27 research outputs found

    Anti-filarial Activity of Antibiotic Therapy Is Due to Extensive Apoptosis after Wolbachia Depletion from Filarial Nematodes

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    Filarial nematodes maintain a mutualistic relationship with the endosymbiont Wolbachia. Depletion of Wolbachia produces profound defects in nematode development, fertility and viability and thus has great promise as a novel approach for treating filarial diseases. However, little is known concerning the basis for this mutualistic relationship. Here we demonstrate using whole mount confocal microscopy that an immediate response to Wolbachia depletion is extensive apoptosis in the adult germline, and in the somatic cells of the embryos, microfilariae and fourth-stage larvae (L4). Surprisingly, apoptosis occurs in the majority of embryonic cells that had not been infected prior to antibiotic treatment. In addition, no apoptosis occurs in the hypodermal chords, which are populated with large numbers of Wolbachia, although disruption of the hypodermal cytoskeleton occurs following their depletion. Thus, the induction of apoptosis upon Wolbachia depletion is non-cell autonomous and suggests the involvement of factors originating from Wolbachia in the hypodermal chords. The pattern of apoptosis correlates closely with the nematode tissues and processes initially perturbed following depletion of Wolbachia, embryogenesis and long-term sterilization, which are sustained for several months until the premature death of the adult worms. Our observations provide a cellular mechanism to account for the sustained reductions in microfilarial loads and interruption of transmission that occurs prior to macrofilaricidal activity following antibiotic therapy of filarial nematodes

    Exploring Pathways for Building Trust in Vaccination and Strengthening Health System Resilience

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    Background: Trust is critical to generate and maintain demand for vaccines in low and middle income countries. However, there is little documentation on how health system insufficiencies affect trust in vaccination and the process of re-building trust once it has been compromised. We reflect on how disruptions to immunizations systems can affect trust in vaccination and can compromise vaccine utilization. We then explore key pathways for overcoming system vulnerabilities in order to restore trust, to strengthen the resilience of health systems and communities, and to promote vaccine utilization. Methods: Utilizing secondary data and a review of the literature, we developed a causal loop diagram (CLD) to map the determinants of building trust in immunizations. Using the CLD, we devised three scenarios to illustrate common vulnerabilities that compromise trust and pathways to strengthen trust and utilization of vaccines, specifically looking at weak health systems, harmful communication channels, and role of social capital. Spill-over effects, interactions and other dynamics in the CLD were then examined to assess leverage points to counter these vulnerabilities. Results: Trust in vaccination arises from the interactions among experiences with the health system, the various forms of communication and social capital – both external and internal to communities. When experiencing system-wide shocks such as the case in Ebola-affected countries, distrust is reinforced by feedback between the health and immunization systems where distrust often lingers even after systems are restored and spills over beyond vaccination in the broader health system. Vaccine myths or anti-vaccine movements reinforce distrust. Social capital – the collective value of social networks of community members – plays a central role in increasing levels of trust. Conclusions: Trust is important, yet underexplored, in the context of vaccine utilization. Using a CLD to illustrate various scenarios helped to explore how common health and vaccine vulnerabilities can reinforce and spill over distrust through vicious, reinforcing feedback. Restoring trust requires a careful balance between eliminating vulnerabilities and strengthening social capital and interactions among communication channels

    Cytokine receptor IL27RA is an NF-kB-responsive gene involved in CD38 upregulation in multiple myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) shows constitutive activation of canonical and non-canonical nuclear factor-ĸB (NF-ĸB) signaling through genetic mutations or stimuli from the tumour microenvironment (TME). A subset of MM cell lines showed dependency for cell growth and survival on the canonical NF-ĸB transcription factor RELA alone, suggesting a critical role for a RELA-mediated biological program in MM pathogenesis. Here, we determined the RELA-dependent transcriptional program in MM cell lines and found the expression of the cell surface molecules IL-27 receptor-α (IL-27Rα) and the adhesion molecule JAM2 to be responsive to RELA at the mRNA and protein levels. IL-27Rα and JAM2 were expressed on primary MM cells at higher levels than on normal long-lived plasma cells (PCs) in the bone marrow. IL-27 activated STAT1, and to a lesser extent STAT3, in MM cell lines and in PCs generated from memory B-cells in an IL-21-dependent in vitro PC-differentiation assay. Concomitant activity of IL-21 and IL-27 enhanced differentiation into PCs and increased cell-surface expression of the known STAT target gene CD38. In accordance, a subset of MM cell lines and primary MM cells cultured with IL-27 upregulated CD38 cell-surface expression, a finding with potential implications for enhancing the efficacy of CD38-directed monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapies by increasing CD38-expression on tumour cells. The elevated expression of IL-27Rα and JAM2 on MM cells compared to normal PCs may be exploited for the development of targeted therapeutic strategies that modulate the interaction of MM cells with the TME