693 research outputs found

    The value of diplomacy: Bilateral relations and immigrant well-being

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    This paper attempts to establish the value of good relationships between countries by considering their effect on a group of individuals who are arguably intimately affected by them: immigrants. We appeal to an index of conflict/cooperation which is calculated as an annual weighted sum of news items between two countries. This index is matched to a sample of immigrants to Germany in the SOEP data. The index of bilateral relations thus exhibits both time-series and cross-section variation. Good relations are positively and significantly correlated with immigrant life satisfaction, especially when we downplay low-value news events. This significant effect is much stronger for immigrants who have been in Germany longer, and who expect to stay there forever. This is consistent with good relations directly affecting the quality of immigrants' lives in the host country, but is not consistent with assimilation. There is thus a significant value to diplomacy: good relationships between home and host countries generate significant well-being externalities for those who live abroad.migration ; bilateral relations ; life satisfaction ; assimilation ; diplomacy

    The value of diplomacy: Bilateral relations and immigrant well-being

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    This paper attempts to establish the value of good relationships between countries by considering their effect on a group of individuals who are arguably intimately affected by them: immigrants. We appeal to an index of conflict/cooperation which is calculated as an annual weighted sum of news items between two countries. This index is matched to a sample of immigrants to Germany in the SOEP data. The index of bilateral relations thus exhibits both time-series and cross-section variation. Good relations are positively and significantly correlated with immigrant life satisfaction, especially when we downplay low-value news events. This significant effect is much stronger for immigrants who have been in Germany longer, and who expect to stay there forever. This is consistent with good relations directly affecting the quality of immigrants' lives in the host country, but is not consistent with assimilation. There is thus a significant value to diplomacy: good relationships between home and host countries generate significant well-being externalities for those who live abroad.Ce papier traite de la question de la valeur, en termes de bien-ĂȘtre, des bonnes relations entre pays, par le biais de l'analyse d'un groupe d'individus liĂ©s aux deux pays : les immigrĂ©s. Nous faisons appel Ă  un indice de conflit et coopĂ©ration calculĂ© comme une somme pondĂ©rĂ©e du nombre de communiquĂ©s de presse entre deux pays. Cet indice est ensuite appariĂ© Ă  un Ă©chantillon d'immigrĂ©s en Allemagne dans les donnĂ©es du SOEP. Notre mesure des relations bilatĂ©rales varie donc non seulement dans le temps mais aussi entre immigrĂ©s venant de pays diffĂ©rents. Nous observons une relation positive et significative entre la satisfaction dans la vie des immigrĂ©s et la qualitĂ© des relations bilatĂ©rales entre le pays d'accueil et le pays d'origine. Cet effet est plus marquĂ© pour les immigrĂ©s prĂ©sents en Allemagne depuis plus longtemps et qui veulent y rester. Ce rĂ©sultat tĂ©moigne de l'effet direct des relations internationales sur la qualitĂ© de la vie quotidienne des immigrĂ©s dans le pays d'accueil, un effet qui semble contradictoire avec l'hypothĂšse assimilation. L'effet de la diplomatie sur le bien-ĂȘtre est donc positive

    Alpha‐cluster pickup reactions on even Sn and Te nuclei

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/87452/2/714_1.pd

    The Frequent Items Problem in Online Streaming under Various Performance Measures

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    In this paper, we strengthen the competitive analysis results obtained for a fundamental online streaming problem, the Frequent Items Problem. Additionally, we contribute with a more detailed analysis of this problem, using alternative performance measures, supplementing the insight gained from competitive analysis. The results also contribute to the general study of performance measures for online algorithms. It has long been known that competitive analysis suffers from drawbacks in certain situations, and many alternative measures have been proposed. However, more systematic comparative studies of performance measures have been initiated recently, and we continue this work, using competitive analysis, relative interval analysis, and relative worst order analysis on the Frequent Items Problem.Comment: IMADA-preprint-c

    Finding a Bounded-Degree Expander Inside a Dense One

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    It follows from the Marcus-Spielman-Srivastava proof of the Kadison-Singer conjecture that if G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a Δ\Delta-regular dense expander then there is an edge-induced subgraph H=(V,EH)H=(V,E_H) of GG of constant maximum degree which is also an expander. As with other consequences of the MSS theorem, it is not clear how one would explicitly construct such a subgraph. We show that such a subgraph (although with quantitatively weaker expansion and near-regularity properties than those predicted by MSS) can be constructed with high probability in linear time, via a simple algorithm. Our algorithm allows a distributed implementation that runs in O(log⁡n)\mathcal O(\log n) rounds and does \bigO(n) total work with high probability. The analysis of the algorithm is complicated by the complex dependencies that arise between edges and between choices made in different rounds. We sidestep these difficulties by following the combinatorial approach of counting the number of possible random choices of the algorithm which lead to failure. We do so by a compression argument showing that such random choices can be encoded with a non-trivial compression. Our algorithm bears some similarity to the way agents construct a communication graph in a peer-to-peer network, and, in the bipartite case, to the way agents select servers in blockchain protocols

