WB at 1:1 ratio, 0.02 g NaNO3 per g dry substrate, absence of Czapek nutrients, 60% of MC and incubation at 30 °C for 7 days. For A. niger and A. tubingensis, highest lipase activity obtained was 56.6± 5.4 U g-1 and 7.6± 0.6 U g-1, respectively. Conclusion A. ibericus was found to be the most promising microorganism for lipase production using mixtures of OP and WB.Felisbela Oliveira and José Manuel Salgado acknowledge financial support from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) of Portugal through grants SFRH/BD/87953/2012 and SFRH/BPD/84440/2012, respectively. Luís Abrunhosa was supported by grant UMINHO/BPD/51/2015 from project UID/BIO/04469/2013, financed by FCT/MEC (OE). The authors thank the FCT Strategic Project of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit, the project RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462) and the project ‘BioInd – Biotechnology and Bioengineering for improved Industrial and Agro-Food processes’, REF. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000028, co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER

    Valorisation of olive pomace by solid-state fermentation with Aspergillus species for lipase production

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    Pollution by olive mill wastes is a crucial problem in Mediterranean area and their proper management and utilization is demanded. Olive pomace offers excellent properties to produce enzymes by solid-state fermentation (SSF) using filamentous fungi. Particularly for lipase production, since it has residual content of olive oil. The aim of this work was to optimize the production of lipase by Aspergillus ibericus MUM 03.49, Aspergillus niger MUM 03.58 and Aspergillus tubingensis MUM 06.152, under SSF of olive pomace. A Taguchi L-9 orthogonal array based on 4 factors at 3 levels (ratio between olive pomace and wheat bran (OP:WB), NaNO3, Czapek nutrients and time) was implemented. SSF was carried out in Erlenmeyer flasks of 500 mL and lipase activity was measured using p-nitrophenyl butyrate as substrate. Results showed for all fungi that the factor with most significant effect on lipase production was the mixture OP:WB, concluding that the presence of wheat bran on substrate favored lipase production. NaNO3 concentration and time presented some effect and presence of Czapek nutrients did not added significant advantages on lipase production. A. ibericus was the best lipase producer, being a promising microorganism for lipase production. Under optimized conditions it produced 20.78 U/gds of lipase

    Adaptation of dinitrosalicylic acid method to microtiter plates

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    A microtiter plate adaptation of the well-known dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) colorimetric method, for measurement of reducing sugars, is described. This method allows a substantial volume reduction of the reagents and a rapid analysis of a large number of samples, having an economic cost benefit and a positive impact on the environment. Therefore, it is well suited as a high-throughput technique for reducing sugars determination.The authors acknowledge Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) and Mexican Science and Technology Council (CONACYT) for the financial support provided (SFRH/BD/27915/2006; SFRH/BD/28039/2006; Project PTDC/AMB/69379/2006; CONACYT 206607/230415)