    Neutron Transfer reactions induced by 8Li on 9Be

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    Angular distributions for the elastic scattering of 8Li on 9Be and the neutron transfer reactions 9Be(8Li,7Li)10Be and 9Be(8Li,9Li)8Be have been measured with a 27 MeV 8Li radioactive nuclear beam. Spectroscopic factors for 8Li|n=9Li and 7Li|n=8Li bound systems were obtained from the comparison between the experimental differential cross section and finite-range DWBA calculations with the code FRESCO. The spectroscopic factors obtained are compared to shell model calculations and to other experimental values from (d,p) reactions. Using the present values for the spectroscopic factor, cross sections for the direct neutron-capture reactions 7Li(n,g)8Li and 8Li(n,g)9Li were calculated in the framework of a potential model.Comment: 24 pages, 8 Figures, submitted as regular article to PR

    Two-neutron transfer in nuclei close to the dripline

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    We investigate the two-neutron transfer modes induced by (t,p) reactions in neutron-rich oxygen isotopes. The nuclear response to the pair transfer is calculated in the framework of continuum-Quasiparticle Random Phase Approximation (cQRPA). The cQRPA allows a consistent determination of the residual interaction and an exact treatment of the continuum coupling. The (t,p) cross sections are calculated within the DWBA approach and the form factors are evaluated by different methods : macroscopically, following the Bayman and Kallio method, and fully microscopically. The largest cross section corresponds to a high-lying collective mode built entirely upon continuum quasiparticle states.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Sampling properties of directed networks

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    For many real-world networks only a small "sampled" version of the original network may be investigated; those results are then used to draw conclusions about the actual system. Variants of breadth-first search (BFS) sampling, which are based on epidemic processes, are widely used. Although it is well established that BFS sampling fails, in most cases, to capture the IN-component(s) of directed networks, a description of the effects of BFS sampling on other topological properties are all but absent from the literature. To systematically study the effects of sampling biases on directed networks, we compare BFS sampling to random sampling on complete large-scale directed networks. We present new results and a thorough analysis of the topological properties of seven different complete directed networks (prior to sampling), including three versions of Wikipedia, three different sources of sampled World Wide Web data, and an Internet-based social network. We detail the differences that sampling method and coverage can make to the structural properties of sampled versions of these seven networks. Most notably, we find that sampling method and coverage affect both the bow-tie structure, as well as the number and structure of strongly connected components in sampled networks. In addition, at low sampling coverage (i.e. less than 40%), the values of average degree, variance of out-degree, degree auto-correlation, and link reciprocity are overestimated by 30% or more in BFS-sampled networks, and only attain values within 10% of the corresponding values in the complete networks when sampling coverage is in excess of 65%. These results may cause us to rethink what we know about the structure, function, and evolution of real-world directed networks.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Hyaluronic acid modulates growth, morphology and cytoskeleton in embryonic chick skin fibroblasts

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    The action that hyaluronic acid (HA) exerts on cell proliferation was investigated in embryonic chick skin fibroblasts at different ages (7-14 days) and in different cell-cycle stages evaluated by flow cytometry (cells maintained with and without serum). Proliferation was estimated by 3H- thymidine incorporation and cell counting. The results demonstrated hyaluronic acid inhibits cell multiplication in all different environmental conditions examined. The inhibitory effect of HA is more evident in 14-day than 7-day old fibroblasts. The ability of HA to modulate 3H-thymidine incorporation did not involve a change in the time required for cells entering the S phase of the replicating cycle, but is due to a smaller number of cells entering in this phase. As the relationships between components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the cytoskeleton are known, parallel studies were carried out on some cytoskeleton proteins. Furthermore, by modifying the capacity of cells to adhere to the substrate, HA induced alterations in cell shape and in cytoskeleton components involved in these processes. We may hypothesize that HA, binding specific membrane receptors, affects cell adhesion and morphology inducing less receptivity of fibroblasts to mitogenic stimuli by transmembrane interactions with cytoskeleton

    Reaction and proton-removal cross sections of 6^6Li, 7^7Be, 10^{10}B, 9,10,11^{9,10,11}C, ^{12N, 13,15^{13,15}O and 17^{17}Ne on Si at 15 to 53 MeV/nucleon

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    Excitation functions for total reaction cross sections, σR\sigma_R, were measured for the light, mainly proton-rich nuclei 6^6Li, 7^7Be, 10^{10}B, 9,10,11^{9,10,11}C, 12^{12}N, 13,15^{13,15}O, and 17^{17}Ne incident on a Si telescope at energies between 15 and 53 MeV/nucleon. The telescope served as target, energy degrader and detector. Proton-removal cross sections, σ2p\sigma_{2p} for 17^{17}Ne and σp\sigma_p for most of the other projectiles, were also measured. The strong absorption model reproduces the AA-dependence of σR\sigma_R, but not the detailed structure. Glauber multiple scattering theory and the JLM folding model provided improved descriptions of the measured σR\sigma_R values. rmsrms radii, extracted from the measured σR\sigma_R using the optical limit of Glauber theory, are in good agreement with those obtained from high energy data. One-proton removal reactions are described using an extended Glauber model, incorporating second order noneikonal corrections, realistic single particle densities, and spectroscopic factors from shell model calculations.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure
